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06-07-2018, 03:53 PM
I was at the store a little bit ago and was eyeballing a brisket. $34 samoleans for a frigging 4lb trimmed end.

I can’t get much lower on the cow than I am already.


Chicken Dinner
06-07-2018, 04:28 PM
Brisket prices are crazy. It’s gotten to where I’m afraid to try and put one in the smoker in case it doesn’t turn out right.

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quercus alba
06-07-2018, 08:26 PM
in the late 70's I use to do a little butchering at a packing house. I don't ever remember selling a single brisket. We trimmed a little of the fat off and turned it into ground meat. Same thing with shank, scraps. Now buy braised shank at a restaurant and see what it costs. Oxtails, 25 cents a lb then. over 5 bucks now.

I can remember as a kid, my dad would take us to a burger joint and buy 4 burgers, three orders of fries and three cokes for less than $2. Course I remember gas at 19.9 and Copenhagen for 15 cents a can

Big Muddy
06-08-2018, 08:02 PM
...."""I can remember as a kid, my dad would take us to a burger joint and buy 4 burgers, three orders of fries and three cokes for less than $2. Course I remember gas at 19.9 and Copenhagen for 15 cents a can."""

Day'um QA, I thought I was old !!! ;)