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04-14-2017, 02:59 PM
Ok, I've been hearing all the performance details about the big ol' MOAB we dropped in Afghanistan. Whatever happened to the days when we classified performance specifications on our military arsenal? I couldn't tell you how many articles I've seen lately, that start out like this:

The US has deployed the largest non-nuclear bomb in its inventory on an ISIS target in a remote part of far northeast Afghanistan, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday.

Now, wouldn't it be more prudent to release something along the lines of:

The US has deployed the smallest, least powerful model of a new breed of non-nuclear bombs in its inventory on an ISIS target in a remote part of far northeast Afghanistan, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday.

Wouldn't that grab a bit more attention from our adversaries and have them wondering, "If THAT was their smallest ... I wonder what the heck their BIGGEST is capable of?"

At least Trump has dropped that idiotic policy Obama followed by releasing dumbass statements like, "We will withdraw ALL US troops from (fill in battlefield of your choice) by (insert date here)!" I have to say, that was one of the dumbest things he did ... over and over. I can still hear the enemy laughing and saying, "Ok boys, take a 2-week vacation while the US military pulls out, THEN we'll proceed with that battle plan we were going to execute tomorrow!" Ha ha ha ha, stupid Americans!"

04-14-2017, 04:25 PM
And the media asking, >whats your plan? >whats your strategy?

04-14-2017, 06:23 PM
As my dad would always say when I asked a question I shouldn't have .... "Nunya". I'd ask him what nunya meant and he'd say, "Nunya damn business!" ;)