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01-06-2017, 10:32 AM
All you guys complaining about winter brings a smile to my face.
I've seen 72 of them so far and still don't get sick of them.
We are behind in our snow fall so far ( I thing Bawana has most of ours) but we still are in the 40" range.
Anyway, here's my back yard this AM, it's 2 degrees, about an 1" of new snow and the sun's out. What more could you ask for.:thumbsup

01-06-2017, 11:23 AM
The entire state of GA is in lock down waiting for the big blow to hit tonight. I mentioned to the wife last nigh, sure wish I had a 4WD truck now. I'd go around pulling people out and make a little $$ cash.

01-06-2017, 03:12 PM
Since we moved North 38 years ago, I (we've) been owners of either 4WD or AWD for all of our vehicles. My three sons also own AWD vehicles for both them and their wifes.
Only 2WD car I own is my little BMW, but that sits out the winter in the barn.
Pretty standard drive around here.

01-06-2017, 03:17 PM
I use my 4wd more fishing than any other time and I wouldn't be without one. Birddog and I fish on average about every other week and its pretty much a lock that wherever we decide to fish, unless its in my big boat we're gonna use a 4wd to get us where we need to go. He upgraded from a Dodge to a chevy last year so we're in pretty good shape either way we go.
We got a trace of snow here, and schools are closed. Baffling.


Big Muddy
01-06-2017, 03:37 PM
The entire state of GA is in lock down waiting for the big blow to hit tonight. I mentioned to the wife last nigh, sure wish I had a 4WD truck now. I'd go around pulling people out and make a little $$ cash.

HunterEd, that's a great idea....I paid for a semester's worth of college tuition, doing that exact thing....folks down here just don't know how to drive in icy conditions, especially, college kids driving back from the bars late at night....all it took was putting up a few posters with my phone # in the girl's and boy's dorms.

Pulled tons of folks outta ditches and jumped off dead batteries, with an old "73 Chevy 4x4 pickup....sometimes, I'd get lucky, and even do some "swappin'-out" with the college girls....ifyoukinowwhatimean. ;)

01-06-2017, 03:44 PM
We are suppose to get like a million inches tonight and tomorrow, and temps going down to single digit and not getting above freezing till Tuesday. Guess we will see if them new 1500 dollar freeze-less cattle water troughs work!

01-06-2017, 05:16 PM
We are suppose to get like a million inches tonight and tomorrow, and temps going down to single digit and not getting above freezing till Tuesday. Guess we will see if them new 1500 dollar freeze-less cattle water troughs work!

Might get to see that generator in action too.
That's if you have the winds we are supposed to get.
You got yer chainsaw gassed and oiled?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-2017, 05:22 PM
Buddy heater time!


01-06-2017, 05:25 PM
#2 is headed to Raleigh Monday AM, hope it's all cleared up by then.

01-06-2017, 07:25 PM
What he doing in Raleigh????
Has he got his passport? :D

Big Muddy
01-06-2017, 08:02 PM
We are suppose to get like a million inches tonight and tomorrow, and temps going down to single digit and not getting above freezing till Tuesday. Guess we will see if them new 1500 dollar freeze-less cattle water troughs work!

Cap, you might need to call that hippie gate-opener-guy to come help you because I think you gonna be feeding a whole bunch of hay in the next few days. ;)

01-06-2017, 08:14 PM
He has a client there he's been working for, for the past 3 months, he's finishing up with them now and will spend the next 5 weeks there. (Mon-Thurs)
He loves the place and the food.

01-06-2017, 08:47 PM
Yep. Great area.
Kenneth Everhart is there and I might be going to Raleigh in that time frame. If so I'll holler and get his number.

01-06-2017, 08:49 PM
Muddy I filled all the hay rings and wagons up today and got my fingers crossed I can make it till Tuesday before I need to put any more out. Hopefully all I'll have to do is keep an eye on the water tanks. :D

Big Muddy
01-06-2017, 09:28 PM
10-4. ;)

01-06-2017, 11:07 PM
Muddy I filled all the hay rings and wagons up today and got my fingers crossed I can make it till Tuesday before I need to put any more out. Hopefully all I'll have to do is keep an eye on the water tanks. :D

Water tanks? Hell I didn't know those were water tanks. I thought those were fancy outdoor toilets.


Big Muddy
01-07-2017, 02:23 AM
Sooooo, you pee'ed in the cattle's day'um drinkin' water?????!!!!!....if they don't die, they won't bring 10 cents on the dollar at the sale barn. ;););)

01-07-2017, 08:09 AM
But they were all smiling when I left!


Big Muddy
01-07-2017, 10:40 AM
But they were all smiling when I left!


Smiling????....dang, talking about leaving yourself wide open....I was gonna mention the word "stump-broke", but thought better of it. ;)

01-07-2017, 11:00 AM
I had 22 of them damn things get out a week or so after you left. I caught them over by the little pond we fished and had to drive them back through all those woods. Now I know why they went crazy.

01-07-2017, 11:53 AM
Just think, from drinking my pee they'll all have my dna. And so will all the people who eat the beef from them. Exciting huh?

Expect your schools to start improving their performance in coming generations.

And you're welcome!


Big Muddy
01-07-2017, 12:03 PM
Won't that make the beef GMO???....we all thought you were against GMO's??? ;)

01-07-2017, 12:20 PM
But I'm not genetically modified. I have all stock parts!


01-07-2017, 01:17 PM
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that if they drank your pee ... they'd all get high? ;)

01-07-2017, 01:25 PM
Well, I told you they were all smiling when I left. Here was one.


01-07-2017, 01:32 PM
Pulled tons of folks outta ditches and jumped off dead batteries, with an old "73 Chevy 4x4 pickup....sometimes, I'd get lucky, and even do some "swappin'-out" with the college girls....ifyoukinowwhatimean.

Oh the memories this brings up. When we were kids, my buddy (the same one who attends all the estate sales with me) and I would take his dad's old Jeep (his hunting vehicle) to the beach and make a small fortune pulling Yankee's cars out of the drink! It seemed like they'd finally get the idea while cruising down the beach seeing all the locals parked up in the loose sand and nothing but cars with Yankee license plates parked down closer to the water, but they didn't really understand changing tides! They'd park by the water, play in the waves for a while, then lock their cars up and walk up to the boardwalk for lunch, do a little shopping and maybe take the kids to the small amusement park. They'd return later to find their cars being swallowed up by the ocean's rising tide! If the water wasn't too deep, they'd still be stuck (the sand washes from under the tires and the car sinks to end up locked in place). That's where we'd put the ol' Jeep and tow-strap to work ... and accept "donations" to our beer fund! ;)

01-07-2017, 01:36 PM
Well, I told you they were all smiling when I left.

This one took quite a few sips! ;)


Big Muddy
01-07-2017, 02:38 PM
Ha, nah, that one is stump broke....she's laughing at the shortness of Postie's manhood. ;)