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View Full Version : CWD deer found here.....

Big Muddy
02-16-2018, 07:25 PM
One dead deer was found here and tested for CWD about a month ago.....it tested positive, and has put our DOW into a defcon one-knee-jerk-frenzy.....it appears they are getting ready to slaughter 900 deer within a 25 mile radius of the dead animal in west MS, near the MS River.
The following video has mirrored my exact opinion about CWD from day one.....I trust the opinion of these guys in this video 100% over some of these little snot-nose biologists fresh outta college who act like young arrogant snowflakes.....thank goodness, this is not happening near me.


Chicken Dinner
02-17-2018, 01:02 PM
I’ll try to watch the video when I have more time. We do have CDW in part of WV that borders an are I hunt. So, it’s in the “watch” zone that has a bunch of restrictions on how you handle and process deer. I’ve never shot a deer on that piece of land and am not sure I’d eat it if I did. (I’d probably donate it or give it away with full disclosure.). I just don’t know whose right in this and I’m not interested in finding out personally.

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