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View Full Version : Tpost, what ya'll feeding your Okie cows ???.....

Big Muddy
06-12-2017, 10:25 AM
Yesterday, driving home from the lakehouse, we were just crossing the new MS River bridge at Greenville.....about a 1/4 mile ahead, the car in front of us, suddenly threw on their brakes, and erratically, pulled over to the side of the highway.....we slowed down, to see what their problem was, and the entire front of their car was covered in green runny diarrhea cow sheeit.....actually, we smelled it before we saw the entire highway covered in cow sheeit.....no wonder those folks pulled over.....they couldn't see outta their windshield.

Up ahead, we could see a semi, hauling a cattle van.....the new bridge is 2 miles long, and there was cow sheeit splattered in about a dozen different places, literally, the entire length of the bridge.....I'm not talking about a few lumpy cow turds, this looked like a firehouse, hooked up to a cow's azz, and sprayed the highway.

When we got off the new bridge, we caught up with the semi, who was waiting in the turn lane, to enter the Harlow's Casino parking lot for the big rigs.....along with about 20 gals. of cow sheeit, still running outta the cattle van onto the highway, that's when I caught a glimpse of the writing on the semi truck door.....didn't catch the name of the trucking company, but the address was Guyman, OK.

The van was packed with cattle, and it was as if every one of them decided to empty their bowels, all at once.....thankfully, most of it was left on the Arkansas side of the bridge. ;)

06-12-2017, 10:57 AM
Heck, you'd shit too if your were on the way to the slaughter house! :hair

06-12-2017, 12:02 PM
Scours Ranch and Cattle Company!