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  1. Cable TV alternative (4 replies)
  2. Trip Report (10 replies)
  3. Luther Died (1 replies)
  4. Florida weather....this guy has GOT to be kin to Thumper !!!.......... (12 replies)
  5. The other day I saw an amazing football game..... (0 replies)
  6. Surfing again... (3 replies)
  7. New vehicles (14 replies)
  8. lunchtime For Thumper! (5 replies)
  9. Good start to the new year (8 replies)
  10. Whiners (3 replies)
  11. Damn Yankees! (15 replies)
  12. Word (8 replies)
  13. Dancing (5 replies)
  14. SEC Domination (45 replies)
  15. Great Coffee (0 replies)
  16. Hey Y’all! (28 replies)
  17. Happy birthday JB (17 replies)
  18. We're not Erie PA, but today (4 replies)
  19. Are you an asshole, based on your looks....??? (7 replies)
  20. Big Sky and Muddy (2 replies)
  21. River (2 replies)
  22. Gotta love that karma..... (4 replies)
  23. What’s this called? (9 replies)
  24. In the Category of Humorous (or humourous) Outdoor Products (0 replies)
  25. Question: Ammo (12 replies)
  26. Why does this remind me of Bucky with a new toy ????? (2 replies)
  27. Since Thump has been on the beach..... (2 replies)
  28. Tail lights headed down the driveway !!!!!..... (7 replies)
  29. Any Sous Vide experts out there (13 replies)
  30. Best Christmas Present EVER! (26 replies)
  31. Free Ink (3 replies)
  32. Man convicted of poaching deer to serve unique sentence (6 replies)
  33. White Christmas (6 replies)
  34. I wonder how many pesos he won ?????.... (5 replies)
  35. Go Army! (0 replies)
  36. LOL (1 replies)
  37. Have a great Christmas you bunch'a deplorables! (16 replies)
  38. Railroad Tracks.....something to ponder..... (1 replies)
  39. Happy Winter Solstice (7 replies)
  40. Hidehunter (3 replies)
  41. Hating it! (5 replies)
  42. Biggest day'um 8 pt. I ever seen.......... (14 replies)
  43. Trip report (32 replies)
  44. Not sure what is happening here but... (2 replies)
  45. Any Traeger owners here? (19 replies)
  46. Bad Amtrak derail over I5South. (0 replies)
  47. It Was Inevitable (1 replies)
  48. This one still cracks me up..... (1 replies)
  49. Too Early? (6 replies)
  50. A two-fer.... (10 replies)
  51. Players Sitting Out Bowls (0 replies)
  52. Heading Home! [Warning-graphic pics] (16 replies)
  53. My Old Uncle Joe (7 replies)
  54. Um, I really don't know what to say here (1 replies)
  55. Something’s up... (6 replies)
  56. Little Northern Humor (3 replies)
  57. Either a very brave or very stupid bear hunter..... (7 replies)
  58. Could be a White Christmas for us. (10 replies)
  59. For Once I Agree With Rubio (16 replies)
  60. Could use some prayers (28 replies)
  61. I have a question (5 replies)
  62. A child's letter to Santa. :) (5 replies)
  63. Juat got back from a few days at the beach .... (1 replies)
  64. Modern Christmas music (3 replies)
  65. CFB Bowl edition (61 replies)
  66. News (2 replies)
  67. Something Different (4 replies)
  68. Its Official (2 replies)
  69. Iraq PM to ISIS (0 replies)
  70. Bill Walton (7 replies)
  71. Nandy! (7 replies)
  72. cold and wet weather here till Saturday/ what y'all doing? (13 replies)
  73. Take a moment to remember..... (1 replies)
  74. No nativity scene in D.C., this year.... (1 replies)
  75. WTFO? (10 replies)
  76. Shot a wedding last weekend (4 replies)
  77. A message from "the other side". (1 replies)
  78. Hey, QA, wtf over???..... (14 replies)
  79. Fried fiddlers and fries..... (16 replies)
  80. Say what you will about Petrino.... (13 replies)
  81. Take a guess.........??? (7 replies)
  82. Take your pick..... (6 replies)
  83. My Uncle Huck (16 replies)
  84. Like a rented mule..... (1 replies)
