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  1. Could I have a thermostat issue? (18 replies)
  2. Steamrolling!!! (4 replies)
  3. not what I had planned (10 replies)
  4. Hey, Bucky, our Hogs are looking pretty good, huh?.... (7 replies)
  5. Legit competition to the Yeti? (17 replies)
  6. For Sky, the snake lover.....;) (7 replies)
  7. My follow-up colonscopy info...... (9 replies)
  8. Is it football season yet? (1 replies)
  9. We had fish porn... I now bring you food porn (7 replies)
  10. Shoulda known it....I filled up my tank, yesterday morning.... (41 replies)
  11. Len Shimano Reel Question (4 replies)
  12. Thug Alert ! (0 replies)
  13. Einsten and Beethoven are two that come to mind.... (0 replies)
  14. a sure sign of the apocalypse (1 replies)
  15. Awww CRAP! This sucks great big giant weenies! (26 replies)
  16. Innersting Trump-ism (6 replies)
  17. Trav! (7 replies)
  18. I hope every day'um one of these Rinos get beat in their next election.... (7 replies)
  19. No Bull (7 replies)
  20. Today, I'm sorta like James Brown...."I Feeeellll Good, Like I Knew I Would!!!!".... (16 replies)
  21. Brady beats NFL (6 replies)
  22. Edward.... (4 replies)
  23. Okay Bucky (9 replies)
  24. Careful where you step..... (39 replies)
  25. The WhiskeyJack might have been reincarnated as a hippo. (13 replies)
  26. Smell that smoke (1 replies)
  27. If I was a Cop Today (62 replies)
  28. iphone quershun.... (35 replies)
  29. Dang!! Look at THIS estate sale! (6 replies)
  30. Ha! Never really thought about it before ... (0 replies)
  31. If you gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.... (5 replies)
  32. Gettin' ready (8 replies)
  33. Good luck all you NoVa Baseball fans (29 replies)
  34. Ha! I found a t-shirt for Bucky! (7 replies)
  35. New Orleans? (25 replies)
  36. Like a good neighbor........ (3 replies)
  37. Delivery for Phole???..... (6 replies)
  38. You gotta be shitting me (21 replies)
  39. Mom's are so smart..... (0 replies)
  40. Whos mansion is it? (7 replies)
  41. Pure Appeasement (1 replies)
  42. No wonder I didn't eat cereal (1 replies)
  43. Off to Wisconsin for two days. (10 replies)
  44. Yuuuuummmmmm!!! (20 replies)
  45. Helluva Football Game Bwana (2 replies)
  46. Morning at the range (2 replies)
  47. A Nice Little Haul (7 replies)
  48. I would find another line of work.........TODAY! (2 replies)
  49. Chiggers (14 replies)
  50. Best Candy Bar (17 replies)
  51. Open Carry Arkansas, the lastest (64 replies)
  52. Yo Arty! (1 replies)
  53. Don't open at work or around wimmins .... (4 replies)
  54. Hurricane (24 replies)
  55. These guys know a thing or two about frogs!!!..... (9 replies)
  56. OK, Posthole! Now even YOU will have to vote for Trump (3 replies)
  57. NoTill (9 replies)
  58. The Stupidest Job In The World (37 replies)
  59. Pretty dang good money..... (7 replies)
  60. Well THAT sucks ... (8 replies)
  61. B'Gosh! (15 replies)
  62. Why does the DJ have an "Open" and a "Close"? (17 replies)
  63. * WARNING* contains boobs/ (12 replies)
  64. Gas is really falling around here.... (27 replies)
  65. Bimbo Bakeries? (1 replies)
  66. Hey Nandy (4 replies)
  67. The Reagan Years... (33 replies)
  68. Pham is Fab (17 replies)
  69. Tulsa Drillers (2 replies)
  70. If this doesn't get you long tooth dufuses to check out facebook, nothing will. BUCKY (2 replies)
  71. Ok ladies ... check your kitchen cabinets. (0 replies)
  72. Flake or possibility? (this "might" get long & turn into a Thump post) ... (86 replies)
  73. Important Question (28 replies)
  74. Sooner Magic? (9 replies)
  75. Bucky's Buddies at ESECPN (8 replies)
  76. Well, it's something YOU GUYS knew about me already (21 replies)
  77. Good news for Oklahoma (11 replies)
  78. Learned something new, today..... (6 replies)
  79. Will P.C. help while hunting? (5 replies)
  80. Bucky, nice camping site up here (2 replies)
  81. NCAA top 25..... (12 replies)
