View Full Version : Stuff People Don't/Won't Say

09-02-2017, 11:23 AM
I remember Katrina well, as my teams in Texas worked 24/7 for about 25 straight days to reroute and restore circuits we lost that went through New Orleans. And being a major city, we had some major network going through there.
For some reason, then it wasn't politically incorrect for people to ask out loud whether or not it was of any value for American taxpayer dollars to be spent rebuilding the city it being so close to sea level and all and really just full of people we'd just as soon not have to remember we have as citizens.
And for some reason it IS politically incorrect to say that stuff out loud about Houston and Beaumont. But it doesn't take away from the awesome response of the people in south Texas to say that the political leaders down there are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. And my opinion is that when we pay to rebuild it (not if) we ought to demand that they address the issues that need to be addressed. For example, they quite obviously don't have an evacuation plan. At least not one they trust that works, else they'd have done it. They obviously have overdeveloped parts of the city to the point where there really doesn't seem to be any regard for the frequent flooding there. Check rhe city's history. They flood a LOT. And most recently they flood a shit ton. And they get bailed out , by us, every time without making any fundamental changes to their development plans.
The truth is, that like Oklahoma, their leaders are owned lock stock and barrel by the oil and gas industry. FYI, if you haven't noticed, their profits are pretty much guaranteed. Another one the rest of us pay for.
I think that money for the flood victims, the people and small businesses, ought to be done in a non political manner. But the infrastructure spending needs to have a plan tied to it that takes into account new extreme weather events like this one. Whether you believe that climate change is man made or not doesn't make a shit's worth of difference. The fact that they've been in denial, as they are here in my state, that stuff like this can even happen is a breach of their responsibility as leaders.
And like old Gen Honore' said, they need to stop hugging and congratulating themselves and get to friggin work.
That Texas governor makes me wanna puke. He's worse than Fallin.


09-02-2017, 11:46 AM

09-02-2017, 11:54 AM
You're darned tootin'!

Bite me!

And while you're at it get off my yard!


09-02-2017, 01:20 PM
You remind me of the old biddy who lived next door to us when we were kids. When we'd ride bikes, skateboards, skates etc, she'd run out of her house swinging a broom and yelling at us to get off "her" (city) sidewalk! Old Lady Woods was her name. :crazy

09-02-2017, 11:54 PM
I read a pretty good article the other day talking about how Houston has pretty much let development run wild so most of the natural parts of the city where water should be absorbed are all impervious cover which I suspect means concrete. They have pretty much developed all the bayou areas and that water has nowhere to go but up. It was a pretty good read.

09-03-2017, 08:21 AM
Is the same as what I've been seeing too. And there are more than a few parts of Houston that have been flooded three time in the last three years. And been rebuilt.


09-03-2017, 09:14 AM
You are not comparing apples to apples.

09-03-2017, 09:42 AM
How so? What is different?


09-03-2017, 11:13 AM
Is it so obvious you can't even see it???

09-03-2017, 11:41 AM
No, what is the difference?


09-03-2017, 12:32 PM
One place is above sea level and the other is below sea level.