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  1. Huh? Media bias? Naaaaa! (0 replies)
  2. Well, it appears ..... (31 replies)
  3. Can someone 'splain this to me? (1 replies)
  4. Bubba (2 replies)
  5. O, my gourd, please tell me this idiot didn't say this...... (5 replies)
  6. 2019's haul (5 replies)
  7. I feel kind'a like a proud papa! (14 replies)
  8. I'd love to just look at these muscle cars..... (0 replies)
  9. Grandkids (4 replies)
  10. Note to self (2 replies)
  11. For you vegans.....humor..... (1 replies)
  12. Another busy weekend (7 replies)
  13. A scary thought for you coffee drinkers. (60 replies)
  14. How many of you? (4 replies)
  15. Shrooms (9 replies)
  16. Man, you guys suck! (0 replies)
  17. CFB week 0-1 (10 replies)
  18. I recently bought (0 replies)
  19. Now THAT'S F'd up man! (6 replies)
  20. Gary Carty ... (4 replies)
  21. One of those days (9 replies)
  22. Happy Birthday Big Sky! (9 replies)
  23. Son of a .....!!!!! (2 replies)
  24. Good times (4 replies)
  25. what's it worth???.... (4 replies)
  26. Mr. P-hole (2 replies)
  27. Sat. humor.....long-legged wimmins (1 replies)
  28. Has anybody noticed? (7 replies)
  29. Happy Birthday Okie! (8 replies)
  30. Junior and family in small plane crash..... (6 replies)
  31. Hey, hey, hey ....!!! (11 replies)
  32. Big Sky (4 replies)
  33. Save the Whales (1 replies)
  34. Ya' gots some'o these in your kitchen cabinets? (5 replies)
  35. Ahhhhhh..... (8 replies)
  36. Couldn't have been Thump, he ain't gotta bicycle....... (3 replies)
  37. Well, I guess he knew too much, huh???.... (23 replies)
  38. Just for Thump (4 replies)
  39. Pretty Interesting FB Group (20 replies)
  40. Bad news, Thump..... (12 replies)
  41. Old school ... but still cool ... (15 replies)
  42. A Cool Story (7 replies)
  43. ICE raided seven MS chicken processing plants, today..... (28 replies)
  44. Bunch'o losers! (18 replies)
  45. Ha! "F" You effers! (or, how to turn lemons into lemonade) (1 replies)
  46. Grandkids and (7 replies)
  47. Speaking of float tubes, etc......... (0 replies)
  48. Thumper (8 replies)
  49. Debate (11 replies)
  50. No wonder yer wimmins are always callin’ me! (13 replies)
  51. Anybody interested? (1 replies)
  52. CFB 2019 Preview (20 replies)
  53. Interesting racing history for you fans..... (4 replies)
  54. Goodhunting Fashion (1 replies)
  55. Thump, no wonder you and Lynn travel so much..... (6 replies)
  56. End of baseball season (17 replies)
  57. Dang! Mini-vacation is over ... (4 replies)
  58. Hey Barry? (2 replies)
  59. Great way to start a day. (8 replies)
  60. Punjabi bagpipes (3 replies)
  61. Dogtooth 2019 (11 replies)
  62. Congrats To QA! (28 replies)
  63. See ya' ... wouldn't wanna be ya'! (5 replies)
  64. Advice for QA's retirement...... (2 replies)
  65. Question (12 replies)
  66. Pure love???................ (8 replies)
  67. Q/A ... I gots an idea! (2 replies)
  68. Jimbo (10 replies)
  69. To quote Hillary .... (3 replies)
  70. Sunday funny..... (4 replies)
  71. Jim.. (resident picker and ebay guru) (3 replies)
  72. Tuesday funny ... (7 replies)
  73. I must be living right (1 replies)
  74. Well this really sucks. (5 replies)
  75. Across the pond (13 replies)
  76. Prolly a dumb tech question..... (8 replies)
  77. Got a few extra bucks ?? (5 replies)
  78. Got a small taste of the ol' bug today. (11 replies)
  79. Just for you Deppity! (0 replies)
  80. Any of you guys know about this company???..... (3 replies)
  81. Ha ha ha! This is a MUST for my bucket list! (2 replies)
  82. Just in case anybody's looking .... (0 replies)
  83. I’ve been looking (6 replies)
  84. Batten Down the Hatches! (2 replies)
  85. This is crazy! (9 replies)
  86. Where’s Len (5 replies)
  87. Quiz for youse rock stars ... (4 replies)
