View Full Version : Hot Dang

01-24-2017, 10:09 AM
Gonna be 70 dgrees amd sunny here this afternoon. Half the people I know have the sniffles and the other half have the flu of some sort. These 40 degree temp swings the past couple of weeks are for the birds.

I vote for winter until winter's over. THEN lets have spring for reals.

I do think I'll work outside today though.


Chicken Dinner
01-24-2017, 10:18 AM
Even though winter doesn't really bother me, I really enjoy a nice warm day in the middle of the winter. We had a big Nor' Easter blow through here yesterday and dump about 1" of rain. It was on the one year anniversary of "Snowzilla" which was a Nor' Easter that dumped about 2' of snow. It' a blues sky day here today, but cool which is normal after one of those coastal storms comes through.

01-24-2017, 02:02 PM
We had 62 on Saturday. It's cooling down but we've had nothing but rain. I'd much rather have it colder with snow than high 30's and rain. I hate it when it's brown and dreary. Really causes the winter blues for me. Can't even ice fish because the warm ups have ruined the ice.

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