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06-14-2017, 08:54 PM
I've been thinking about this Puerto Rico deal. (Nandy, give us your opinion if you're lurking out there) Granted, I'm not an expert on the subject, but I was pretty good friends with a Puerto Rican dude (until he moved back to New York) and we discussed Puerto Rican politics from time to time. We used to have friendly arguments and I'd many times ask him if he wanted to go out in the woods with me to do some shooting. He asked what kind of targets I shoot and I'd tell him I like to shoot cans .... Africans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, etc. I'd then take off running as he'd try to plant his foot up my ass! ;)

Anyway, back to Puerto Rican politics. They are a U.S. territory and are American citizens, yet they pay no State or Federal income taxes. Through the years they have voted whether or not to become a state, if so, Congress would work out the kinks and PR would become the 51st state. Statehood was always voted down and the island preferred the status quo. I remember I'd always tell my buddy he just wanted the cake and to eat it too! IMHO, they wanted the benefits of statehood, but not the responsibilities. In 1998 they had 4 options on the ballot, including statehood, but the last option was "none of the above", which received over 50% of the vote. In 2012, their economy started to tank and the future didn't look all that bright. Time for another vote ... surprise! PR decided they wanted to become the 51st state! Whoa! Wait a minute, the ballot was so screwed up there was no other option, so most of them were left blank in that area ... which made the "yes vote" totally skewed ... so it was basically trashed. Right now PR is over $70 billion in debt and has a 12%-14% unemployment rate. Now, many corporations have moved to Puerto Rico to dodge the US tax structure (no corporate tax). If PR becomes a state, they can kiss another 100K civilian and gov't. jobs goodbye, because the corporations would have no reason to stay there and would seek better tax rates elsewhere. So, figure the unemployment rate would skyrocket!

I guess what sticks in my craw, is that PR did NOT want to become a state for the last 100+ years, but now that their economy, as well as their economic future is in the toilet, their preference has changed. Why not? With statehood, they'd receive all the Federal programs statehood would qualify for ... food stamps, public housing, section 8 housing, the refundable earned income tax credit, the Women, Infants and Children food program, energy aid, Medicaid, etc. etc. etc, PLUS they'd be eligible to file bankruptcy through U.S. bankruptcy laws. Considering the fact almost 50% of Puerto Ricans live below the poverty level, I can see boatloads of cash headed their way with statehood, all while we're trying to work our way out of debt also.

I may be a total a-hole with my thoughts on the situation, but it just sounds like they're looking for a bailout IMHO. BUT, as I stated above, I'm no expert and could be all wet.

06-15-2017, 05:11 AM
I may be a total a-hole with my thoughts on the situation, but it just sounds like they're looking for a bailout IMHO. BUT, as I stated above, I'm no expert and could be all wet.

I think your right thump...we would only inherit more debt.

06-15-2017, 08:08 AM
From what I've seen in the papers, the voter turnout was so low its impossible to say it was representative of the PR people's wishes.

I have no issues with PR becoming a state if the people there want it. Statesare beneficiaries of infrastrusture spending by the federal government that PR doesn't receieve, so comparing their economic viability with other states isn't valid either.

So put it to a vote of the PR people that is a real vote and follow that course. Then let our congress decide. That's the process. What we think doesn't matter much.


quercus alba
06-15-2017, 09:18 AM
Oh sure, drag logic and facts into the conversation

that's unAmerican

06-15-2017, 09:46 AM
So put it to a vote of the PR people that is a real vote and follow that course. Then let our congress decide. That's the process. What we think doesn't matter much.


I don't like that one bit. The American people should be able to decide if we want them to become a state just as PR citizens decide if they want to ask. My answer would be no. We don't need any more states right now unless they're bringing something of value to American citizens.

Chicken Dinner
06-15-2017, 10:00 AM
I have no problem with letting them in as it's a great vacation spot and they make good rum. It's probably even less of a flyer than letting Hawaii in back in the day. I doubt it'll happen though as long as there's such a small Republican majority in the US Senate though. The last thing those bitter old white guys are going to do is let in a couple of more Democrats...

06-15-2017, 10:55 AM
The last thing those bitter old white guys are going to do is let in a couple of more Democrats...

That's why P-hole is all over it! ;)

06-15-2017, 11:04 AM
I think they should become the 51st state and that the USVI be combined with it to make a package deal. And then I think we should make it into a giant weed farm.


06-15-2017, 11:37 AM
Hmmmm, now THAT'S one Liberal platform I could live with! :D

06-15-2017, 11:48 AM
Weed and baseball. What a combo!

06-15-2017, 12:50 PM
Heck, with enough weed, I probably COULD watch a baseball game! ;)

06-15-2017, 01:14 PM
I think they should become the 51st state and that the USVI be combined with it to make a package deal. And then I think we should make it into a giant weed farm.

On second thought, I think your right!....:D

06-15-2017, 02:07 PM
Hmmmm, now THAT'S one Liberal platform I could live with! :D

That's not Liberal. Liberals are dumbasses. That's LIBERTARIAN!

06-15-2017, 02:13 PM
Libertarians aren't real ... they're just thrown into the mix to screw up the vote count. ;)

Democratic views on marijuana tend to be positive, with 73 percent of those who identify as liberals supporting legalization, according to the Huffington Post. Gallup polls have shown that 65 percent of Democrats support legalization, which stands in stark contrast to a mere 35 percent of Republicans.

06-15-2017, 03:15 PM
How dare you present facts to refute my fake news. You bastard! There is no research number for Libertarians but I promise you it's higher than Liberals. Pun you very much.

06-15-2017, 03:48 PM
Ha ha ha ha! Very punny! ;)

06-15-2017, 04:49 PM
Libertarianism is a fucking copout. Its just claiming being contrary to everything as a philosophy.

~your friendly SD

06-16-2017, 09:13 AM
'gah please! It's totally not a cop out. Sadly, some of the people it attracts are like that. I mean, does it really matter where allepo is?

I was considering joining a local Libertarian group just to get a taste of what they're REALLY like.

Chicken Dinner
06-16-2017, 12:11 PM
Hell, Trump probably still doesn't know where Allepo is...

06-16-2017, 12:28 PM
Heck, he prolly has a hotel and golf course there. ;)

06-16-2017, 06:19 PM
'gah please! It's totally not a cop out. Sadly, some of the people it attracts are like that. I mean, does it really matter where allepo is?

I was considering joining a local Libertarian group just to get a taste of what they're REALLY like.

You just want some libertarian twat.


06-16-2017, 08:23 PM
Huh??? He IS a Libertarian twat! ;)