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  1. Tell me I'm not just an old softie! (4 replies)
  2. Here ya' go Bubba! (0 replies)
  3. Welp.... (10 replies)
  4. toilet paper (4 replies)
  5. Not bad for a no-name axe! (3 replies)
  6. Happy Cinco de Mayo (0 replies)
  7. I Miss Dale....thats all.... (3 replies)
  8. OK, it's now getting serious !!!! (17 replies)
  9. Well, you all know I’m not a sports fan ... (10 replies)
  10. For Thumpers Cat! (2 replies)
  11. Got'ta start eating some blueberries! (19 replies)
  12. News (2 replies)
  13. Another example of "brilliant minds". Sorry Canada. (16 replies)
  14. Should I (we) feel guilty? Sumpin' just ain't right about this. (27 replies)
  15. Barry's kin folk.....:D (4 replies)
  16. Kids say the darnedest things..... (2 replies)
  17. Just my luck. :( (13 replies)
  18. Creepy Girls (4 replies)
  19. Just a thought .... (0 replies)
  20. Quarantine pondering. (1 replies)
  21. Hey y'all...my cousin! (7 replies)
  22. Hillary... (6 replies)
  23. Clarification ... (1 replies)
  24. BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN (5 replies)
  25. Like talking to a brick wall. (10 replies)
  26. Monday enjoyment (1 replies)
  27. Remember my techie quershun a few weeks ago???..... (17 replies)
  28. Good day on the lake (11 replies)
  29. Here ya go Eddie (1 replies)
  30. Makes sense to me! Duh! (5 replies)
  31. Hey Trav .... (8 replies)
  32. Cra-Cra (10 replies)
  33. WARNING !!!!! (5 replies)
  34. PSA2 Storms Comin’ (6 replies)
  35. Fake News (31 replies)
  36. THUMP (5 replies)
  37. Ribs (54 replies)
  38. PSA (8 replies)
  39. Oil Prices (1 replies)
  40. Just for grins..... (9 replies)
  41. A lot can happen in 52 years ! (9 replies)
  42. Chef Jose Andres (17 replies)
  43. Sunday funny..... (0 replies)
  44. It takes a LOT to make me feel this way. (32 replies)
  45. Weekend humor (3 replies)
  46. Fun (5 replies)
  47. Strange weather (7 replies)
  48. Things are getting better (4 replies)
  49. Walmart masks (3 replies)
  50. Finally, an endorsement for Sleepy Joe! (2 replies)
  51. Friday funny .... (5 replies)
  52. Rural colloquialisms (48 replies)
  53. Discovered: Cure for blindness! (5 replies)
  54. Well, check your bank accounts. (17 replies)
  55. Late freeze/snow (13 replies)
  56. Well, I guess the economic stimulus is working! (2 replies)
  57. Strange tornado damage..... (11 replies)
  58. Another Thump post ... but there ain't nuttin' else to do. (Attn. P-hole) (25 replies)
  59. Izzat'chu Deppity? (1 replies)
  60. Very interesting article...... (87 replies)
  61. Meaningless rambling .... (8 replies)
  62. Muddy? (14 replies)
  63. Hey Artemis! (4 replies)
  64. RIP Spearchucker Jones (1 replies)
  65. Hey Deppity (0 replies)
  66. Happy Easter (4 replies)
  67. Market (5 replies)
  68. Free TP !!!............ (2 replies)
  69. And a Good Friday to all'o youse dufes! (5 replies)
  70. Well, that was a nice windfall! (3 replies)
  71. Happy Birthday to me!!!! (9 replies)
  72. Hey thump skull... (6 replies)
  73. Dangnabit!! (28 replies)
  74. John Prine RIP (3 replies)
  75. If there is a market for these... (8 replies)
  76. Is this Arty ? (3 replies)
  77. tuesday jokes of the day (2 replies)
  78. Hello? anybody home? (17 replies)
  79. RIP Mr. Tiger (2 replies)
  80. What a bunch'a maroons! (1 replies)
  81. Eddie Sutton is in the building (2 replies)
  82. 5G Death Towers (2 replies)
  83. RIP Bill Withers (1 replies)
  84. Are people blowing their stimulus checks already? (8 replies)
  85. I thought it was one of Thumps cats...... (3 replies)
  86. P-hole don't need no stinkin' toilet paper! (8 replies)
  87. Wow, how time flies. :( (10 replies)
