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10-31-2017, 07:38 PM
The soccer moms keep bringing their mini-vans into the neighborhood and unloading a bazillion trick-or-treaters, then they follow the goblins around as they collect their treats, then load ‘em all up to move on to the next neighborhood

Halloween turns me into an old curmudgeon these past few years. I’m TRYING to watch my dang TV programs!! BAH HUMBUG!! No wait .... that’s a couple months away. :(

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10-31-2017, 07:44 PM
I think a cool idea would be a black suburban filled with about 20 kids in dark suits.


10-31-2017, 07:55 PM
I was visiting my sister and bil in Houston a few years back and my niece came into the kitchen just before leaving for a Halloween party. I commented about her heading to the party with no costume. She said that’s why she came into the kitchen. Huh? At that time she reached into the cabinet and pulled out a large sauce pan. I asked what she was going to do with it, then she put it on her head like a hat and said, “I’m going as a pot-head!"

She then came over and gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, “Ya’ wanna burn one before I leave?” (We did) :wink

She’s my favorite niece! :thumbsup


quercus alba
10-31-2017, 09:51 PM
Had two trick or treaters . Now I have a bunch of popcorn balls to dispose of

10-31-2017, 10:18 PM
I’ll bet we had 500. Forty pounds of candy.

I’m investing in insulin stocks.


Big Muddy
11-01-2017, 12:05 AM
Fortunately, the little bastages would get lost, trying to find our place.....and, they'd need 4 wheel drive, to boot. ;)

11-01-2017, 07:24 AM
That’s the kind of place I always said I wanted. Drive a while in 4wd, ride a horse a mile or two, get off and walk a while, rappell down a cliff and rock climb back up and then you reach my front stoop.

Alas, I married a townie and all those plans didn’t work out for me. Now in my golden years, I am a townie.


Big Muddy
11-01-2017, 07:43 AM
It's quite nice, really.....however, it can be inconvenient at times, when you can't make a quick trip to Walmart for toilet paper or little debbie snacks. ;)

11-01-2017, 08:16 AM
My cousin lives in one of the most remote places that I know of, at least in my circle of family and friends. Larke has been there. He got his first phone in the late 1990s and to get cell phone service, you drive from his house ‘to the top of the mountain’.
Aside from maximizing trips to town, for the most part he is his own fire, police, ambulance and has had to act as such a few times over the years. My entire life I’ve daydreamed of living on that farm but to be honest about it, I don’t know now if that’d be for me or not.


quercus alba
11-01-2017, 08:38 AM
I like to be close enough to town so I can run get gas for the mower before I can talk myself into putting it off until tomorrow. Won't be long till I have to drive 10 miles to buy gas

Chicken Dinner
11-01-2017, 08:48 AM
All your outbuildings would just end up looking like your garage. :D

I've always wanted a place where the directions included, "turn off the paved road at the double-reflector." In reality, I probably enjoy the comforts and conveniences of town life too much. I do get to spend quite a bit of time out in the country and enjoy it immensely, but it also makes me aware of what I'd give up to have it full time. The perfect compromise may be a weekend place.

My cousin lives in one of the most remote places that I know of, at least in my circle of family and friends. Larke has been there. He got his first phone in the late 1990s and to get cell phone service, you drive from his house ‘to the top of the mountain’.
Aside from maximizing trips to town, for the most part he is his own fire, police, ambulance and has had to act as such a few times over the years. My entire life I’ve daydreamed of living on that farm but to be honest about it, I don’t know now if that’d be for me or not.


11-01-2017, 08:53 AM
My cousin’s out buildings do kind of remind me of my garage. But I need all that stuff.


11-01-2017, 09:17 AM
My bestest buddy (for the past 60 years) hates living close to other people, so he lives so far out in the swamp, he has to pipe in sunlight! It takes him 25-30 minutes just to get to the grocery store. (he goes to the estate sales with me every week) He's way out in the sticks anyway, but the last 1-1/2 miles of "road" is dirt with a sprinkling of trailers here and there. HIS driveway starts at the END of that road and is another mile of (private) dirt road. He went through the survivalist thing a few years back and stocked up on ammo, canned food, etc. awaiting the Zombie Apocalypse or sumpin'. He has a generator as well as solar power. He even mapped out the big billboards along the interstate that are run by solar power so that he can run around swiping the large solar panels once the apocalypse arrives! He has a garden, has chickens and a few hogs for veggies, meat and eggs. Heck, I'm not sure what all he has stored away! BTW, he said he's never had ONE trick or treater! ;)

He's actually gotten stuck a few times in his driveway and even the dirt road out to the highway. Luckily he has a tractor to pull himself out of any mud holes he falls into. (he drives a truck or he couldn't even get to his house half the time!)

Here's his road after a HEAVY rain.