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Big Skyz
06-28-2017, 02:04 PM
Lest y'all think is all that I do is fish...
Big Al Morris from FoxPro and I lit up the local coyotes week before last. He came out here with his cameraman and we created an episode for the FoxPro's TV show called Furtakers. We had an incredible week with lots of exciting action. We had 22 coyotes respond to the calling in 3 full days of hunting. We certainly weren't able to kill all of them. Sometimes they hung up. Others came in more than one at a time. When that first shot goes off they scatter like quail and are super tough to hit. Well hard for me to hit anyway. Of the coyotes that did give us a good opportunity though, we put them on the ground. Hopefully it will turn into an outstanding show.

Me with a big old, mean male. Probably the oldest coyote I've killed in this part of the state.

Look at the tooth wear on this old dog.

Al and I, with another old coyote.

Here is the whole lot of us Al, me, and his dogs Gritta and Ted. This is one ugly little coyote.

06-28-2017, 02:08 PM
What are the dogs for B/S? Bait? Errrr, I mean decoys? ;)

Big Muddy
06-28-2017, 02:13 PM
I never miss an episode of Big Al's show.....let us know, when it airs.

P.S. Didya hafta feed Big Al ???.....that boy looks like he could sho 'nuf put away some groceries !!! ;)

06-28-2017, 02:19 PM
I'll be watching for that one, too.. Congrats!

Big Skyz
06-28-2017, 02:24 PM
Thump the dogs are literally used as decoy dogs. They go out and engage with the coyotes and lure them in. The dogs mix it up with the coyotes just enough to really tick them off. Then the dogs come running back to us. The coyotes come chasing them in thinking they are going up really tear up those dogs, and we have a little surprise for them. ;)

BM, yes, he stayed in our home with us and yes he can put a hurt on a meal. The show should air sometime shortly after the first of the year when they start showing their new season. Just for the record Big Al is about as cool and genuine as anyone you could ever meet. We have been friends for about 4 years now and he's darn good people!

Chicken Dinner
06-28-2017, 03:16 PM
Be sure to post up the details when it gets closer to air date. I'd love to check it out.

06-28-2017, 05:19 PM
Now thats cool stuff Big Skyz

06-29-2017, 08:56 AM
Nice pic's, great story, but your camo don't match :wink

06-29-2017, 09:18 AM
Good catch Bubba!

Cool stuff! Can't wait to see it. That's sure an interesting way to use dogs for yotes. Can't wait to see it.

The 'old boys' I've heard talk about coyote hunting with greyhounds in the prairie lands sure make it sound like it was a lot of fun.


06-29-2017, 09:18 AM
That last yote looks like he has mange. Cool story look forward to watching.

06-29-2017, 09:39 AM
Looks like one heck of a good time to me. Would love to try the hunting coyotes with dogs sometime. Pretty interesting from the videos I've seen.

Thump-like story (not really):
I met Big Al a couple of years ago when he was in town doing a Fox Pro promotion at our local Scheels store. Big Sky gave me a heads-up that he was going to be here and told me to tell him "hi" for him. Walked up to his booth and said, "Hey, someone asked me to pass along a message to you." He immediately got an "oh-shit, now what" look on his face but when the message was "Troy says "Hi," he let out a BIG ol' laugh. After that we had a good, long chat. That gent seems to truly enjoy what he is doing and I am sure he is a hoot to spend time with.

Big Skyz
06-29-2017, 11:06 AM
Hombre, no mange, the dogs really worked him over after he was dead though. That darn little jagd terrier (the darker one) is tough on wounded or dead coyotes. He has zero love for them and he'd tear the hide right off of them if we didn't pull him off.

Bwana, cool story.