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View Full Version : A Little, Much Needed, Perspective

12-17-2016, 11:09 PM
One of our Christmas traditions is that Lucia finds us a place to volunteer to help families in the area that don't have the financial means to provide many things we take for granted. We did a food bank last year and it was pretty eye opening. This year we worked with an organization much like the food bank but it was for Christmas presents for the kids of their families. The work that selfless people put in to this is an impressive thing to see (we were only volunteers for a few hours). The logistics of getting all these toys in one place and structuring everything so families can hopefully get something for their children is staggering.

I walked around with one family who brought their little girl with them. Watching her walk around and look at the thousands of toys she could choose from was like watching the meaning of life, 3 feet tall, move around right in front of you. She only picked a simple little doll, probably wouldn't have been chosen at all. It wasn't the best present, the most expensive or the best looking. She didn't care. Her face lit up, her Moms face lit up, I smiled and we high fived as she was leaving. Walking on cloud 9.

There right there, is all I needed to see to show me what Christmas really is after all these years. I'll remember that high five the rest of my life :)

There were hundreds and hundreds of toys left over. I was talking to one of the organizers who said they're being transported down to central VA where the toy to kid ration is horribly out of balance and will basically be all that many families will be able to give their children this year. I wish I had the time to go down there and help them too.

Merry Christmas guys. Hug your families and be very thankful for them.

12-17-2016, 11:35 PM
Thanks Len. That brings it all a little more into perspective. Merry Christmas.

12-17-2016, 11:40 PM
Yeppirs! Thanks for sharing that. That's what its all about.


12-18-2016, 12:14 AM
Merry Christmas to you and yours to LJ....Thanks for the share/ that was very cool dude

Big Skyz
12-18-2016, 12:25 AM
Len I really enjoyed reading that, thank you. I had a similar experience this week and it really does make one appreciate their own family and the blessings we have.

quercus alba
12-18-2016, 10:34 AM
a life of service is much more fulfilling than a life of self service. Make every day Christmas for someone.

12-18-2016, 04:51 PM
That is why I do our local "shop with a cop" every year. The kids love it and it gives them a chance to see the police differently than they are used to. The sad thing is I recognize a lot of the parents from dealing with them in other types of situations.

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12-19-2016, 01:42 PM
What a wonderful idea and thanks Len for sharing the story as well as your time to help make it happen.