View Full Version : Mondays SUCK

09-17-2018, 09:06 AM
I've been retired for 16 years, keep busy with lots of stuff including a part time business run out of the house. It's more of a hobby than work, and just enjoy the 3 or 4 hours spent each day doing it.
I'll even work on Saturday a little, and maybe a Sunday afternoon if the weather sucks, but come Mondays my enthusiasm is ZERO !!
Can't be that I"m overworked, or the work load for the week is to large, it's just that I don't really feel like doing anything. Find excuses everywhere to stay out of the office, usually end up just pissing away the day, then comes Tuesdays and everything is fine and work resumes.
I am retired so I guess this problem is no big deal, but it's just that for some reason Mondays SUCK !!!!

09-17-2018, 09:30 AM
Ha ha ha! I can so relate. My little eBay business is perfect for me. It keeps me busy with something I can PHYSICALLY do, puts extra $$$ in the bank to finance travel, is kind of fun and is a cool learning experience. But many times, that "Monday thing" kicks in. I had to hit it first thing this morning and prepared three packages for shipping (last night's sales), but now I don't feel like doing squat. I have PLENTY that needs to be done ... or I should say, CAN be done ... but Tuesdays are much better than Mondays IMHO. ;)

09-17-2018, 09:51 AM
My back yard needs mowing. But hell, its in the back so nobody sees it. So I’m going fishing this afternoon. Y’all ain’t got your priorities straight!


09-17-2018, 12:33 PM
My back yard needs mowing. But hell, its in the back so nobody sees it. So I’m going fishing this afternoon. Y’all ain’t got your priorities straight! BKB

Why bother? Even if you catch anything, it'll still be smaller than Cappy's. ;)

Big Skyz
09-17-2018, 02:36 PM
JB and Kribbs it just sounds like once you reach retirement the two day weekend just isn't enough. I could get real used to having an extra day tacked onto my weekend.