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View Full Version : The Democratic Leadership Debate (sorry, this is political)

02-22-2017, 11:56 PM
It's on CNN tonight. Mind you, I usually consider myself about mid-way between "center" and "far-right", but listening to those frigging nut-bags tonight just pushed me farther right than I think I've ever been. I swear! They didn't learn ONE, SINGLE thing from this past election. They are totally clueless and I feel they have COMPLETELY lost touch with this country. I really do make an effort to listen to both sides of the political spectrum, but I couldn't even finish watching tonight. What a bunch of clueless douche bags!

02-23-2017, 05:54 AM
Well at least you tried. That's more than I would do. I agree they have totally lost it with Main Street Americans. They have been so busy catering to speciality groups they have lost all touch with real people.

Chicken Dinner
02-23-2017, 06:41 AM
I couldn't agree more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-23-2017, 10:05 AM
Cap'n mentioned "specialty" groups.. I still (pretty briefly before I get fed up) try to catch first of the morning "news" shows. So now they are cutting scenes from movies because they don't want to offend the Chinese.. Gays.. Blacks.. Muslims.. Women.. Trans-genders.. I'd really appreciate it, if for one brief moment, someone would worry about offending *ME*.. Just jealous I guess..

quercus alba
02-23-2017, 10:20 AM
aw quityerbitchin HH, you ought be feel privileged to give up your rights just to cater to the minorities. After all it's the american way


02-23-2017, 11:41 AM
I've slid so far right I'm pushing on the left!

Can't watch the news, only snippets now and then.

Religion,their's, your's ,mine news. I'm so sick of hearing about religions, baby raper's, meme's of who's right and who is wrong, give me a "like" no one else will ,pass this on if you care, do you want to meet Jesus. To which I replied; "NO" then I'd be dead. Hey look what I ate for supper tonight. I started hiding post on FB doing & the unthinkable, unfriending people.

The supper thing, I was gonna post a pic of what I ate for supper two days ago.

Riots in every town USA, while being promoted by retard liberals in/out office.
You know damn well that when the one lone white guy finally goes off and wipes out a whole street load of SJW it will be dooms day for the rest of us. Out will come new laws and enforcement of some old ones.

People I use to work with are still trying to figure out why on the office door my name was listed as "John Galt".

Think I'll take the trash to the dump and stop by the machine shop/gun smith. Then slide into Golden Pantry for an order of chicken livers,sweet tea,potato logs and a biscuit.