View Full Version : Curmudgeon 101

12-16-2016, 11:17 AM
Okay, so I've always been a happy go lucky guy. But seriously, lately, shit that normally I'd just ignore and let roll off my back has been pissing me off. Stuff my kids do, hell stuff my grandkids do, stuff that ought not to bother anybody bothers me. I wish I knew why. I'm happier than I've been in ages, I find my self singing to myself all the time like I did when I was in my 20s. I do wtf I want and nobody gives me guff about it.
So why am I pissed off over trivial bullshit? Like for example, my wife is like I was when I was a teenager about tools. Whatever she is doing along with whatever she was using to do whatever it is she doing (usually something from my toolbox) gets left exactly wherever the hell it was she was doing whatever she was doing. this isn't new. She's been this way since I've first known her. She's vacuuming in the front room? Note to self: don't forget and trip over the vacuum in the floor in the front room next time you go through there. And ever since I've known her I just pick it up and put it away. Now I still do that but I grumble and mumble while I'm doing it.
and it ain't just my wife. We've always enjoyed the heck out of our two grandkids. However, after a long weekend spent with them by noon on Sunday I am ready for their parents to come pick them up. They wear on me. they grate on me. And their parents needs to spend more time with them anyway. And so on. And then I feel guilty for a week.

Part of it is now I finally get alone time. So I am jealous of that too.

So was I always an asshole or is it just now I'm growing into one that I recognize?

Is this part of growing older? I don't like it! I need an attitude adjustment! Or maybe everyone else does. Who knows? Who cares?

I also ramble more than I used to.


Chicken Dinner
12-16-2016, 11:27 AM
You know this may sound stupid, but I do think the election and the political climate in general has been effecting people's moods. So, hopefully it'll pass. Either that or you need to spend more time with your walleye whistle.

12-16-2016, 11:27 AM
Simple answer is TIME IMO. Before you had a lot of other stuff to worry about. Deadlines at work, employees, work longevity, etc.....All the small stuff you are talking about now faded into the insignificant category. In fact, I'd bet that they were a welcome distraction from the other heavier shit you had to deal with. Now you have time and the larger worries are gone, which moves these up in priority.

My suggestion. Learn to love these again and be thankful that you have these little annoyances. You've worked hard all your life to provide for a family and get them on there own, congrats you've accomplished that. Now sit back and enjoy the fruits. Sure there are some annoying things but you get to be around the people you love, and watch them navigate a not so easy world, with tools you gave them.

As far as Julie goes, well we both know that's a battle you ain't gonna win. Its best to just chalk that one up to "I'm a lucky guy and even luckier if I keep my mouth shut" Grumbling is the healthy way to go with this one, just keep it on the down low.

Big Muddy
12-16-2016, 11:29 AM
Pretty sure you answered your own question....just kiddin', bro. ;)

"""So, was I always an asshole, or is it just now I'm growing into one that I recognize???"""

12-16-2016, 11:52 AM
You know this may sound stupid, but I do think the election and the political climate in general has been effecting people's moods. So, hopefully it'll pass. Either that or you need to spend more time with your walleye whistle.

I've always thought politics don't really bother me. I love to argue about it, and like college football I love to needle people about it. But in the bigger sense of things, people are the same regardless of their political beliefs. Unlike what quite a few folks here obviously believe because they say it all the time, I honestly don't think a person's politics says one damn thing about their character. Being a repubican or democrat doesn't make a person superior in either intellect or values and it damn doesn't make them inferior.

But you are right about the election and I thought about it all the way home from visiting with you guys at Almost Heaven. It took a drive halfway across this big old great USA and back again to heal me from it (the election) and remind me of just what a wonderful place we were lucky enough to be born in. And the people all across it are pretty awesome too. Especially those that offer you cornbread. (But not those who drive old penske trucks with the logo rubbed almost but not quite off)


12-16-2016, 12:17 PM
Now that you mention it you did sorta turn into an asshole when I was spanking your ass catching all those bass the other week :D
It's just part of getting older. Then main thing I think is knowing it is happening and that you have done. The next step it to correct it.
I've told both my children all their lives that nobody can make you feel a certain way about anything. Things happen and it's up to you alone to assign the emotion associated to it.

12-16-2016, 12:41 PM
Now that you mention it you did sorta turn into an asshole when I was spanking your ass catching all those bass the other week :D
It's just part of getting older. Then main thing I think is knowing it is happening and that you have done. The next step it to correct it.
I've told both my children all their lives that nobody can make you feel a certain way about anything. Things happen and it's up to you alone to assign the emotion associated to it.

I remember once when we were in the depths of bankruptcy at Worldcom and everyone there felt guilty just for working there. I was down in the dumps and my wife told me almost exactly the same thing: own it. If you let somebody else dictate to you how you're going to be then its your own damned fault.

Good advice then and now. But shit still gets under my skin more than it used to. Like some asshole driving the boat and keeping your ass in the brush all damned day and then taking your dollars.


12-16-2016, 12:45 PM
Hey! That's right you slipped out without paying that bet!
Damn. I think a rematch in the spring is in order. This time you drive the boat and I'll still spank your ass...