  88. Well, you can welcome us to the crowd. (22 replies)
  89. Techie quershun..... (10 replies)
  90. Scary .... (4 replies)
  91. Happy April .... (12 replies)
  92. Hey youse re-loaders or fisher dufes. (3 replies)
  93. Cabin fever thoughts. (26 replies)
  94. I'm gonna throw this out to you guys..... (15 replies)
  95. Agent Orange Gets Another One (3 replies)
  96. Hey Deppity (3 replies)
  97. Bwana (0 replies)
  98. Now is the time for all good men (4 replies)
  99. Quarantine (2 replies)
  100. Take a guess.....60 ft. up an Okie tree..... (13 replies)
  101. We might all die (2 replies)
  102. I like big butts and I cannot lie (3 replies)
  103. You recognize anybody in this saloon? (4 replies)
  104. How Far is Too Far? (7 replies)
  105. Another icon gone (1 replies)
  106. Oh, the irony. (5 replies)
  107. any of you "southern" boys.. (12 replies)
  108. Can they do this? Anybody? (23 replies)
  109. New paper article. (1 replies)
  110. Public Service Annoucement (0 replies)
  111. Mr. Bucksnort (5 replies)
  112. For all the newly-minted Cuomo fans..... (9 replies)
  113. Warning!!!..... (8 replies)
  114. Well crap! (7 replies)
  115. I'm not so sure (3 replies)
  116. Hello (19 replies)
  117. Here’s your sign.....;) (3 replies)
  118. Wow! (8 replies)
  119. How is our Goodhunting Fambly Doing? (22 replies)
  120. Ha! Now THAT'S marketing 101 (3 replies)
  121. RIP to “The Gambler” (3 replies)
  122. Hey Bubba! Call me a maroon .... (4 replies)
  123. Lake Murray (South Carolina) (2 replies)
  124. Well, since I finally got some breathing room...... (23 replies)
  125. Egghead! (1 replies)
  126. This social distancing (0 replies)
  127. End of the world? (5 replies)
  128. Well shit! (14 replies)
  129. Well, this sucks .... (0 replies)
  130. Happy Birthday Hide Hunter! (5 replies)
  131. Something I haven't heard addressed ... (8 replies)
  132. Willy (19 replies)
  133. This could be interesting .... (2 replies)
  134. Decisions ... decisions ... decisions ... (5 replies)
  135. The plus side of this Corona Virus? (6 replies)
  136. I'll bet he'll be pissed when he gets to the beach! (0 replies)
  137. HE'S watching you fishing-heathens..... (5 replies)
  138. Now that’s what you call long arming! (2 replies)
  139. Covid-19 Meme Thread (143 replies)
  140. Light at the end of the tunnel..... (1 replies)
  141. One thing I've learned in life (51 replies)
  142. This virus thing is starting to hit home. (52 replies)
  143. I couldn't deny this one. (5 replies)
  144. Kinda weird in a way ... (6 replies)
  145. Starts this Thursday .... (0 replies)
  146. Ouch! (0 replies)
  147. Happy Intl Wimmins Day! (3 replies)
  148. Quershun for you A/C Knowerabouters (3 replies)
  149. HH (Hide Hunter) (9 replies)
  150. I'm starting to believe (6 replies)
  151. My youngest son continues to dazzle...(Artwork) (5 replies)
  152. Ok fisher dufes! (19 replies)
  153. Saw this in Okla...... (1 replies)
  154. "F" you Renaldo! (19 replies)
  155. Well, they're dropping like flies! (16 replies)
  156. How to predict a TSA patdown .... (4 replies)
  157. I wonder who said this (3 replies)
  158. Well, I guess he couldn't buy it .... (37 replies)
  159. That's my girl!!! (26 replies)
  160. Thumpers next Cruise! (7 replies)
  161. Oh, sheeit---just sheeit !!!! (17 replies)
  162. Big Muddy (19 replies)
  163. Never bullsheeit yo momma..... (3 replies)
  164. Tax refunds...... (12 replies)
  165. Oklahoma Might Wash Away (3 replies)
  166. Monday evening funny .... (1 replies)
  167. Weinstein (3 replies)
  168. Obama era DHS whistleblower found dead (5 replies)
  169. Red Sky at Morn (18 replies)
  170. Take it back ya' dang Yankees! (10 replies)
