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View Full Version : I guess we are just jinxed.....

Big Muddy
03-25-2017, 05:52 PM
We went thru 3 floods up at our fish camp on Lake Whittington, so we left after the last one....then, we bought the lake house on Lake Chicot to escape the flooding.....so, last year, Lake Chicot gets a 500 year flood, but fortunately, it spared our lake house.

Then, about 6 months ago, we had a severe storm at the lake house, which sent us hunkering down into the closet....it did some damage to the roof and cypress siding, but not enough to file a claim.

Well, early this morning at the lake house, about 3 am, all hell broke loose.....I knew a bad storm front was heading our way, but nothing like the weather ho's had predicted....just like other tornado victims have said, "It sounded like a freight train".....we rolled outta bed, and literally fell on top of each other, getting into the closet.....then, the bomb hit.....big shit starting flying and hitting the roof and the sides of the house, and it lasted about 5 minutes....we could feel the house, literally, breathing and pulsating....wife nearly went hysterical.....we were lucky, for sure, coulda been worse.

Power went out, so after it was over, I grabbed a flashlight, and this is what I found this morning....entire south part of roof torn off, then flipped over the house into the front yard.....several neighbors have the same sorta damage.....we love this place, and are just sick about it.....we are gonna do all the repairs, but might just sell out, and find something else.

I took a video of all the damage for the ins. company, but have no idea how to post it.

This is part of the roof across the road in a cornfield:


It's hard to see, but this is part of the house roof and patio roof.....dayum tv tower fell on my smaller boat shed, and collapsed the roof. too.


03-25-2017, 06:05 PM
Glad you are safe! That was one helluva system. I drove into it from the backside on the way to my hometown yesterday about 6:00 pm. It was like driving into a wall of water. I've always used the old saying "like pouring piss out of a boot", this was like pouring piss out of apair of chest waders. I hydroplaned my way at 45 mph the last 100 miles.

Again, I'm sure proud you and yours are safe, Eddie. A roof is a pain in the ass, but easily replaceable. (maybe not as big a pain in the ass a some others around here)


Big Muddy
03-25-2017, 06:08 PM
Thanks, Postie.....I'm not much of a drinking man, but that bottle of Christmas Crown Royal in the cupboard is starting to look mighty good 'bout now. ;)

03-25-2017, 06:27 PM
Dang, Brother! Glad y'all made it OK. Sounds like you were on the edge of loosing everything there.
Those things are sure scary.
Illl never own a house without a basement.

03-25-2017, 07:38 PM
Basements down here are called indoor swimming pools!

Glad all is well Eddie ... well, compared to what it could have been.

You didn't mention water damage. Was it just wind with no rain? It's hard to find a more helpless feeling than sitting in your house during a downpour ... without a roof!

Big Muddy
03-25-2017, 07:49 PM
Cap, we got a storm shelter at home, and, if we keep this place, I think I'm gonna install one here, too.....it's a toss up, right now, whether we sell out or not.....my wife was really tramatized about it, and I'm gonna let her make the decision to keep it or not....it's possible that she's too scared of the place, now......we finally got to bed about 5 AM, and I could hear her sobbing until she finally dozed off.....matter of fact, it took a couple of hours for my sphincter to relax.

I just got back from right down the road, where a huge pecan tree blew down across an older couples house.....house is pretty much destroyed, and barely missed their bedroom, where they were sound asleep.....I felt too embarrased for them to see me taking a pic of their demolished home, for posting here.....my situation is minor, compared to theirs.

Big Muddy
03-25-2017, 08:01 PM
Thump, it was a miracle that our actual living area only sustained about 6-7 leaks, which we quickly placed pots and pans under.....my "cooking" porch (40'x12')which is actually part of our house, and nearly like our living area, as well, is what got totally de-roofed, and rain water poured in.....we removed all the furniture, but the ceiling, carpet, roof, and maybe one wall, will need to be replaced.

03-26-2017, 08:38 AM
I'm sure glad y'all are ok...that would have scared the shit outta me...

03-26-2017, 09:48 AM
Damn man, that coulda been worse!

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Big Muddy
03-26-2017, 12:14 PM
I absolutely loathe people who are not punctual, or at least call, and say they're running late.....State Farm adjuster was suppose to be here at 9 AM.....since I pretty much hafta kiss his azz, when he gets here, I guess I better just keep my mouth shut, huh ??? ;)

03-26-2017, 03:36 PM
Damn Eddie. Glad you and the Mrs. came out safely. THat sounds a might on the frightening side when it's going down!

03-27-2017, 06:49 AM
Glad to hear you both made it out ok. That is quite the scary experience.

Give it some time before you decide to sell the place or not. Don't let it be an emotional decision that you'll both regret later.

About four years ago my Mom was having some serious health issues and decided to sell her home where she'd lived for 40 years. She wouldn't listen to anyone who said to wait to see if her health improved. Well it did significantly and she regrets selling the place every day.

Only you two can make the final decision but do it when you have settled down from the experience so that the emotions from the storm have settled down. Just my humble advice. Take it for what it's worth.

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Big Muddy
03-27-2017, 08:57 AM
Thanks, Ddog, things are looking a little better, now.

03-27-2017, 08:59 AM
Glad to hear you came out unscathed. It sucks but things can be fixed.