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  1. The fame of pig dip..... (17 replies)
  2. HA HA! Hey P-hole ... (6 replies)
  3. New Video Daddy/Daughter Day Fishing (16 replies)
  4. RIP Hef (7 replies)
  5. Speaking of rodents getting into vehicles...... (6 replies)
  6. Thank you, Lord, she ain't gonna be a ole pizz rebel !!!!! (19 replies)
  7. Buhbye Ricky (10 replies)
  8. What I Prefer Anydangway (20 replies)
  9. Just Going to Put This Out There (15 replies)
  10. Star Trek Discovery: The New Coke of the new Millenium (10 replies)
  11. The Problem With Scallops (12 replies)
  12. It's a little late in the year, but we finally reached 90 degrees. (9 replies)
  13. .....in a hand basket..... (5 replies)
  14. CFB week 5 (11 replies)
  15. Reminds me of Thump, cats, and antiques.....all is not as it appears..... (1 replies)
  16. Here you go Thump and Hombre (5 replies)
  17. NFL on Yahoo (10 replies)
  18. Cool event (7 replies)
  19. Hotter than a peppered puss...... (2 replies)
  20. Sad (2 replies)
  21. First day of fall (3 replies)
  22. Dirt! (2 replies)
  23. So sorry... (17 replies)
  24. Ken Burns - Vietnam (21 replies)
  25. Sorry, if this offends anyone..... (10 replies)
  26. Hell on earth (15 replies)
  27. Ha ha ha ha! Oooops! (4 replies)
  28. Really Good Stuff From Old Neil (1 replies)
  29. Nandy (0 replies)
  30. Strange Modern Times (8 replies)
  31. Insurance companies suck big fat donkey dicks! (26 replies)
  32. CFB Week 4 (27 replies)
  33. Why oh why oh why (23 replies)
  34. First picture of 2017 (46 replies)
  35. Bedlam Part Deux? (12 replies)
  36. Broncos taking it to Dallas...... (0 replies)
  37. Dak - and the girls. (5 replies)
  38. Racing today (1 replies)
  39. North Korea...damned if you do and damned if you don't! (6 replies)
  40. Best Gameday Signs (3 replies)
  41. I Predict (4 replies)
  42. WTF???.....please tell me..... (2 replies)
  43. LJ!!! (16 replies)
  44. Nats fans..... (9 replies)
  45. 25 or 6 to 4 (6 replies)
  46. Dad Gum Poison Ivy (15 replies)
  47. Thanks Guys! (17 replies)
  48. Interesting Observation (2 replies)
  49. Felt soles Anybody? (2 replies)
  50. The Question of the Hour: WWC&N Do? (33 replies)
  51. Good google-moogly (5 replies)
  52. Gotta love them Fla. boys..... (6 replies)
  53. Sad ... but you just can't fix stupid. (4 replies)
  54. Remember the C130 that crashed here???..... (12 replies)
  55. Could Fall Really Be Here? (17 replies)
  56. Another Hurricane (5 replies)
  57. Hey thump (7 replies)
  58. Yo Bwana! (3 replies)
  59. This Just ain't right. (1 replies)
  60. We have power!!! (10 replies)
  61. I Wonder (18 replies)
  62. CFB week 3 (24 replies)
  63. Damn (4 replies)
  64. This Doesn't Happen Every Day (2 replies)
  65. People helping people ... (5 replies)
  66. I gots a quershun for some o'youse knowabouters. (5 replies)
  67. Can you just imagine the rioting !!!!!!!....... (0 replies)
  68. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! (26 replies)
  69. A poor man's emergency generator! (16 replies)
  70. Lost Another Good One - Don Williams (4 replies)
  71. Wow .... (30 replies)
  72. Strange sight! (15 replies)
  73. Cast iron Question (25 replies)
  74. Happiness is.... (11 replies)
  75. I have a bridge in San Francisco I'd like to sell ya'! (10 replies)
  76. Hey Thumper, turn around! (11 replies)
  77. Lots of Memories Today (13 replies)
  78. Whats'is (5 replies)
  79. beware (7 replies)
  80. Travel insurance Part II - what company? (2 replies)
  81. Music opinions from those so inclined..... (4 replies)
  82. Hey, Thump and Cap, just curious....... (8 replies)
  83. Oregon Fire at Gorge (1 replies)
  84. Hurricane (1 replies)
  85. Another kind of Farm (0 replies)
  86. CFB picks week 2 (22 replies)
