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View Full Version : While disarming our citizens, we are arming the world

01-28-2013, 01:28 PM

The U.S. Government is exporting a record number of the very weapons they are debating allowing us to own.

I guess they trust them more than they trust us.

01-28-2013, 10:20 PM
Thought it was me that was gonna go "Ostrich" but it seems that it's all y'all, and a lot more folks, too.

I got a big old boil on the inside of my thigh. My current therapy is to just watch it closely to see if it gets any bigger, and hope to High Heck that it goes away soon.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

Here's a clear plagiarism from a guy at another site. This isn't some 'nut' or radical. This is one of the smartest, most well-rounded guys I have even read. There is very little this guy doesn't know a LOT about, and he's always been level headed, and a clear thinker. But this chasm........boys, it's getting deep.


It's a cultural divide anymore. You have the big city folks who for generations have never touched a gun and have probably never killed something by their own hands and then ate it. They go around in fear of criminals who do have guns and prey on the weak. They have been raised to depend on the police for protection. They want to whine about the cruelty of hunters killing animals but they line up at McDonalds for Big Macs and KFC for chicken. Then do not question if a animal was harmed as the pork chops made their way to the dinner table.

Then you have the more rural America who has raised with guns in the house. Not just for protection but to defend the livestock against predators and provide game for the table. A tool to dispatch injured livestock or one ready for slaughter. One of my favorite lines from a song is "A country boy can survive, just ask Hank".

Where would America by if you had to write a letter to the local Calvary post when the indians showed up. People are appalled when I make the statement that if a person breaks into my house and threatens my family with deadly force I will do everything in my power to kill the SOB. Urban America has turned into sheeple and is shocked when evil comes into their lives.

There was a interesting fact posted on the internet that said 25 states allow you to go into a gun store, buy a pistol, strap it on your hip and walk down the street with it. 4/5s of the crime is committed in the other 25 states.

I have to give credit to the FBI, they have crime reports/analysis down to the zip code. While it shows violent crime down over the last 10 years it is like cut in half in rural areas but doubled in the big cities.

As far as the Constitution, it is the building block of this nation. A lot of us took the oath "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". It is a shame a lot of the people in power, even though they made pretty much the same oath, disregard it. It sickens me that some immigrant studying for his citizenship test knows more about the Constitution then most people under 30. Larry the cable guy had a line about when the fuss was for a Constitution for Iraq, "just send them ours, we're not using it".

01-28-2013, 10:27 PM
And while we are disarming ourselves, can we PLEASE get rid of this waste of good air? Liberals offend and appall me, but she's one piece of work. How we let our elected officials get by with such, is a black mark on all of us.


01-29-2013, 11:49 AM
The bad thing is no one cares anymore. We've all come to expect and accept behavior like this. Nothing is scandalous any longer. Everyone has a sense of entitlement, and it is especially strong in the younger adults. When my dad was a police officer in the 50's, he got suspended for swearing at a woman. All he did was tell her to "shut the hell up". It's freightening how the morals of this country have eroded over the past 50 years or so.

I just heard some reviews on a book that I want to check out called "Becoming Europe". Europe is used to having a ruling "elite" that dictates for the masses and taxes the crap out of them, have had a situation like that since the kings ruled them. America was founded to get away from a system like that, but yet, we are steadily moving towards the same.

01-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Good post. Thanks.
You're right. No one seems to care one bit.

01-29-2013, 12:23 PM
I care, seriously I care, I was too busy yesterday to log in. - cause I care about these kids that are sent to me- entitled by their parents out the wa-zoo.
I guess when I read about Pelosi, I am not suprised. She always has seemed like a nut case to me.... Got those Crazy eyes that tell a guy- stay away from this woman. I know those eyes! Heck Indiana's former governor turned Purdue President- (who appointed 7 of the 10 PU bard members who voted him the new pres), spent 2 nights in jail while he was in college for dealing drugs. There is more about him that so shocking, but the sheeple don't care. Supposedly his stance on gay marriage is a direct contradiction of his own life.... ofcourse he is "married" to a woman, who divorced him and married someone else for two years, then remarried him once he was oicked to run for governor. His daughter lived at the Gov mansion in Indy while he lived at his wife's residence on Geist Reservoir,(wealthy north side area of Indy).
at least in Indiana our legislature is pro gun. They still screw over educators every chance they get!