  82. Well goody... looks like my retirement will get pushedout another 15 years. (16 replies)
  83. Word of the day...... (3 replies)
  84. Youse dufes are botherin' me ... (12 replies)
  85. Dang! These SOB's are GOOD!!! (22 replies)
  86. Just walked back in the door .... (50 replies)
  87. Today's Rainy Day Project (8 replies)
  88. Made a Thump deal.... (24 replies)
  89. Latest Cast Iron project. (10 replies)
  90. Go get 'em, Eddie (7 replies)
  91. Beatin' and Bangin' (90 replies)
  92. Some Cool Shit (6 replies)
  93. Rice Harvest 2015 (30 replies)
  94. For you knife experts..... (9 replies)
  95. Just another random one (0 replies)
  96. Looks like Thump and/or Cap gonna get blowed..... (9 replies)
  97. Backup light out....... (5 replies)
  98. He he he he ... Hillary's server woes! (6 replies)
  99. Peach Knower Abouters (28 replies)
  100. What is wrong with this woman??? (21 replies)
  101. Ripped from the headlines............ (3 replies)
  102. It's that time again (3 replies)
  103. Hey jb (1 replies)
  104. Pennies..... (11 replies)
  105. The Difference (0 replies)
  106. * WARNING* contains nudity (11 replies)
  107. Well, we's be's goin' to the Final Four in April, 2016 (5 replies)
  108. I can't vote, but I can............ (3 replies)
  109. Name five things that you desire..... (21 replies)
  110. Whoever invented Go-Lyte..... (12 replies)
  111. The best Internet Error Message Ever (2 replies)
  112. Phole gets boomers and we get quakes..... (17 replies)
  113. Funnies (9 replies)
  114. Jared Fogle (5 replies)
  115. Big Boomers (3 replies)
  116. whatever we gave for Moss was just wasted (6 replies)
  117. Seenager (9 replies)
  118. so here's a querstshun (5 replies)
  119. Followup on Game Wardens and State Supreme Court ruling (2 replies)
  120. What I Learned on my Summer Vacation (9 replies)
  121. This lady (9 replies)
  122. Truths ! (2 replies)
  123. To the Indiana Contingent (10 replies)
  124. New Avatar - Not safe to open at work or around the wife!!!! (7 replies)
  125. Sumbitch!! (0 replies)
  126. Well dang! (23 replies)
  127. Something different (3 replies)
  128. come on El Nino (5 replies)
  129. Happy Birthday, Barry (14 replies)
  130. Brain Test (3 replies)
  131. I'm back (5 replies)
  132. Cap and other interested Masons.... (7 replies)
  133. So.........how many guns CAN you sell? (2 replies)
  134. Rare Occurence today (2 replies)
  135. Someone catch me up! (8 replies)
  136. Did a Thumper this AM (7 replies)
  137. Oooops who' Thumper gonna use for "facts" now... (21 replies)
  138. "Smile, if you". what?????..... (0 replies)
  139. Well, how's that for timing? (19 replies)
  140. A little fishing boat.... (14 replies)
  141. This Dude is Lucky (1 replies)
  142. &*%#@$^&& new computer set-up is frustrating! Help! (22 replies)
  143. Gots a question for youse techies ... (35 replies)
  144. One stop shopping for a mercenary! (5 replies)
  145. Kind of a neat little thrift store find ... (5 replies)
  146. For Posty..... :D (9 replies)
  147. Tried these? (3 replies)
  148. DANG!!! This is SOOOO cool!! I want one, I want one, I want one! (3 replies)
  149. OK, seriously............this is soon gonna be a Class Action Lawsuit thing....... (3 replies)
  150. How many of these are out there? (1 replies)
  151. A New Generation of Star Wars Fans (9 replies)
  152. You know he's growing up (0 replies)
  153. Bag for our Cat sitter (37 replies)
  154. I need some guidance .... (44 replies)
  155. Selling my SKS (11 replies)
  156. Well here you go. (4 replies)
  157. English......... (2 replies)
  158. Big Muddy's Alumnae Buddies! (0 replies)
  159. As if it was made just for Thumper (9 replies)
  160. Ha ha ha! IF Trump should win .... (4 replies)
  161. Received this in an emai, so who knows? (Re; Trump) (9 replies)
  162. Beautiful city..... (7 replies)
  163. Democracy (5 replies)
  164. Posty and Cards01? (10 replies)
  165. Well, Len................ (7 replies)
  166. Nandy! (8 replies)
