View Full Version : Cable news sucks big wienies

06-23-2018, 01:54 PM
It's time for another cable news hiatus ('cept for a little Fox now and then). The hysteria now being broadcast in the guise of 'news' is appalling. If I hear the words "Nazi" or "just like Hitler" one more time from the idiots on CNN or MSNBC I will be at risk of throwing something at the tv. These people have NO idea what they are talking about.

A little story (not a Thump story, I promise) - we spent a couple of weeks in Europe last spring for the Vimy 100 Memorial and travelled quite a bit to visit other WW1 and 2 sites. We happened to be in Arnhem, Netherlands where a large battle took place in Sept., 1944 (A Bridge Too Far, movie) visiting a really nice museum dedicated to the soldiers, Canadian, British and American, who fought and died there.

Anyway, our guide was a very old Dutch gentleman who was a child during that time but vividly remembered what it was like to live in a Nazi occupied country. The Dutch will never forget what happened during that time and keep the memory alive. We were at the end of the tour and walking back to the bus when my crazy liberal (Liberal) sister in law mentioned to the old fellow that America now had a President "that was just like Hitler". He stopped in his tracks, looked at her with pity and gently said "No, no my dear. You have no idea what you are talking about." He then went on to describe the things that had taken place during the occupation. Very moving and it actually shut her pie hole for the rest of the trip.

We also met a VERY old Dutch lady there who spoke no English but was so pleased to find out that we were Canadians that she had to come over and shake everyones hand. They are so very grateful to this day that they were liberated from Nazi occupation.

So, CNN/MSNBC, STOP with the fucking Nazi/Hitler bullshit. You don't know what you are talking about!

06-23-2018, 02:23 PM
Rachel maddow will be on suicide watch very soon. I watch her occasionally for sheer enjoyment of seeing the most left wing lib ever born make a complete ass of herself.

06-23-2018, 02:37 PM
I watch her every now and then just for the latest conspiracy theory. She actually is kinda creepy weird and a perfect example of what is wrong with cable 'news'.

Chicken Dinner
06-23-2018, 02:52 PM
She is the Ying to Ann Coulter’s Yang. They both need to just STFU, but for opposite reasons.

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06-23-2018, 02:57 PM

06-25-2018, 09:54 AM
She is the Ying to Ann Coulter’s Yang. They both need to just STFU, but for opposite reasons.

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I consider Maddow more like Glen Beck. Agree of the STFU argument. Ann Coulter is just a seriously mean fucker that has had her heart and soul removed. She also makes some good points but it's impossible for me to get past her condescending meanness.

06-25-2018, 10:03 AM
Much of the news is not news but commentary. And they don’t make it clear which is which.

I liked it in the Cronkite days when the news came first and then they switch to an opinion piece with commentary and you could listen or not. These days, there is an opinion expressed about every piece of news. And that ain’t right.

That Sean Hannity fucker on Fox is a prime example. He reports zero news and is 100% commentary.


06-25-2018, 10:33 AM
Hannity is another condescending asshole. It would be nice to get back to a more structured format with news and commentary but that sure as hell ain't gonna happen now that the masses think a meme is news.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good meme!


06-25-2018, 10:34 AM

06-25-2018, 11:21 AM
Old Walter must be rolling in his grave.

06-25-2018, 02:53 PM
I like Fox & Friends....That's real news!