Chicken Dinner
01-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Sorry to hear about your boil. I had one on the back of my leg once and it hurt like a sumbitch.

01-29-2013, 12:26 PM
Um........thanks. This one is killing me!

So is all this other stuff, though. :)

Chicken Dinner
01-29-2013, 12:27 PM

Sorry, I couldnt' resist. I care and agree, we're just preaching to the choir on here though. I did see something on cnn.com this morning about how, in fact, a vast majority of gun deaths involve handguns and restricting AR's won't do a damn thing. Nobody will care though as banning AR's makes it looks like they're doing something. That's all politicians care about anyway.

01-29-2013, 12:30 PM
I got it and it was a good one! :)

Choirs need preaching too, also. Sometimes they have 'secret reprobates' mingled therein!!! I ain't sure all the members of this choir sing, though.

(the most common used item in homicides, according to the FBI, is a baseball bat). And I still haven't seen any proof that an AR was used in Newtown, CT.

I've used your quote "It isn't the Bill of Needs, it's the Bill of Rights" all over the internet, without giving you credit. You can probably sue me and win. But, thanks.

01-29-2013, 12:31 PM
good point chicken. it does make it look likethey are doing something. A consequence I just thought of... Reality shows... Sons of Guns, and the family from out west.... And amazingly on the animal channel I saw a new one from Alaska: Wild West guns...... If the custom AR's these people make are illegal, what are we going to watch?????????

Chicken Dinner
01-29-2013, 12:45 PM
No attribution is necessary in the marketplace of ideas we call the interwebs. (I prolly stole it from someone on the web anydamnway...)

01-29-2013, 12:49 PM
See that's what I told Gene about that gem that came to me in a vision........and which I now promptly disremember.

Who knows what info is flying through our minds these days? We think the internet has increased the amount of info, data, and traffic???? Geez, what about our piddly brains????

01-29-2013, 12:58 PM
Not enough RAM in mine to hold much of it.

When will we ever learn in our middle east policies? We're fighting rebels now in afghanistan that we supported when the rooskies were in there. We propped up the despots in Syria and Egypt that got overthrown because, well, they were despots. We helped them kill off Lybia's dictator and then they turn around and kill our ambassadors.

something tells me that whatever the magic eight ball tells them to do, maybe they ought to try using some common sense instead.


01-29-2013, 01:15 PM
I believe the consensus opinion of this exalted think tank in 1998 or so was STAY OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST.

It ain't changed. It's just that it's ironic that we are shipping them so many of the very arms that this same government wants to ban for us.

I'm telling you, this gun debate has gone insane. Like my buddy above said, too many of the folks doing the loudest talking have never held a gun, and won't ever. Yet they are experts on what I 'need' and what I own. There's very little that will cause true, mean divisiveness like this one. I think they picked the wrong dog to wake up.

01-29-2013, 01:18 PM
I still say Ghengis Kahn was the only one in history that got it right in the Middle East.


01-29-2013, 01:20 PM
There you go again. Spouting off intellectual stuff that I ain't equipped to dispute.

Sigh. I feel so inadequate sometimes (but not ALL the time.......) :)

01-29-2013, 01:30 PM
He wasn't a man of half measures. If you poked that bear you got the full nelson.


01-29-2013, 01:37 PM
In all honesty, if it wasn't for the oil deposits in that region, they'd all still be herding camels and living in tents, and no one outside of the region would care about them, just like we don't care what happens in sub-saharan Africa. They don't possess anything we need, so we leave them alone to their own problems.