  85. Wimmins Can Be Unforgiving (2 replies)
  86. Not football, car racing or politics... (11 replies)
  87. Razorbacks new AD...... (4 replies)
  88. NCAA penalties on ole pizz finally being issued, today..... (7 replies)
  89. Gomer’s Gone (6 replies)
  90. Thump, what do you think? (1 replies)
  91. Randy Travis (2 replies)
  92. Now this would come in handy on a cold day. (5 replies)
  93. Thanksgiving Property Trip (27 replies)
  94. Well, we got us a coach..... (26 replies)
  95. Son is having a good year (12 replies)
  96. Matt Luke's coaching contract..... (4 replies)
  97. CFB Championship Week (24 replies)
  98. Only in Indiana. (8 replies)
  99. Y'all see this? (3 replies)
  100. Hey Thump! (5 replies)
  101. He's returning to his Tebow roots.... (29 replies)
  102. Gone Fishing (8 replies)
  103. Thanksgiving Trout Fest 2017 + A Surprise Fish! (7 replies)
  104. An an unrelated football note.... (16 replies)
  105. I just lost my Thanksgiving spirit..... (10 replies)
  106. Happy Thanksgiving! (8 replies)
  107. Deadly Confession............ (1 replies)
  108. Happy Birthday Fido! (2 replies)
  109. CFB week 13 (49 replies)
  110. QA? (3 replies)
  111. Today's featured conversation..... (3 replies)
  112. Who remembers BigBoy (6 replies)
  113. Finally made up our minds (3 replies)
  114. Not sure how many other states do this. (7 replies)
  115. I know this is a football/ car site - but... (9 replies)
  116. Goodbye Asshole (9 replies)
  117. Brother of the year (11 replies)
  118. Dang, another good 'un passed away.... (3 replies)
  119. Success in the woods, a Thump doe !! (9 replies)
  120. Junior’s Last Hurrah (1 replies)
  121. Its Official (10 replies)
  122. RIP Malcolm Young (4 replies)
  123. Good Luck! Opening Day (29 replies)
  124. Well Deputy (7 replies)
  125. Weird stuff, this morning hunt..... (16 replies)
  126. Lamont and Pup (1 replies)
  127. Headed to the woods tomorrow (9 replies)
  128. Kind'a Lost! (24 replies)
  129. CFP committee still wants AD Long...... (2 replies)
  130. First deer season on my farm (19 replies)
  131. Couldn't help myself when I saw this one..... (1 replies)
  132. Deer from my lease (9 replies)
  133. Kentucky Bucks (3 replies)
  134. Edward - Was in your fair state ... twice... very briefly (15 replies)
  135. First Political Post In A Long Time (56 replies)
  136. Attention, Walmart shoppers..... (5 replies)
  137. CFB week 12 (24 replies)
  138. 39-point buck (5 replies)
  139. HOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS..... (0 replies)
  140. You damn hacked firestick people! (12 replies)
  141. When Thump eats too much KFC..... (13 replies)
  142. QA, ya'll got any good backup QB's for Allen???..... (5 replies)
  143. Catch a Big Fish and then... (13 replies)
  144. Okay, you geetar pickers, is this kid is pretty good ???..... (3 replies)
  145. Happy or pissed?????..... (15 replies)
  146. Yo Hidehunter (1 replies)
  147. I have no idea why this reminds me of Thump.... (7 replies)
  148. Day'um, we ALL gonna die....;) (0 replies)
  149. 'Fo I forget it...... (2 replies)
  150. Here I sit on the (6 replies)
  151. Pretty sure this the reason..... (2 replies)
  152. I’ll just leave this here. (9 replies)
  153. Go CMU! (11 replies)
  154. Product review coming (7 replies)
  155. The Pose (5 replies)
  156. I thought it was hunting season? (9 replies)
  157. Great New Fishing Video! (8 replies)
  158. College Basketball (2 replies)
  159. CFB week 11 (35 replies)
  160. Bergdahl (5 replies)
  161. Seriously, what's wrong .....??? (1 replies)
  162. ML Opener (10 replies)
  163. Oops! (19 replies)
  164. Bedlam point spread.... (4 replies)
