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View Full Version : Freaking Amazing!!!

Big Skyz
01-03-2013, 12:32 PM
My oldest daughter (9th Grade) simply amazes me with the quality of her artwork. She is into volley ball in a big way, and wanted to draw a victory celebration type drawing with volley ball players. She picked a reference picture from the Brazilian team right after they won. Even though I'm her father, and an art teacher, it still blows my mind that someone this young can draw this well. For the record, I did not touch this drawing at all. She did it 100% by herself. To me it is absolutely "Freaking Amazing!!!"

01-03-2013, 01:09 PM
All I can say is ... it must be in the genes! Nice drawing ... I can barely write my name. :(

01-03-2013, 01:24 PM
That is stunning for ANY age... much less a 14 year old.

And wimmin vollyball players have nice butts. Can you have her work that in to her next rendering? Please and thank you :)

01-03-2013, 01:25 PM
"Freaking amazing" is a great description.

My sister can do this kind of work - but won't. She's always had a bit of an inferiority complex and never thinks her drawings are "good enough". If you can get her do something - it's incredible. My statement stands: "I have absolutely *no* natural talent at *anything*. If I ever find something I am good at - I'm going to do it everyday." ;)

01-03-2013, 01:32 PM
Well, now that you mention it HH, maybe I've already found my calling.......

Anyway, that drawing is amazing on several fronts, including her observations on anatomy. the muscles and stuff I mean, look so natural. she may be more of a noticer than even me! I imagine you have to be a very good noticer to be an artist.


01-03-2013, 01:59 PM
No words.

01-03-2013, 04:10 PM
Beautiful drawing from your girl Troy. I have a couple paintings done by my aunt that decorate my walls and treasure them. Funny how someone in the family can be so gifted and others like myself max out at stickmen. :)


01-03-2013, 08:01 PM
Holy Moly!

01-03-2013, 09:07 PM