  171. Ya' double-dog dare me? (15 replies)
  172. Wow. Bummer (9 replies)
  173. Hey Posty (3 replies)
  174. Fishin' junque .... (16 replies)
  175. For our VA contingent. (4 replies)
  176. Recently it's been cold and wet and boring so (2 replies)
  177. Gentlemen..... (11 replies)
  178. Thumper is this near you house? (4 replies)
  179. """Nancy, you dumb-azz"""..... (1 replies)
  180. Dang! I never realized how hard ... (0 replies)
  181. Joined the Taco brigade (36 replies)
  182. Tell me I'm not an old softy .... (0 replies)
  183. Perfect gift for Thumper (5 replies)
  184. Happy Birfday Deppity! (6 replies)
  185. Old politicians..... (1 replies)
  186. A baseball post! (2 replies)
  187. What I Don't Miss! (5 replies)
  188. Wed. thoughts...... (13 replies)
  189. Hunting and Fishing License Costs (17 replies)
  190. XFL (5 replies)
  191. Like tits on a boar hog! (or is that teats?) (20 replies)
  192. Yep (8 replies)
  193. If this doesn't tear you up, nothing will..... (2 replies)
  194. Did I miss this???..... (2 replies)
  195. Well, since things are dead around this place, how about a little music........ (4 replies)
  196. Word of the day..... (2 replies)
  197. Spartacus (3 replies)
  198. Hey, QA, I might be in your neck of the woods..... (4 replies)
  199. Gas war, anyone???..... (1 replies)
  200. Great SOTU address that I made even better..... (17 replies)
  201. Can somebody please ‘splain this to me? (3 replies)
  202. Great balls-o-glitter !!!!! (3 replies)
  203. Buffalo wings???..... (4 replies)
  204. Are we really be a Banana Republic? (9 replies)
  205. Good Program (0 replies)
  206. Is NOTHING sacred anymore??? (6 replies)
  207. It Happening Muddy (1 replies)
  208. Beware of static cling....... (5 replies)
  209. Have any of you old dopers noticed the new Celebrity Cruise Line ad on tv? (6 replies)
  210. Found this taped to my office cabinet, today.... (2 replies)
  211. Coronavirus (135 replies)
  212. A personal "political" (?) observation. (1 replies)
  213. I think we got another good one..... (1 replies)
  214. Question for you smart guys..... (17 replies)
  215. Sat. morning humor..... (5 replies)
  216. Test, test, testicles! HEY BUGGER! (2 replies)
  217. I think it lost a little in the translation. (???) (3 replies)
  218. Yo Bwana (1 replies)
  219. Anybody have a clue what 25 bags ..... (25 replies)
  220. Wish ya’ll were here!!!...... (22 replies)
  221. Tuesday funny ... (1 replies)
  222. Hard to Believe (9 replies)
  223. How 'bout some nice fish pics? (15 replies)
  224. This looks like fun..... (4 replies)
  225. Some Pretty Good Music (1 replies)
  226. It's Been Forever since... (20 replies)
  227. Ya'll know what this is, and what it means, doncha??? (14 replies)
  228. Lost another great one.... (1 replies)
  229. RIP Forrest L Wood (0 replies)
  230. Hey Mudward! (11 replies)
  231. New STD disease..... (2 replies)
  232. the whole "knife" thing.. (12 replies)
  233. Well, it's been quite a while .... (6 replies)
  234. Early Friday funny ... (0 replies)
  235. Note to self.....never eat at this woman's house !!! (8 replies)
  236. Sea Foam! (0 replies)
  237. I’ve been watching this b/s for 3 days now ... (3 replies)
  238. Hey Johnboy. (12 replies)
  239. Heads Up Thumper! (9 replies)
  240. Two down, Four to go (0 replies)
  241. What really bugs me is... (10 replies)
  242. Man! (12 replies)
  243. Bummer .... RIP "Ike" (6 replies)
  244. Fascinating (15 replies)
  245. They found his deer..... (2 replies)
  246. Roaches for your ex's...... (0 replies)
  247. HBD LJ! (6 replies)
  248. Hogs and Wildcats in a barn burner (3 replies)
  249. Hey pUmpHeAD! (1 replies)
  250. HBD Thump (11 replies)