View Full Version : Spring ??

04-04-2018, 10:20 AM
Woke up this AM to 8" of wet heavy snow, (an honest 8" not a Thumper 8)
Still snowing and expect another 4-6 the rest of the week.
I know some of you went through heavy rains and tornado's , but up here it's snow.
Fairly rare to get this much this late, but it's that damn global warming !!!!

04-04-2018, 10:26 AM
We’re sweating out another frost tomorrow night, the second one this week. I built a big cold frame this year so my seedlings for the garden are safe but my poor fruit trees will probaly get bit.

Last year at this time people had tomatoes out. Good Friday is the traditional garden planting date in my zone. Of course, then last year after that early warm spring we had 12 days with sunshine in May and gardens went kaput.

The climate is truly weird lately.


quercus alba
04-04-2018, 01:11 PM
It's the guvments fault. They keep moving Easter around and it's got the weather confused.

04-04-2018, 01:43 PM
Well, only since 325 AD.