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View Full Version : Update on Cappy......

Big Muddy
09-14-2018, 07:02 PM
Cappy said Flo is really kicking his azz on the farms.....north farm not as bad, as the south, right now, but he's prolly got his hands full at both places.....anyway, I guess he won't mind me giving you guys an update.....hang tough, Cap.

How about you, Abud???.....has Flo arrived down your way, yet???.....update us deplorables. ;)

Chicken Dinner
09-14-2018, 09:32 PM
I just looked at the forecast for the area around his place in SC and it looks like 12-18” if rain between now and Sunday. It won’t take much wind with that much moisture for trees to start falling.

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09-14-2018, 09:40 PM
I just looked at the forecast for the area around his place in SC and it looks like 12-18” if rain between now and Sunday. It won’t take much wind with that much moisture for trees to start falling.

A good reason he doesn't build his condos in trees! ;)

Hope all is well on his end. I'm still making repairs around here after Irma.

09-15-2018, 03:55 AM
were gonna get rain later winds 20-30mph we will be fine ....hang in there Cappy and thanks for the update Big Muddy!

09-15-2018, 07:45 PM
We are getting our ass handed to us right now.
Power out at both the NC and SC houses.
Cheryl and I been between both today. Large trees down at home across lines.
Had to cut my way into the SC farm. The generator was not running, I opened it up and the oil filling cap had I assumed vibrated off and oil was all over the inside of the generator. Thank goodness it had a low oil pressure cut off. So no damage.
I had a couple of quarts of motor oil in my truck and got it back running.
This thing is really just parked on top of us, it’s only moving at 2 miles an hour. We will keep this wind and rain for 2 more days. I don’t see how any trees are going to be left standing.

09-16-2018, 08:15 AM
Still getting our ass kicked. Flooding everywhere. Incredible wind
Most hurricanes come and go in a few hours. This one is like a cork screw just staying on top and turning.
Still on generator power. Cheryl and I are going to try to get to the SC farm shortly. But they are saying there is major flooding between here and there.
So much water that trees are loose from the constant wind and coming down.
I think I’m gonna call this one the hurricane that was in on hurry....
Take Care, Captain

09-16-2018, 10:46 AM
Good luck with it Cappy. What is the fuel consumption window on those generators? Diesel? When Irma hit, I had the generator to keep the house up and running, but couldn't buy gas. No power, no gas pumps. I finally got so low on fuel, I had no choice but to sit in line at the only gas station in the area that still had power AND fuel. (the stations with power soon ran out of fuel) I was in line sumpin' like 3 hours to re-fill my gas cans. Got it home, topped off the tank and the power came back on about 2 hours later! Arrrggghhh!

09-16-2018, 11:01 AM
I'm sure cappy got a tractor somewhere he could siphon diesel out of....
Heck he probably got a 55 gallon drum somewhere full

Stay safe.

09-16-2018, 06:33 PM
Unreal. No other way to describe it.

09-16-2018, 10:19 PM
Captain you might want to get you some Tom Walkers. You get in over your head quicker than most.


09-16-2018, 10:26 PM
Captain you might want to get you some Tom Walkers. You get in over your head quicker than most.


Ha ha ha ha! Got'ta say ... I 'bout busted a gut with that one! :lmao

09-17-2018, 08:46 AM
Thanks for the update Cappy. Hope your farms are all coming through unscathed.

I kept an eye on the radar and was floored by how those rain bands stayed put for days on end. Wow! I kept thinking of how my buddy up in Chicago got his basement flooded and ended up with a couple hundred thousand dollars in damage by a storm that dumped about 12 inches of rain overnight. My goodness, you folks were just getting warmed up at the 12 inch mark.

Cannot imagine it and don't ever want to experience it!


09-17-2018, 09:14 AM
I've been watching this also, just cannot imagine something like that, the feeling of helplessness and knowing there is nothing that can be done till it's over.
I can picture your house and the farm and can see where trees down, roads and fields flooded are just impossible to comprehend.
I know that you'll see it through though, it's in your character, but damn man, good luck.:encouragement:

09-17-2018, 09:18 AM
Praying for you and yours Cappy.

Big Skyz
09-17-2018, 02:37 PM
Captain you have been on the forefront of my mind through this entire storm.