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  1. Miss Lickety Split..... (19 replies)
  2. Mixed emotions (15 replies)
  3. Happy Birthday to me (6 replies)
  4. What will you do? (7 replies)
  5. Not to Worry (4 replies)
  6. Bradford to the Vikngs (2 replies)
  7. 53 years ago today (4 replies)
  8. Sooo, you think your wife is bad.... (0 replies)
  9. Artie (19 replies)
  10. Nova Goodhunters (8 replies)
  11. Our Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds (9 replies)
  12. Two things I will never, EVER own again ... (16 replies)
  13. Save Our Souls Pussy Whipped! (23 replies)
  14. First time (14 replies)
  15. Hugh O'Brian (0 replies)
  16. Labor Day Eats (2 replies)
  17. Done Did It (5 replies)
  18. Is this B/S? Or have I been living under a rock? (1 replies)
  19. I almost went to bed..... (1 replies)
  20. Who'da thunk it? (12 replies)
  21. Well I just ate (1 replies)
  22. Dog question (8 replies)
  23. Larke! (3 replies)
  24. Still looking for a candidate? (0 replies)
  25. Hey, P-hoolio.... (7 replies)
  26. Check this out (1 replies)
  27. CCW class today! (9 replies)
  28. As one of my techs from the USVI Used to say..... (0 replies)
  29. Happy Birthday Trav! (10 replies)
  30. Dammit... (3 replies)
  31. Just in case you miss my beautiful personage (2 replies)
  32. Phillips head screws (10 replies)
  33. Pulled Pork, it's what's for dinner (13 replies)
  34. Hey Carolinians (3 replies)
  35. What It All Means (2 replies)
  36. Postie (4 replies)
  37. Weekend plans gone astray (17 replies)
  38. Weekly CFB Thread (2 replies)
  39. Congrats Larke! (10 replies)
  40. Go Panthers (0 replies)
  41. Airbud (2 replies)
  42. Dang, you hear the explosion, Thump??? (5 replies)
  43. This SO sucks! (Murphy's Law) (4 replies)
  44. Yer Camo Don't Match (1 replies)
  45. Oooops, that ain't good. (1 replies)
  46. LE's Get Ready (39 replies)
  47. Thump, you gonna get a blow job.... (10 replies)
  48. PSA - Forum runner (1 replies)
  49. El Trump es mi amigo! (1 replies)
  50. Attention cooler needers.... (19 replies)
  51. Back To School (Art) (10 replies)
  52. Harley and the Davidson's..... (5 replies)
  53. Pardon my language, but......... (22 replies)
  54. So while contemplating my navel.... (10 replies)
  55. Ole House Cat..... (4 replies)
  56. If you like Sci-Fi type stuff (22 replies)
  57. Dammit! (12 replies)
  58. Tic Boy (4 replies)
  59. Dangit, I missed National Dog Day.... (15 replies)
  60. The Weiner is in the news.....again...... (1 replies)
  61. For Len (4 replies)
  62. Reloading (10 replies)
  63. Colin Kaepernick (23 replies)
  64. Boring old diner style coffee cups ... (1 replies)
  65. Diagnosis, please.... (2 replies)
  66. Mother Load (4 replies)
  67. If y'all hear a strange noise... (1 replies)
  68. WTF??? (1 replies)
  69. He misses his wee wee.... (4 replies)
  70. Romo Out 6+ Weeks (13 replies)
  71. Mild Summer (3 replies)
  72. Friday morning inspiration.... (0 replies)
  73. Friday funny ... (14 replies)
  74. Buying an AR-15, advice needed... (8 replies)
  75. This thing followed me home today... (21 replies)
  76. Hey, Cap, you know this incident???.... (3 replies)
  77. So call me names, whatever... (12 replies)
  78. The Latest Trend In Oklahoma (3 replies)
  79. Well, wish me luck ... (24 replies)
  80. Just dug up Lynn's on-line dating video ... (2 replies)
  81. Cougar close to the property! (9 replies)
  82. A first for me (9 replies)
  83. Voting rights.... (6 replies)
  84. Not for everybody ... (13 replies)
  85. Dang, Thump, where you gonna go, now???.... (10 replies)
  86. Well, that was pretty much expected. (2 replies)