There is no answer for the Middle East, those people have been fighting each other over religion or tribal issues for milleniums. Same thing in the Balkans. They kept to their own regions until the Commies took over and forced them to move around and mix, then as soon as those governments fell, it was chaos until they all seperated again.

It's awful funny how the people in those regions never forget any slight by anyone, but we Americans can't remember who our enemies were just a few years ago and then wonder why they do what they do to us.

01-29-2013, 01:40 PM
Again good points, but when I say "WE" are gonna separate one day, I'm ridiculed for being a kook, or deranged. Or a deranged kook (DK).

I like your last line. We are different, aren't we? Maybe I'll be wrong and we can fix this. But not until we talk about it to a conclusion. And I don't see that happening this month.

01-29-2013, 09:11 PM
Still waiting on the "Background Check" on Saudia Arabia.

01-29-2013, 11:33 PM
Saw on Hannity tonight that your Prez is going ahead with the sale of F16's and 200 Abrams tanks to Egypt. A country currently controlled by an Islamist, anti-west, anti-Israel and anti-pretty much everything government. WTF?

01-30-2013, 12:34 AM
That's because we have an Islamist, anti-west, anti-Israel and anti-pretty much everything (except entitlements) President.

01-30-2013, 09:02 AM
I won't claim to know much about the situation in Egypt or this arms sale, which was actually made in 2010 to the 'old' regime in Egypt. Actually, its a giveaway and costs us, the taxpayers, over 200 million dollars. But what I do know is that the very last place I'd go to get the truth about any situation anywhere is Sean Hannity. The guy makes me physically ill to listen to. He spews rather than talk.

01-30-2013, 09:29 AM
I guess the point is, it doesn't matter when the original agreement was made, the situation has changed for the worse and is currently very unstable, so why go ahead with it? If you made a deal with you brother-in-law to sell him a gun, then he started acting crazy before the deal was done, would you still sell it to him?

01-30-2013, 09:30 AM
Well, I hate to admit it P-hole ... but I have to agree with you. I watch FOX ... well, at least as long as Lynn isn't in the room (Fox makes HER want to spew!). I like what FOX claims to be ... but most of the time I hate what they actually are. They preach "unbiased" news coverage and that they present "both sides" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .. that's the joke of the century! I watch FOX for the alternative view ... but deep down, they disgust me about as much as the mainstream media.

01-30-2013, 09:47 AM
DD, we are in agreement on that one. That's why I made my earlier statement that we don't seem to know what the hell we're doing in the middle east or why. And we've been doing business there the same way all the way back to Carter and the friggin shah of Iran. I am in hopes things will change as we become the world's #1 exporter of oil which we're on course to be by about 2020 at our current rate. (That was made possible by technology, by the way, not anyone's politics in or out of office) then we will be in more of a position to tell those Opeckers to shove it.


01-30-2013, 10:16 AM
Why in the world would we sell any Abrams tanks to anyone in the mid east, unless we've developed something better?
According to my former neighbor, who is an officer in the Army Reserve, after serving as an officer for many years in the regular army, stated......
The numerous uprisings in the Islamic world are happening because the people saw what the Iraqis were getting with their freedom. Yes, there is still unrest, but Iraq is becoming more and more confident and overall affluent like never before.
Sooooo, Our intervention in the Mid east is resulting in an overall interest in freedom. However
The a culture is only 2-3 generations from tribal life and few if any large cities. The entire region is still keeping with tribal values when it comes to a wrong. Kill one of my friends, I kill 2 or more of yours. Heck, the Sunnis and Shiites hate eachother almost as much as they both hate Jews or Americans. There are only a few differences in the two "denominations" . Its slightly more complicated than Baptists hating Methodists, or Lutherens. The only grudge I carry against Baptists is the scar on my knee from Church softball. A Baptist teamplayer thought he could wear metal spikes. I took him out at Second, and earned 10 stitches. (I was safe.)
One question for conversation purposes- Yes, we have supported Israel since 1947..... Do we still need to. They seem to do pretty well on their own. If we'd wean them slowly off our Teet, would the Arab world accept us a little more?
As of August, we are the world's largest oil producer. Seems like soon they will need us more than we need them.