  88. Loud fart gives away suspect's hiding spot, leads to arrest (4 replies)
  89. can we make this our official sticky thread song? (13 replies)
  90. Ha ha! Here's a good one. (13 replies)
  91. Summer is Finally Here (3 replies)
  92. Hooty Hoot! (7 replies)
  93. Pretty cool 1911 pistols...... (0 replies)
  94. Sunday Funny (1 replies)
  95. Hey CD! (3 replies)
  96. Big Moves in College Football from Bwanaland! (10 replies)
  97. Hey Thumper! (2 replies)
  98. Ha ha ha! Bureaucratic bullshit! (2 replies)
  99. Happy Trump of July! (0 replies)
  100. Happy Canada Day! Happy 4th! (6 replies)
  101. Colin Kaepernick (7 replies)
  102. Trav (old thread revived) (38 replies)
  103. A little fatherly pride (10 replies)
  104. A SERIOUS, but at the same time, almost laughable post. (4 replies)
  105. How hot is it?????....... (1 replies)
  106. Great Property Neighbors (2 replies)
  107. Misc Property Animals 3 (1 replies)
  108. Misc Property Animals 2 (1 replies)
  109. Misc Property Animals (3 replies)
  110. June Trip Report (12 replies)
  111. May Trip Report Cougar, Bears, Coyotes, snakes& Turkeys (2 replies)
  112. Ok, this one is over my head! (3 replies)
  113. The former Governor of Colorado .... (0 replies)
  114. I’m not sure I’ll make it. (15 replies)
  115. Sweet Creamagesic (10 replies)
  116. Howdy! (2 replies)
  117. Happy birthday Buckrub (10 replies)
  118. Hey, Thump, we didn't even know Lynn was preggy..... (7 replies)
  119. Anybody interested? Bubba? Deppity? Cappy? Anybody? (11 replies)
  120. Good Morning From Roatan, Honduras (3 replies)
  121. Thought for the day .... (7 replies)
  122. Ya'll be careful out there..... (1 replies)
  123. Friday humor....when black folks get ahold of country music (0 replies)
  124. Come on people! Get your shit together! (12 replies)
  125. OH NO!!!! (0 replies)
  126. People .... (2 replies)
  127. Tuesday funny, just for you Big Muddy (4 replies)
  128. Ticks - a question (12 replies)
  129. Sheeeesh!! Anybody home?? (5 replies)
  130. Anyone watching the CWS ???..... (0 replies)
  131. Rocket fuel..... (8 replies)
  132. Governmental waste?? (6 replies)
  133. Site Bidness (3 replies)
  134. Kids and guns (7 replies)
  135. OOOOOPS!!! I think I f'd up! (23 replies)
  136. Air show (2 replies)
  137. Arty (21 replies)
  138. Ha ha ha! I just received an email ... (5 replies)
  139. Soccer Knowerabouters (21 replies)
  140. Did you ever notice (6 replies)
  141. Back in the day .... (6 replies)
  142. New Pup (12 replies)
  143. Ya' ever hear that old cliché .... (42 replies)
  144. The flood waters reminded me about my youth and the turtles..... (0 replies)
  145. WTF is going on in Okla., Tpost???..... (6 replies)
  146. Countdown (17 replies)
  147. Ha ha! My next door neighbor got flocked last night! (0 replies)
  148. Truth (5 replies)
  149. How does that happen so fast? (4 replies)
  150. A/C Units (19 replies)
  151. Anybody heard from Bucky lately ? (10 replies)
  152. Thought for the day..... (3 replies)
  153. We been trying to tell him..... (2 replies)
  154. My year so far... (6 replies)
  155. Chernobyl on HBO (6 replies)
  156. As If (5 replies)
  157. Bart Starr (1 replies)
  158. Any of you guys seen these little jeeps??? (0 replies)
  159. If we had a fishing forum (11 replies)
  160. It's Hot down here in the south I tell ya! (2 replies)
  161. Last 'bugs of the season..... (22 replies)
  162. 25 years old (5 replies)
  163. Check this out (4 replies)
  164. Barry, Trav, keep your head down buddy !! (30 replies)
  165. Fox Nation is only $1 for first month...cool shows! (0 replies)
  166. Happy granny (9 replies)
  167. Looks like someone here .... (11 replies)
  168. Geeez, since youse guys are so frigging boring .... (7 replies)
  169. Well, here we go ... (16 replies)