  167. Ferguson AGAIN! (14 replies)
  168. Buddy Baker (3 replies)
  169. Man. I'm SO glad that tough gun laws work in our cities. (0 replies)
  170. Howard, Dandy Don, and now Frank (8 replies)
  171. Sometimes this is just too easy ... (23 replies)
  172. Holy Crap (1 replies)
  173. I hope this is true.... (0 replies)
  174. If you need a laugh today.... (1 replies)
  175. Cyclops Spotlight Question (3 replies)
  176. Trump (51 replies)
  177. Posty? Trav? Birddog? (9 replies)
  178. Hey Muddy ... (6 replies)
  179. Is all this really random??? (0 replies)
  180. No point in even having a death penalty (4 replies)
  181. Just because (5 replies)
  182. Hey Buckster (50 replies)
  183. This is rich (4 replies)
  184. 5 second rule..... (17 replies)
  185. In case you haven't noticed (25 replies)
  186. Rechargeable Batteries (20 replies)
  187. Bought myself a gift (29 replies)
  188. Be careful, guys. (17 replies)
  189. I really need Windows 10 help (12 replies)
  190. And before you ask, no.............. (85 replies)
  191. Lighting (44 replies)
  192. Cool Beans! (16 replies)
  193. I lost an old friend today (4 replies)
  194. I don't know what to make of this......... (4 replies)
  195. Somebody better figure something out pretty soon (0 replies)
  196. It still works jb (0 replies)
  197. Headed out ... (2 replies)
  198. This is 5th similar story I've read on the internet (41 replies)
  199. Posthole! (25 replies)
  200. Cuttin' it close! (20 replies)
  201. Nats Game (1 replies)
  202. Can you stand another meme? THIS one made me laugh! (5 replies)
  203. Please help me!!!!!..... (18 replies)
  204. Clover, SC is where my daughter and grandson live......... (9 replies)
  205. Ok you bunch of miscreants! (1 replies)
  206. On my own again.... (6 replies)
  207. Thump will need new analogy......... (0 replies)
  208. Well I'll be...The FBI profiles! (2 replies)
  209. Not a pig but not technically flying either. (7 replies)
  210. *SNORT* Here's your NON-GMO Stuff (13 replies)
  211. Hombre, this is for you (5 replies)
  212. Where are the icons? (6 replies)
  213. Back to work (8 replies)
  214. There's still good and brave cops out there.... (27 replies)
  215. I have to share this (16 replies)
  216. This Can't Possibly Be True (62 replies)
  217. Didn't know if y'all wanted to contribute or not.......... (2 replies)
  218. Guess who stopped by ? (1 replies)
  219. "Major U.S. airlines end trophy hunter shipments after Cecil outcry"..... (35 replies)
  220. What this cluster-f**k all boils down to is this ... (a history lesson): (46 replies)
  221. Heresy (2 replies)
  222. We Might Be Trailer Park Material (3 replies)
  223. Bendoku (10 replies)
  224. Everyone Settle Down!!! (7 replies)
  225. OK mechanics, what can you tell me about this? (15 replies)
  226. Sunny, you started it and Im going to finish it (41 replies)
  227. AirBud (4 replies)
  228. Happy Belated Birthday Niner (15 replies)
  229. Scope Creep (4 replies)
  230. The Strangest (15 replies)
  231. Monday night ... (1 replies)
  232. This just happened ! (11 replies)
  233. For all you pickers. (2 replies)
  234. All this talk about GMO stuff.... (28 replies)
  235. Where's her missing toofies???.... (4 replies)
  236. Captain would try to noodle this... (10 replies)
  237. Windows 10 Trackpad Disable..........how? (6 replies)
  238. Squall line that hit us last night. (15 replies)
  239. LEO's??? Comments??? (2 replies)
  240. To the lovely lady in the Ford 3500 pickup (27 replies)
  241. Hey Cappy ... I forgot to tell ya' last week ..... (12 replies)
  242. Lotsa Plunkin Goin on Today (1 replies)
  243. Hey Mr. Bartender .... (6 replies)
  244. This is what Thump REALLY bought...... (4 replies)
  245. Hey Ticboy! (2 replies)
  246. Best No Trespassing Signs (0 replies)
  247. Will Penny (11 replies)
  248. Anyone going to watch Rousey tonight? (48 replies)
  249. Children in Church (1 replies)
  250. Makes Sense to Me lol (14 replies)