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01-11-2013, 02:58 PM
I haven't been on much since moving to Seattle; so, I thought I would drop in and give an update. For those that don't know I took a Job with Microsoft in Seattle after working for Verizon for 17 years. It was really just time for a change. I moved in November and the family will move January 28th. So far I am really enjoying the area. I've been to Pike Place fish market (great seafood), done a couple of hikes with the dog and generally just kept busy.

First week I was here the dog tore the siding off the back of the Microsoft temporary house provided, so that was nice to deal with. I miss my friends and family a lot but am also making some friends here and its nice to experience different views. I really enjoy the job and the people I work with are very smart and great resources to learn from. One of my favorite things about this place is the knowledge I am gaining from my coworkers and the knowledge from being on the other side of buy vs sell.

All in all a great experience, but really ready for my family to join me.

I'll try and check in more often.


01-11-2013, 03:29 PM
So Jaeger is still feeling his oats, huh? You've got to tell the story about when he was a pup and woke up the neighbors waking up to him drinking in their toilet. and finding their shoes in your back yard.

01-11-2013, 05:20 PM
Get to know the area so you can fill me in when the time is right. I have a convention coming up there in 2014 and would like to bring the missus along to see what we can see so be prepared for some questions in the future.

Glad to hear things are turning out well for you.

01-11-2013, 07:02 PM
My dad lived in Seattle for many years (Mercer Island) and loved it. I went up there years ago and liked what I saw also ... in fact I started looking to buy some property around Snoqualme Falls (sp?). I have a couple good buds up that way (ex-employees of mine who went up to work for my dad) and I could hook you up if you want to have some fun and maybe learn something new about the area.

01-11-2013, 07:09 PM
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Hope you like rain!!! :D

01-11-2013, 07:41 PM
We are actually looking at houses in Snoqualmie. The falls are pretty cool. Sunshine, the rain so far isn't an issue, its always a light rain but I'm told it will wear on you, so we'll see.

Dog Story:

As you can see above Jaeger is pretty destructive when he sets his mind to it. One night he decided to chew a hole in the chain link fence. The hole lead directly to my neighbors yard, who just happens to have a doggy door so their little dog and go in and out freely. About 2AM my neighbor wakes up to a noise in the house. He told me he could hear the noise coming from the guest bathroom and slowly crept up on the door (he doesn't own a gun). Said he kind of kicked open the door to find my dog drinking out of the toilet. The whole mess scared Jaeger and he hightailed it for the doggy door, which he went through so fast he ended up wearing it on the way out. Short story It cost me $100 to replace the doggy door and the neighbor never seemed real found of him afterward.....he's probably just lucky to be alive.