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01-10-2013, 10:58 AM
The flu is going crazy here in Oklahoma. We had a bad respiratory infection go through our whole family over the holidays but I don't think it was the real flu. So that's out there as well. I came down with it the very day I got off work before Christmas and I'm still dealing with the after effects.

Seems like the CDC missed the boat on what to put in the annual flu shot. Great start to the new year!

John, you guys getting this stuff up in Canada too?


01-10-2013, 11:18 AM
Not sure what it is down here ... I don't honestly know if I've ever had the "flu". I'm not sure how to tell the difference between being really sick and having the flu. Maybe it's one of those "if you get it, you'll know" type things. What concerns me is, although Lynn and I get a flu shot every year, NO amount of arm twisting can convince my 81 year old mother to get one. She swears a flu shot will give her the flu and prolly kill her! I've tried everything short of knocking her out and injecting her myself ... it just ain't gonna happen!

As for the respiratory thing ... EVERYONE seems to have that around here. We went to a birthday party for a very close friend on New Years night (her b/d is Jan. 1) and she was sick with it. The whole family was in town for her birthday, which included 4 kids and about 10-12 adults. Everyone was sick but her husband, Lynn and myself. BUT ... Lynn was sick all this past weekend and felt so bad yesterday, she took off work. She says EVERYONE at work has the crap.

Knock on wood ... so far, I've not had a problem but I have the sneaky feeling I'm next ... especially the way Lynn's been hacking, coughing and sneezing the past 5-6 days. :(

01-10-2013, 11:33 AM
The real flu makes this upper respiratory bug look like a walk in the park. You don't want to even tempt the flu. Combine a stomach virus, upper respiratory, body aches like you've been beat with a bat, and a headache that won't go away and you've got the flu. Flu kills people. Its rough stuff.
and I'm in agreement with your Mom on the shot.


01-10-2013, 12:00 PM

01-10-2013, 12:29 PM
Got the nasties up this way too. I'm still dealing with pneumonia but no longer feeling like a truck ran me over multiple times and only a bit feverish these days instead of the hot/cold cycle that I had for a week or so.

My wife who NEVER misses work because she isn't feeling bad was actually hit so hard that she spent two days at home and still isn't recovered either. So far the kids have escaped it but last night the swimmer was complaining that his nose was starting to get plugged up. Hopefully it is just a cold.

As for the flu shot, the rest of my family gets it but because of my egg allergy I can't, so I just spend the winter with my fingers crossed.

Best of luck to all in avoiding The Yuck!

01-10-2013, 12:47 PM
It's been bad up our way as well, Barry. Lots of flu. I can't remember the strain but it's a nasty bugger as I can attest to personally. I'm just getting over my second bout of it. Seems like you sorta get better then it comes back with a vengeance. I started feeling bad my last day in Vegas which made for an interesting plane ride home. Probably infected the whole passenger list.

Also got the norowalk virus doing the rounds - 48 hours of getting very personal with your terlet. Haven't got that one yet and sure don't want it!

This is about the first time I've been sick since we moved out here so maybe my bod has finally succumbed to the west coast uglies.