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Big Skyz
01-19-2018, 10:25 AM
I don't know if any of you guys ever have your day just not start off well. Ever think (present company excluded) I really don't like people in general all that much. Some days the whole hermit lifestyle seems awfully appealing. Tomorrow (Saturday) can't get here fast enough. Methinks I'm going to head to the Missouri River tomorrow and enjoy some alone time. Besides I'm probably the only one that can stand my company sometimes.

01-19-2018, 10:35 AM
I have had those feelings many times. My Mom always referred to them as the ‘Megrims’. Her remedy has always been to go do something for somebody else when she got them. My wife, on the other hand usually just told me to get over my bad self.
Both are pretty smart women in my book.

Sounds like you have your own remedy.

ps...I don’t have the megrims any more since I’ve retired so it might have something to do with work!


01-19-2018, 10:35 AM
BigS - I have this a lot. To tell the truth its gotten a lot worse since I started working in a big city, and probably since I've gotten older. Here's what I notice most. When friends use to get invites to social gatherings I use to feel left out or at the very least would really want to go, now I cringe at the thought of being invited to events. I'd really prefer to be home. I daydream a lot about the day I can move out to the country. It probably doesn't help that I'm an early riser and prefer morning (Wake up every Sat / Sun around 5 and do a walk with the dog @ the 3-forks Snoqualmie river trail) so, by 9 I'd really just like to get in bed.

As far as the day goes yep I've had them, as bad as those to me are the days where everything is going too good and I think ok when's the $hitshow going to start.

Big Skyz
01-19-2018, 10:55 AM
Hombre I'm an early riser as well. I know exactly what you are talking about on those days that go too good. I call them "When is the other shoe gonna drop days." Every once in a great while the other shoe doesn't drop, so it gives me hope.

BKB, your mother is correct about doing things for others to help one get out of the funk. However this time around it was doing things for others that got me in this fix, so to tomorrow is going to be a "me-day". May sound selfish, but I guess I really don't care.

Chicken Dinner
01-19-2018, 11:11 AM
This pretty much sums up my philosophy. It hits me hard right after the holidays and I pretty much hibernate most of Jan/Feb.


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01-19-2018, 11:12 AM
A couple of nice rainbows might be the best medicine ever! Catch some bigguns!


01-19-2018, 11:20 AM
I know a gal that can pull you out of that funk in no time flat! Us old farts know her as Mary Jane. :D

01-19-2018, 11:35 AM
Could the fact your favorite fishing buddy ran off to college be one reason for that dreaded blue funk?

01-19-2018, 11:40 AM
Could the fact your favorite fishing buddy ran off to college be one reason for that dreaded blue funk?

That’s where my money is too, Jim.


Big Skyz
01-19-2018, 12:27 PM
Well that might be part of it, but not what really has me set off right now. I've just had some business dealings lately that do not improve my faith in mankind in general. Got pretty screwed over on some art related work and has me a little pizzed this morning.

01-19-2018, 03:11 PM
Well that might be part of it, but not what really has me set off right now. I've just had some business dealings lately that do not improve my faith in mankind in general. Got pretty screwed over on some art related work and has me a little pizzed this morning.

Wait’ll you die and Thump comes in and buys all your art for a Nickel a piece, then turns around and makes a fortune on eBay. That’ll REALLY Pizz you off! :)

01-19-2018, 04:27 PM
I've really become that way since I retired 16 years ago.
My social enjoyment today is my family and the grand kids.
I'm a fairly quiet guy, I find pleasure in my work and being left alone.
I usually meet two friends for coffee most days from 10-11, then back home and back to work. Never do anything more with them other than coffee.
Wife has complained "We have no social life", yup, she's right, just about the way I like it.
My only real regret is it's caused me to drift away from some good friends like the Captain, We met about 20 + years ago and have spent many very enjoyable times together, both at his place and mine. I have not seen him now for about 4 years. Also, some teacher friends and friends of the wife.

01-19-2018, 04:30 PM
Wait’ll you die and Thump comes in and buys all your art for a Nickel a piece, then turns around and makes a fortune on eBay. That’ll REALLY Pizz you off! :)

Your future as a life coach is seriously in jeopardy.


01-19-2018, 04:45 PM
Your future as a life coach is seriously in jeopardy.


Duly noted. My apologies.