View Full Version : Grab your credit card Cappy ....

12-12-2016, 11:31 AM
.... and come on down. I found you some toys at this week's estate sale. :D

How 'bout this little Sharps Pepperbox?

https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759394/1.jpg https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759393/1.jpg

Some more toys ...

https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759399/1.jpg https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759396/1.jpg

https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759398/1.jpg https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35759401/1.jpg


They're describing this as a "hoarder sale" and so far have 230 pictures posted. Here are a few pieces of cast iron I spotted. In the first pic (lower left of the pic) I spotted this Dutch Oven and a roaster. If those are Griswolds, the DO is super cool, but I've only seen two of those roasters in my life. One sold on eBay just YESTERDAY for $650.00! Pic #2 is another DO I spotted. ;)

https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35576928/1.jpg https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35576931/1.jpg

I don't see any decent fishing stuff ... but from experience, these pics could indicate that with a bit of elbow grease, some good stuff might be found buried someplace.

https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35576934/1.jpg https://picturescdn.estatesales.net/1390767/35576933/1.jpg

12-12-2016, 11:39 AM
I do believe I spy an old Johnson Century reel. that might be worth something to somebody from a nostalgia point of view. Lots of folks cut their teeth on those old reels.
We were zebco people.

12-12-2016, 11:44 AM
How much for the Garand?


12-12-2016, 11:55 AM
No clue on the Garand P-hole. I'll have to go to the sale to find out.

I had the Century reel my dad and I bought for my grandfather back when I was about 10 years old. It was in excellent condition, but still had the old, original grease in it and needed a good cleaning. I sent it to Cappy and he went through it. I'm still waiting for him to catch a fish with it. ;)

I'm not sure which one you're looking at as mine was green. (I guess you could call it my "Little Green Johnson"). :D


12-12-2016, 11:58 AM
Kind of looked like that green monster on the right side of the photo. I believe made a spincast/spinnng reel type combination but I may be all wet. As per usual.

Looks like he collected ladies guns. Those pepper pots must've required courage for the shooter as well as the shootee.


quercus alba
12-12-2016, 12:46 PM
That pepper box reminds me of that gadget iron man had on his wrist in The Avengers

Big Skyz
12-12-2016, 01:10 PM
Find the tackle box and you might find your hidden treasure...

12-12-2016, 02:37 PM
Yeah Sky, I saw a bunch of 'em, but really couldn't tell if they were tackle boxes or tool boxes. None of 'em had the lid opened. :(

12-12-2016, 03:35 PM
Glad I'm not close. I'd be broke.
Those would have to come home with me.
I also spy two Cardinal 4 reels that would relocate to NC if I was there.

12-12-2016, 04:48 PM
I've caught hundreds of bluegill and perch with a Johnson Century and the Citation.

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12-12-2016, 04:56 PM
I've caught hundreds of bluegill and perch with a Johnson Century and the Citation.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But are you sure they were Bluegills? They could have been some kinda Redeared, green-lipped MF'er... ;)