  165. Get Your Mind Right (9 replies)
  166. Nobody’s Mentioned It (8 replies)
  167. You da man, Mayor.....!!!!! (0 replies)
  168. Veterans! Yo! (1 replies)
  169. Kind'a Mind Blowing! (12 replies)
  170. My view, this morning..... (20 replies)
  171. Dang it! (12 replies)
  172. Wow (3 replies)
  173. Halloween Monsters .... (1 replies)
  174. How in the Blue Eff........? (5 replies)
  175. Lenster (5 replies)
  176. Lost my Baby (11 replies)
  177. Go Fish! (16 replies)
  178. CFB week ten (34 replies)
  179. Fall for Noticers (11 replies)
  180. New FBS rankings..... (5 replies)
  181. Ed.. Harvest wrapped up? (1 replies)
  182. Bedlam Is Coming (6 replies)
  183. Looks like Trump was right. (5 replies)
  184. Fall Planting (6 replies)
  185. Sat. humor......;) (2 replies)
  186. She's growing up (7 replies)
  187. Happy Birthday Mrs. Captain! (4 replies)
  188. Rice bran???...... (3 replies)
  189. Hunting trip report..... (16 replies)
  190. Do you live with a woman like this???? (4 replies)
  191. One of tomorrow's estate sales ... (10 replies)
  192. Hump-Day Funny (7 replies)
  193. Birthday bet..... (14 replies)
  194. Big 'uns !!!!! (3 replies)
  195. It's here, (6 replies)
  196. CFB week 9 (22 replies)
  197. Youngest Little Miss Big Sky Rockin' It (8 replies)
  198. Happy Birthday ya' fugly 'ol Tarheel! (17 replies)
  199. Whether you like him or not you gotta admit (3 replies)
  200. Well,there ya go...... (16 replies)
  201. How many uses are there..... (16 replies)
  202. Last Sporting Event at RFK Stadium (8 replies)
  203. any y'all got a green Impala?....She's mad at you! (0 replies)
  204. Warning: Read the Label Before You Buy “Gun Oil” at Walmart (1 replies)
  205. Is nobody .... (3 replies)
  206. Who's rooting for who ???..... (16 replies)
  207. Thailand is non-PC ... evidently racial profiling works (5 replies)
  208. CFB week 8 (22 replies)
  209. Is my wife going through menopause! (14 replies)
  210. Nats vs Cubs, last night..... (8 replies)
  211. Yo (5 replies)
  212. Ok dufebutts .... (17 replies)
  213. Living Autumn Dream (4 replies)
  214. Hey Snowflakes (17 replies)
  215. Desperate measures........... (1 replies)
  216. I just realized (4 replies)
  217. Here’s a good idea... (2 replies)
  218. A New Country Being Born (25 replies)
  219. A PERFECT DAY! (12 replies)
  220. Just Going To Leave This Here... (10 replies)
  221. Its Columbus Day (8 replies)
  222. CFB Week 7 (32 replies)
  223. Just when we thought the little sheeit had shut the fokk up..... (19 replies)
  224. Property Progress 2 week Trip (10 replies)
  225. Deer Turkey's Coyote (6 replies)
  226. So, who and how are gonna make it a "cat-free zone"???..... (2 replies)
  227. For those needing foodplot fertilizer...... (3 replies)
  228. Watch out for your fingers..... (14 replies)
  229. Isn't it about time? (11 replies)
  230. Do do do looking out my back door (8 replies)
  231. Another mofo'ing hurricane !!! (5 replies)
  232. Deer pic just received..... (6 replies)
  233. ?????? (4 replies)
  234. This could be interesting ... (13 replies)
  235. QA (3 replies)
  236. For Cap and anyone else who's interested.... (17 replies)
  237. Anybody Watching? (5 replies)
  238. Where would you go? (34 replies)
  239. RIP Robert Yates (2 replies)
  240. CFB week 6 (37 replies)
  241. Wish I had my telephoto camera with me...... (9 replies)
  242. River1 (2 replies)
  243. Dammit! (11 replies)
  244. Too Close To Home! (4 replies)
  245. Las Vegas thoughts (15 replies)
  246. Hey Johnboy .... (3 replies)
  247. Hey Cappy ... just checkin' (6 replies)
  248. A hard pill to swallow (6 replies)
  249. Proud to be a Zoomie (9 replies)
  250. Prune Picker Kolsch (4 replies)