  87. Time to check in Nandy (3 replies)
  88. Opinions wanted (16 replies)
  89. Larke and Jim (26 replies)
  90. Western State Fire Map (12 replies)
  91. The Pater Familia (11 replies)
  92. NHRA at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis Today (0 replies)
  93. Good persimmon crop..... (1 replies)
  94. This Will Not Stand! (4 replies)
  95. Duck hunting trick to put out a fire..... (0 replies)
  96. RIP Walter Becker (1 replies)
  97. LJFS BABY! (8 replies)
  98. Carolina Reapers (5 replies)
  99. It's official opening day of *fall*.. (7 replies)
  100. The Whorns Are Rebuilding! (3 replies)
  101. Stuff People Don't/Won't Say (10 replies)
  102. Finally, we're not the fattest..... (0 replies)
  103. Since this IS a hunting forum...... (10 replies)
  104. Doing Mississippi proud...... (0 replies)
  105. Lunch....thought about ya, Cap..... (7 replies)
  106. Uncle! Already!!! (18 replies)
  107. Be very careful.... it's a trap! (12 replies)
  108. Check in Muddy (1 replies)
  109. Only at ole pizz----bananas and black folks----stupidity at it's finest...... (3 replies)
  110. A good cause ... (2 replies)
  111. Barry-Bob Posthead .... (4 replies)
  112. Smoker and grill recipes (19 replies)
  113. Tonight (15 replies)
  114. New stadium rules for you Arkie Hog fans...... (15 replies)
  115. If we ever have an election for Universal Czar (9 replies)
  116. Hey BM (25 replies)
  117. Pretty Interesting Site (2 replies)
  118. It must be a rental ... (2 replies)
  119. Happy Birthday ole gal...... (12 replies)
  120. Best post I've seen in a while..... (4 replies)
  121. Happy early birthday to me (18 replies)
  122. One Thing About This Weird August Weather (15 replies)
  123. Un-Frigging Believable!!! (Thump post) (13 replies)
  124. Houston flooding..... (37 replies)
  125. CFB Kickoff (12 replies)
  126. Relevant Technical Grammar Type Quershun (5 replies)
  127. The family name (19 replies)
  128. Any Goodhunters in South Texas? (1 replies)
  129. Cold enough to snow (12 replies)
  130. Scouts (9 replies)
  131. Lol...Nancy Pelosi's father helped dedicate Confederate monument (1 replies)
  132. 1,000 Robots (0 replies)
  133. Don't look now (2 replies)
  134. Not trying to get political... (4 replies)
  135. Check it out (1 replies)
  136. A hoarder dude?? (8 replies)
  137. School is Big Business (1 replies)
  138. Nomad Outdoors (4 replies)
  139. Proof that stupidity has no bottom (3 replies)
  140. Petition for Missouri State Senator removal and prosecution (2 replies)
  141. Sounds like something a few of you would do! (0 replies)
  142. He has his name on EVERYTHING! (12 replies)
  143. Bucky is alive and well (11 replies)
  144. Don't fuck with Donald Trump!!! (23 replies)
  145. Double Damnit! (7 replies)
  146. Damn! Damn! Damn! (1 replies)
  147. Trip report - Outer Banks with My girls (8 replies)
  148. Headed out to fish the eclipse. (3 replies)
  149. If you are what you eat... (13 replies)
  150. Cool! My buddy is SOOOO lucky!!! (2 replies)
  151. Fishing today (10 replies)
  152. You just can't make this stuff up. (5 replies)
  153. A must read.... (5 replies)
  154. Where You Gonna Be? (17 replies)
  155. Gotta love those dogs....a Friday feel-good vid clip..... (1 replies)
  156. JB, don't look! Political thread. (31 replies)
  157. Scammers on the prowl..... (6 replies)
  158. Combat crop dusters.....they look deadly..... (7 replies)
  159. This place is as dead as..... (1 replies)
  160. Stupid, but entirely true. (6 replies)
  161. Thump (2 replies)
  162. Rebel (17 replies)
  163. Whelp... (4 replies)
  164. Since it's a slow night......bad shrimp..... (3 replies)
  165. Confessions of a bag man..... (27 replies)
  166. Photorealism (4 replies)