  87. For Thumper (2 replies)
  88. Title to a sale this weekend ... (3 replies)
  89. Been waiting... (3 replies)
  90. Putting up with eBay strangeness ... (4 replies)
  91. Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit... (6 replies)
  92. Hillary Clinton - From a human perspective (2 replies)
  93. It turns out Trump (19 replies)
  94. Good match up tonight, Posthole (2 replies)
  95. Another "remember these?" post (29 replies)
  96. We all remember these, don't we (5 replies)
  97. where does it stop? (5 replies)
  98. Oops, wrong number.... (2 replies)
  99. Great supper (9 replies)
  100. I don't wanna hear from you songbird crybabies! (10 replies)
  101. Firestick or other Streaming Knowerabouters (4 replies)
  102. Birthday Pics (5 replies)
  103. Hey Bucky (2 replies)
  104. Ha! My buddy's shop is for the birds! (3 replies)
  105. I'm havin' the DT's today! (5 replies)
  106. This is your day Big Sky! (15 replies)
  107. Teliin' it like it is.... (1 replies)
  108. Very cool site (4 replies)
  109. Look what I found wandering in my neck of the woods (13 replies)
  110. Pink flamingos..... (5 replies)
  111. An Interesting Movie (5 replies)
  112. LJFS - 'Bout Friggin' Time! (15 replies)
  113. Wednesday afternoon funny ... (2 replies)
  114. I met the real airbud at walmart (0 replies)
  115. Louisiana flooding.... (7 replies)
  116. Wow! I don't know what to say ... (1 replies)
  117. Inconvenient Penis..... (4 replies)
  118. Hey jb, did you go to the Grand? (2 replies)
  119. Word of the day! (0 replies)
  120. Black Olives Matter...... (1 replies)
  121. Hey P-hole! (15 replies)
  122. A nice relaxing Sunday ... (24 replies)
  123. Keepin' Up Da Coops (4 replies)
  124. Hey Bubba. (4 replies)
  125. Trav? (8 replies)
  126. Advice needed - Philly bound (7 replies)
  127. Milwaukee Cops (6 replies)
  128. Thought for Monday (4 replies)
  129. My Army buddy is STILL nuts.... (4 replies)
  130. Sunday morning humor.... (1 replies)
  131. Learned sumpin' new this weekend ... (3 replies)
  132. Thumper (4 replies)
  133. News Foash II (0 replies)
  134. Lump (2 replies)
  135. Jeepers (18 replies)
  136. Ya just gotta love them Kentucky boys..... (0 replies)
  137. Remember When? (18 replies)
  138. Breaking News! (3 replies)
  139. Sheeity pot????..... (5 replies)
  140. Interesting piece of history at an estate sale today ... (6 replies)
  141. Friday Poke in the Ribs (7 replies)
  142. New paint (33 replies)
  143. Holy Frakamole (3 replies)
  144. GH Weekly Meme Contest - Theme: Social Awkwardness (10 replies)
  145. Wanna read a good book???..... (0 replies)
  146. Well, just sheeit on you..... (1 replies)
  147. Could it be???..... (1 replies)
  148. Rudy (8 replies)
  149. Perseids (2 replies)
  150. I'll Betcha (4 replies)
  151. Forum Appearance? (14 replies)
  152. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself..... (10 replies)
  153. Thumper (2 replies)
  154. Hallelujah, and pass the mollasses and cathead biscuits.... (23 replies)
  155. But.....You're gonna Love It! (12 replies)
  156. Appliance Repairman (2 replies)
  157. New Alzheimer treatment.... (3 replies)
  158. Speakin' of smokin' and drinkin' ..... (0 replies)
  159. What are the odds???..... (3 replies)
  160. Beer (24 replies)
  161. Rooskies (1 replies)
  162. Oh. My. God. (5 replies)
  163. Here's Where the Republicans Blew It (9 replies)
  164. Good flick (3 replies)
  165. Man, it's a hot mofo, today.... (0 replies)
  166. Cool Discovery Channel Documentary (17 replies)
  167. You Don't Hear Something Like This Every Day (5 replies)
  168. A Perfect Explanation...... (6 replies)