12-16-2016, 12:47 PM
Note: no spankings were actually involved in this fishing trip.


12-16-2016, 12:47 PM
8284And Captain, I still caught biggest bass that day so you have to deduct one dollar.


12-16-2016, 12:50 PM

No we determine my fish was the biggest that day, by popular vote. :D
Remember this...

12-16-2016, 01:03 PM
It was rigged.

You may have won the popular vote but mine still won for being biggest.


12-16-2016, 01:13 PM
Next step in curmudgeoness will be to relocate to Arkyland and move into Bucky's spare bedroom! ;)

12-16-2016, 01:14 PM
I want to be on the other side of the country when that happens.

12-16-2016, 01:17 PM
Next step in curmudgeoness will be to relocate to Arkyland and move into Bucky's spare bedroom! ;)

We have enough earthquakes out in these parts already.


12-16-2016, 01:25 PM

No we determine my fish was the biggest that day, by popular vote. :D
Remember this...


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12-16-2016, 01:28 PM
We determined that LJs fish was the biggest already

12-16-2016, 01:38 PM
Ha! On a serious note P-hole, the way you're describing yourself right now is exactly what I was doing. Lynn noticed the difference most and that's when she called my doc. I knew little things that never bothered me before were starting to bug me, but it started getting a bit extreme. Not like they didn't ALWAYS bother me, but all of a sudden they started REALLY bothering me. I had to laugh about Julie not putting things back where they belong. Lynn must be her twin! I'm a bit on the anal side I suppose, but GOSH DANGIT! If you use something, put it back where it belongs. Example: We have a pair of scissors in the kitchen "junk drawer". You ALWAYS need scissors in the kitchen. BUT, whenever I'd need them, they'd be gone. I'd ask Lynn where they are and she'd say she used them last in the laundry room. I'd look. Nothing. Then I'd get, Oh yeah, I think I used them in the den ... check the coffee table. I finally put a SECOND set in the drawer. You guessed it, any time I needed scissors ... I'd find nothing! LYNN, WHERE ARE THE SCISSORS??? "Ummmm, I think I used them in the upstairs bathroom ... no wait, I think it was the guest bedroom!" Ad nauseam!

Problem is ... I got to the point I was having a REALLY hard time just "living with it". Nothing else changed except my attitude. That's when I went in to see the doc. See this from August.


I'm not saying it's anything even remotely related, but there could be a chemical imbalance for example. A simple vitamin deficiency can make a huge difference until rectified. Ya' may want to go in for a physical ... or at least a blood test and consult. Ya' never know.

12-16-2016, 01:38 PM
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Lier, I didn't take my 7 pounder out of my pants. :smileinbox

12-16-2016, 01:41 PM
You pounded WHAT 7 times???? :hair

12-16-2016, 02:25 PM
Thumper, that's one of the things that pisses me off. I ain't taking any more goddamned pills.


12-16-2016, 02:28 PM
This thread is giving me anxiety. I need a couple xanax and a swig of shine.

12-16-2016, 02:32 PM
Thumper, that's one of the things that pisses me off. I ain't taking any more goddamned pills. BKB

Ok Grumpy ... maybe that move to Arkansas really IS in your future! ;)

12-16-2016, 02:35 PM
Grumpy old men is nothing new here. What we need to do is find a solution to the problem and we can all die rich, grumpy ass old men.

12-16-2016, 02:42 PM
Since I'm the treasurer around this joint, can I get authorization to send P-hole and Julie a coupl'a Christmas presents from the gang at Good Hunting? :D

https://dtuoscf35xuyg.cloudfront.net/6141-large_default/grumpy-old-man-t-shirt.jpg https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/products/1008812977/views/1,width=800,height=800,appearanceId=366,version=14 72100430/long-suffering-wife-of-a-grumpy-old-man-womens-premium-t-shirt.jpg

12-16-2016, 02:51 PM
Hey! What happened to P-hole's avatar? :D

Later guys ... we're headed for the beach!!!

12-16-2016, 02:54 PM
Barry you sound like....


Chicken Dinner
12-16-2016, 03:45 PM
That's a damn good idea. I just might know where I have some shine stashed away for a cold winter's night.

This thread is giving me anxiety. I need a couple xanax and a swig of shine.

12-16-2016, 05:26 PM
That's a damn good idea. I just might know where I have some shine stashed away for a cold winter's night.
Has Matt been making shine runs again? ;)

12-16-2016, 09:54 PM
Interesting.. Same thing here. I've always been a bit quick tempered but I was getting where I was having some blow-ups beyond what the situation really warranted - often just mad at myself.. So, I started what I call a "12 step program". ;) Actually it's one step program (one day at a time). Made it 3 days the first hitch. Started over and I'm up to a couple weeks without a melt-down.. and that's good because there's been a lot of %&*(*^&%$**&()(&^$# $hi7 going down the past couple weeks. ;)

Chicken Dinner
12-16-2016, 10:48 PM
Has Matt been making shine runs again? ;)

Oh, he's a regular Carolina Ridge Runner...

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12-17-2016, 12:50 AM
Oh, he's a regular Carolina Ridge Runner...

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Just check the ditches you'll know if he's been there.

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