  167. Changing of the guard..... (5 replies)
  168. Do bullet proof vests really work???..... (2 replies)
  169. Hide Hunter (or any other fly fishers) - What have I got here? (5 replies)
  170. Update of sorts (17 replies)
  171. Help Wanted: Automotive Design Engineer (28 replies)
  172. Anyone else getting wet??? (13 replies)
  173. Muzzleloader Question (26 replies)
  174. From Thumps dossier (0 replies)
  175. Cicadas (6 replies)
  176. Hey Thumper (19 replies)
  177. I just remembered (6 replies)
  178. How 'bout dem Cowboys! (0 replies)
  179. Road Trip App (14 replies)
  180. Never argue with children.... (0 replies)
  181. In Case you Missed It (4 replies)
  182. Who'da thunk it? (10 replies)
  183. Did You Know? (7 replies)
  184. Thump's cats.... (2 replies)
  185. RIP Glenn Campbell (6 replies)
  186. RIP Glen Campbell (1 replies)
  187. Tires (11 replies)
  188. Latest Fishing Video!!! (15 replies)
  189. Posty! (2 replies)
  190. Back From Dogtooth (8 replies)
  191. """He did NOT have sex with that donkey !!!""" (0 replies)
  192. Hey jb....I have a job for you (2 replies)
  193. Field Cut (0 replies)
  194. Ha! A not so politically correct estate sale ... (0 replies)
  195. History is made (19 replies)
  196. Weekend Funny (1 replies)
  197. A new T shirt for Thump..... (5 replies)
  198. For your Friday hunting pleasure..... (7 replies)
  199. Driving in China-NOT (3 replies)
  200. Friday funny ... (3 replies)
  201. Warning!! Only follow the link if you have an hour to spare. (7 replies)
  202. Missouri travel ban warning.....guess I'll just stay home, now.... (1 replies)
  203. Favorite fast food indulgence (24 replies)
  204. Now, THIS would get your attention...... (5 replies)
  205. Fire (6 replies)
  206. Construction Project Done (19 replies)
  207. Would you do this???..... (11 replies)
  208. $#@!)*&^% !!!! (5 replies)
  209. Opening Day (7 replies)
  210. I'm a little concerned (6 replies)
  211. Didn't know these were even made..... (8 replies)
  212. Cats rule! (6 replies)
  213. WTF? (13 replies)
  214. Big Time Coming Up! (25 replies)
  215. Wednesday's humor (SFW) (0 replies)
  216. HA, talk about karma..... (9 replies)
  217. Just day'um.....I gotta case of Thumpitis.... (4 replies)
  218. Lester's in the air..... (5 replies)
  219. Update Bears, Turkeys, deers (17 replies)
  220. Live from Oxnard (1 replies)
  221. Lifeproof Phone Cases (5 replies)
  222. WTF?? (7 replies)
  223. Wow! I discovered something new (to me) ... and super cool! (2 replies)
  224. NASCAR at Indy...nobody showed up! (9 replies)
  225. Book Review: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanknd (6 replies)
  226. Coffee (14 replies)
  227. Saturday humor..... (8 replies)
  228. Those Kids In Florida That Let That Guy Drown (9 replies)
  229. Here's what's up in Carolina (0 replies)
  230. Girlfriends and boyfriends.... (0 replies)
  231. Your Friday non political funny (1 replies)
  232. Mudward, how ya like it? (19 replies)
  233. Well, they did it ... (2 replies)
  234. I heard Thumpers got a job for us! (5 replies)
  235. I think Cappys been outdone! (0 replies)
  236. LJ & Thumpers soulmate (13 replies)
  237. Break-in culprit caught on security camera....... (2 replies)
  238. My new 103 years old shotgun (3 replies)
  239. Howdy you bunch of misfits (6 replies)
  240. KURT Cousins (9 replies)
  241. Be beary careful (5 replies)
  242. Oh Canada (7 replies)
  243. Good weekend! (0 replies)
  244. Hot (6 replies)
  245. And I thought LJ could bend some strings... (2 replies)
  246. Artie Was Late Getting Home (14 replies)
  247. Thumper As A Child (1 replies)
  248. In the 'Holy Crap' Department (1 replies)
  249. New seats (11 replies)
  250. Fished a couple of mornings last week. (13 replies)