  169. I heard about this scam, then experienced it.....I think..... (1 replies)
  170. Just To Flush Thumper's Arteries and Veins a Bit (9 replies)
  171. 'Splain sumpin' to me Lucy! (6 replies)
  172. Jesus H. Christ (19 replies)
  173. Posthole! You magnificent salty bastard! (7 replies)
  174. Friday humor.... (0 replies)
  175. WOW!! I had a GREAT morning! (4 replies)
  176. SONOFABIATCH !!!!! (14 replies)
  177. Date night (13 replies)
  178. Postie (1 replies)
  179. My Last Salty Political Cumudgeondry of the Day (Polititat du Jour) (7 replies)
  180. Decisions, Decisions (6 replies)
  181. Ruh-Roh!! (6 replies)
  182. Trump's gonna be pissed! (20 replies)
  183. P-hole may be an old curmudgeon, but .... (9 replies)
  184. Bullshit! (4 replies)
  185. For Folks of a Certain Age (1 replies)
  186. Ha! That worked out well! (6 replies)
  187. What's your Country name???..... (11 replies)
  188. For Thumper (2 replies)
  189. HaHa I love Fareed (15 replies)
  190. A really cool show on CNN. (1 replies)
  191. Trump and John McCain (1 replies)
  192. Only one more month (7 replies)
  193. A real dilemma ... make that a TOTAL dilemma. (18 replies)
  194. Never heard of this guy..... (4 replies)
  195. Idiot + gasoline = BOOM !!!..... (10 replies)
  196. The Original (3 replies)
  197. John Prine... (5 replies)
  198. Motorsickle racing (7 replies)
  199. Happy Birthday to Me (11 replies)
  200. Just for fun ... (0 replies)
  201. Ha ha ha ha! Lynn finally grew some balls! (3 replies)
  202. How Long Before This Happens? (2 replies)
  203. Any Photoshop experts here? (9 replies)
  204. Great movie on Netflix..... (3 replies)
  205. The advantages of being a local. (9 replies)
  206. It was a new day yesterday, but its an old day now (1 replies)
  207. More old fart stuff (3 replies)
  208. White Matters!!! (6 replies)
  209. Ha ha! This is a new one on me! (4 replies)
  210. Felt Damn Good (9 replies)
  211. WOW! (5 replies)
  212. Do I see a pattern here? (1 replies)
  213. For Airbud (1 replies)
  214. I've been (7 replies)
  215. Holy Shit (31 replies)
  216. Thank you, thank you, thank you DNC. (10 replies)
  217. Here's An Estate Sale You Need To Go To, Thumper (1 replies)
  218. I don't like this! (3 replies)
  219. Great visit (9 replies)
  220. More Serious Shit (1 replies)
  221. BKB caught with 2-tons of crack! (13 replies)
  222. I'm really, really trying ... (23 replies)
  223. Unbroken (4 replies)
  224. Good Old American Capitalism (14 replies)
  225. I wish Sandy was this smart.... (5 replies)
  226. Greetings fein France (24 replies)
  227. A good redneck! (0 replies)
  228. Trump is right! (8 replies)
  229. Neat visitor in town (7 replies)
  230. Truck spare tire. (16 replies)
  231. Just SD'ing....... (24 replies)
  232. Serious Sunday (10 replies)
  233. Bad advice???..... (2 replies)
  234. It Got Suddenly Quiet Up In Here (1 replies)
  235. Why do I feel like throwing up ,,, (8 replies)
  236. Father/Son Painting Lesson Round II (5 replies)
  237. For Johnboy (2 replies)
  238. Off for an adventure! (0 replies)
  239. And it wasn't just the speech (1 replies)
  240. Hombre (0 replies)
  241. Dangit! (10 replies)
  242. Now We Know Why The RNC Wasn't in North Carolina (3 replies)
  243. I found you a new house P-hole! (6 replies)
  244. I'll pick up Cap on my way to the RNC..... (19 replies)
  245. Jeffie is Driving for Junior? (2 replies)
  246. Cruz is a punk-ass! (27 replies)
  247. The Melania speech just got cleared up.... (11 replies)
  248. I'm proud of our little community.... (10 replies)
  249. I have a stooopid quershun (8 replies)
  250. Well, today's the day .... (18 replies)