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02-27-2018, 11:09 PM
The state government in my state are the biggest bunch of assholes in the world. Hardly anything gets done in our legislature unless it involves some ALEC driven legislature or taking power away from Oklahoma voters. When the fracking related earthquakes started happening, they passed a law preventing cities an towns from passing civic ordinances banning fracking. When cities moved to increase minimum wages they passed a law saying only the state could do that. When Oklahomans passed an initiative petition reforming sentencing and making many non-violent offenses misdemeanors, they changed the law after it passed to restore felony convictions if the crime occurred withon 1000 feet of a chirch or school. You can’t swing a cat in this state withouthitting either.
Now we have a medical marijuana initiative petition that we will vote on in June and they are passing laws now to make it impossible to do more inotiative petitions and changing the state law to circumvent what is in the petition we’re voting on. Scott Pruitt, by the way, delayed the vote on this bill by a year by jacking with the language on the ballot so the initiators had to sue in the state supreme court (they won).
it would have never passed with the language he wrote and he knew it.

In November these Tea Party mother fuckers are gone. The public outcry is getting louder and louder. I’ve always thought evil was overblown when people talked about it. These assholes are evil personified.

Irony of ironies? Now the legislature says there are too many regulations in Oklahoma.

The people is where the power should reside.


02-28-2018, 10:11 AM
Easy solution, call Trump and tell him there's a big ol' swamp over in Okieland that needs draining. ;)

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2018, 10:52 AM
I thought you’d sent your biggest asshole politicians to Washington.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-28-2018, 10:53 AM
Thos is from a news stpry today. It is what my state’s legislature is working on while the rest of the state is literally and figuratively shaking to pieces.

“The Senate General Government Committee voted 6-4 for Senate Bill 1016, which would require school classrooms to display a poster or framed image of “In God We Trust.” The bill by Sen. Wayne Shaw, R-Grove, also calls for the U.S. flag and the state flag to be placed in classrooms, libraries and public buildings maintained or operated by state funds, providing funding is available to pay for it.

Shaw noted that coins and the Pledge of Allegiance also refer to God, and so he doesn't see his proposal as problematic.”

02-28-2018, 12:43 PM
Boy do I have some great news for you. It really doesn't matter red or blue or what state you live in their all equally screwed up, so you're not alone <----That's the good news. I think I've mentioned before that Kenzington did Fast Start here. The program basically allows Junior and Senior high school kids to take college classes, as long as they have taken a certain level of class before their junior/senior year, and count them as dual credits. So, as an example Kenzi could take English 101 and it counted as college credit and English 2 in high school. It was a great program as a Senior Kenzi graduated with an associates and her high school diploma. I would estimate her first two years of college cost me somewhere around $3000. Think of the kids who may not be able to afford college getting at a minimum a 2 year degree and maybe a bachelor's because they could reduce the overall cost.

Thursday night we went out to eat and it just so happened that our waitress new Cade and has daughters his age, plus one around Kenzi's age. She talked about how great it was that her first daughter was able to use the Fast Track program but she was worried that her younger daughters may not be able to go to college, she's a single mom. Her concern was they are talking about canceling the Fast Start program. The reasoning behind it is too many are using the program. So, since they have 800 and 300 are using it that means 300 don't go to class in the high school. So, the politicians want to reduce funding to the school. Keep in mind that I live in a state where the politicians regularly sit at the bully pulpit and espouse the "right" of everyone to have a fee education. This isn't even free but it greatly reduces the cost, and even at a reduced cost they can't find the funding to continue the program.

This is where our problem lies, every politician is willing to tell you what you want to hear in order to stay in office, even if what you want to hear is not fiscally responsible or doable. Who will this hurt? My guess is the single mom's or those suffering from income inequality. That can't be right though in my state because I hear daily how the politicians are fed up with the rich getting richer, and their going to fix it. I guess by fix it they mean take educational opportunities away from those who can't otherwise afford it.

ps...we're all getting screwed just in different positions.

02-28-2018, 01:33 PM
Amen to that!


02-28-2018, 07:30 PM
We all know there isn’t much Posthole hates more than America and God. Since you are retired and have all this free time to be outraged maybe you should run for public office.

02-28-2018, 07:38 PM
They’re fuckng with my legal weed, Trav. That ain’t politics. That’s just flat ass wrong.


02-28-2018, 07:42 PM
Lol, just pulling your chain. You guys ever seriously thought about moving to Colorado?

02-28-2018, 07:49 PM
I also thought I heard Missouri and Arkansas were going to vote on it soon.

02-28-2018, 08:01 PM
Arkansas has medicinal approved by the voters but I don’t think its in effect yet.


02-28-2018, 08:48 PM
And Arkansas passed 24 laws that changed the law that was voted on by the people. You know how much Republicans hate regulation and big government.