  170. Bill's Stick.. (11 replies)
  171. GoT watchers? (21 replies)
  172. Trip Report (10 replies)
  173. Happy Mother's Day !!!...... (5 replies)
  174. For You Worryers (6 replies)
  175. "How high is the water gonna get, momma???"..... (8 replies)
  176. Just spent 3-days in wine country .... (4 replies)
  177. I'm a "fun-gi"... fan.. (9 replies)
  178. It's Been A Great Run, but... (Big News) (12 replies)
  179. Easy Fish Hook Remover (6 replies)
  180. "White Lightning".....White boy CAN sho'nuf run !!!!! (1 replies)
  181. HH (29 replies)
  182. The hits just keep on coming (5 replies)
  183. I realize nobody hunts here but... (13 replies)
  184. Headed East (23 replies)
  185. Well adios ya' bunch'a deplorables ... (4 replies)
  186. Get your waders out, Muddy.. (11 replies)
  187. since nobody (10 replies)
  188. Its Willie’s birthday! (6 replies)
  189. Cool Photo (11 replies)
  190. What a bunch'a maroons! (2 replies)
  191. Dang! If we had a fishing forum ... (1 replies)
  192. Ya' ever wonder what inspired certain street names? (10 replies)
  193. Are you a serious knife lover? Want a hand-made, jungle bolo? (1 replies)
  194. BM (1 replies)
  195. Wow! Can't ask for better than that! (34 replies)
  196. Damn Muddy (5 replies)
  197. Wow! Youse dufes are just about worthless! (5 replies)
  198. The Most Anticipated Fishing Season (15 replies)
  199. Husband's Farts Help Wives Live Longer...... (3 replies)
  200. Happy Easter youse bunch'a deplorables! (2 replies)
  201. Some people are like sheep I guess. (8 replies)
  202. Gotta quershun for the miltary folks..... (15 replies)
  203. Are you f'ing kidding me? (11 replies)
  204. Ever have a Jim Croce kind of day? (7 replies)
  205. Hey, Trav, are you fishing, yet??? (13 replies)
  206. One more down.. (8 replies)
  207. Ya' ever feel like bustin' somebody's chops? (15 replies)
  208. Norte Dame is on fire (12 replies)
  209. RIP Forrest Gregg (4 replies)
  210. Muddy (11 replies)
  211. Go Tiger! (11 replies)
  212. Had a little down time, this week..... (12 replies)
  213. Two questions (16 replies)
  214. Weird ... (3 replies)
  215. Hey P-hole ... (1 replies)
  216. Anybody here smoke a pipe? (10 replies)
  217. I'm just devastated...... (12 replies)
  218. my solution to most of our problems in America (0 replies)
  219. Spring Break (6 replies)
  220. Is Thump losing weight???..... (4 replies)
  221. See if I remember how to post. (14 replies)
  222. Speaking of local hidey holes (5 replies)
  223. Found a small slice of heaven on Saturday. (14 replies)
  224. Since most of us are married, and it's April Fool's Day...... (12 replies)
  225. Happy day you bunch’a fools! (21 replies)
  226. Ha! I haven't located Gabby .... (1 replies)
  227. I’m totally ashamed of the NCAAW officiating..... (0 replies)
  228. I'm not "ruint".. (5 replies)
  229. Thanks, Cap, a complete turkey hunt..... (33 replies)
  230. Well, I have the itch, so I pulled the trigger. (2 replies)
  231. I thought this might be fun .... (35 replies)
  232. Thank you (9 replies)
  233. News of Local Interest (3 replies)
  234. Bubba: Founders Brewery (1 replies)
  235. Couldn't find the fishing forum.. (25 replies)
  236. In Case You Missed It (12 replies)
  237. Here’s hoping I fixed this (8 replies)
  238. Here’s hoping I fixed this (1 replies)
  239. QA (16 replies)
  240. It's sickening! (12 replies)
  241. Got her in (9 replies)
  242. GH Sweet Sixteen NCAA Pool (7 replies)
  243. I need to know (8 replies)
  244. Mississippi State (5 replies)
  245. You need a good laugh or pickmeup? (8 replies)
  246. Now That I'm a Big TV Star (13 replies)
  247. 3 things I learned this week... (24 replies)
  248. Where y'all at? (12 replies)
  249. The Great Gopher War of Saratoga continues (0 replies)
  250. Flooding? (4 replies)