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09-29-2017, 06:50 PM
General Silveria did us all proud today. Straight talk.



09-29-2017, 06:57 PM
Yeah. I liked that immensely. I wish Trump would say something like this to the whole damn country.

09-29-2017, 07:16 PM
I wish Trump would say something like this to the whole damn country.

But ... where would they get out TO? ;)

09-29-2017, 07:32 PM
That was a great speech.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

quercus alba
09-29-2017, 07:54 PM
I'm against discrimination in the true sense of the word. I am however not against racism in the way Americans have come to perceive it in this day and age. I have no problem with you disliking someone because of their race, it's a free country. I guess I have become jaded by the way so called racism has become such a political tool to allow people to get what they want.

Am I racist? Probably, in fact most of the people here are racist simply because they're white. That's all the criteria needed. There is nothing you can do to convince the minority groups that you're not. White=Racist. Those people who know me know differently. I'm the only white member in an all black deer club, they ask me if I'm sure I don't have some black blood in me. But I'll always be a racist because I'm white and conservative and old fashioned.

I'm just having a real hard time working up much sympathy folks crying racism. It exist, it always had, it always will. Get over it

09-29-2017, 08:29 PM
Let me just present the other side, if for no other reason than we oughta at least see it.

For one, QA, you are sounding an awful lot like a victim. A snowflake even, by the current definition. We're supposed to accept our lot and shut up, right? Wasn't that the crux of your point?

I don't understand why minorities can never be allowed to claim racial discrimination. Like ever. As if the only ones who can decide if it exists or not are, well us. And yep, we get to decide what os the proper way to let us know about it. Maybe there should be a process, some forms to fill out or something.

And we're quick to point out that since racism is universal, its somehow not as bad. Even though its really not universal.

We who have never experienced it get to define it, point it out when it happens, and we get to decide how upset the receivers of it get to be about it.


quercus alba
09-29-2017, 09:07 PM
you make some good points, I guess it's kinda like the boy that cried wolf, after a while it loses credibility.

BTW, I'm not sure what a snowflake is so I don't know if that's what I am or not. Sounds racist to me

09-29-2017, 09:49 PM
Can there be black snowflakes?

quercus alba
09-29-2017, 10:01 PM
A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, shouting, interrupting, threatening, assaulting, etc. They often live in an echo chamber of their own beliefs and surround themselves exclusively with people and opinions that agree with their own

sounds like it

09-29-2017, 10:13 PM
"I don't understand why minorities can never be allowed to claim racial discrimination. "

Come again? Really, never.....I don't think anyone is saying that nor that everyone does it....but There's certainly a lot of "racism" claims that are nothing of the sort...For that matter I can't remember how many articles I've read that "misogyny" lost Hillary the vote. In fact wasn't it just Michele who claimed any woman who voted against Hillary "voted against her own voice" implying that women should solely vote on Women's rights. Switch that statement Any man who votes for Hillary is voting against his own voice....All the sudden its asinine as if I shouldn't consider the economical impact, tax position or any other non gender or racial thing that has impact.