01-30-2013, 10:31 AM
I'm not sure there will ever be a time when if the arab countries sense a weakness in Israel that they wouldn't be on them like sharks. The emnity goes back thousands of years.

As for tribal values and such, they really are more advanced I think than we give them credit for. I saw an interview this weekend with King Abdullah of Jordan and he seemed to me to be a very intelligent and thoughtful leader. Jordan is still a monarchy and he still holds most of the power but he's done a lot of things in Jordan to move towards a more democratic monarchy. Jordan is one of the more moderate muslim countries politically and my own opinion is that they're more of a model for middle east governance than Iraq is right now. I'm not sure if you can find the interview on line, but it was with Fareed Zakaria this past Sunday.


01-30-2013, 10:35 AM
Fox is on in this house. I never, ever watch it unless actual news is on, the kind that every station gets right......like the current hostage situation in Alabama, or Martians landing.

But I've got enough sense to know that if something is worth knowing, it doesn't matter if I heard it from Sean Hannity or not. SPEW? Try Anderson Cooper or Piers Morgan (who isn't American and hates the U.S.). Fox News is NOT the sole owner of idiots. Not to mention that slimeball fake blonde on ABC. She truly, literally, gives me the creeps just to look at her. Listening to her is torture.

On the issue, we are literally insane. Bat Crap Crazy. Stupid to boot. Selling TRULY High Capacity Arms to Muslim enemies. This current bozo loves them way more than he loves us. In fact, every indication I can get is that he hates almost everything about us, and loves almost everything about our enemies, and those that also hate us. I guess he empathizes with them, or something. How he gets by with doing this stuff is beyond me. He's not alone, any more than Bush was alone in the 'war'. Congress is to blame, and they all need railroaded out of this country. Possibly Mars.

Biggest oil producer? Yeah. But we won't build a refinery. And between us and Canada, we could produce enough to be self sustaining. But we're nuts, chickens, idiots, dumb, and stupid to boot. Did I mention we ain't smart?

Maybe I need coffee.

01-30-2013, 10:51 AM
Other Arab Countries that seem to not Hateus at least: Bahrain, UAE, and Dubai. Heck Dubai openly accepts foreign nationals. I know Roger Federer and other top tennis pros have residences in Dubai- no taxes, VERY modern housing on your own man-made island.
Yehmen- 1/2 the country likes us, the other half would stap a bomb to their chests to take out Americans. Dependsonwhich tribe a person belongs to. Tribal Yehmenis listen to what the Mullah says, Citified Yehmenis accept us or hate us.

01-30-2013, 10:52 AM
I never aid he was the only one. I don't watch Piers or anderson cooper either for the same reasons.

and we are a fuel exporter by the way. In fact, I believe I saw where it is our LARGEST export product. Which is why we pay more for gas. Other countries are willing to pay more.

I won't even comment on the rest of what you said.


01-30-2013, 11:03 AM
I didn't say you said that. I just added my opinion. Fox News is almost solely stated as the nutty one around here. I just wanted to comment that others are too. And we export OIL, not fuel. Check again. Back to the refinery thingy. But that isn't why we pay more for gas. We are not exporting our excess! If we are exporting OIL (not gas), why do we import it at all? Got that one figured out?

And you won't comment? Good. Cause your comments are usually deranged (when they disagree with mine).


01-30-2013, 11:15 AM
Buckster, I want to barf everytime I see Nancy Grace ... and simply want to rip my ears off my head once she opens her mouth. I don't even know what network she's on, but I assume that's whom you're talking about. (?)

On that same note, Greta Van Susteren on FOX is "almost" as bad. Has she had a stroke or something? It always looks like she's talking out of one side of her mouth and the other side is frozen. BUT ... she IS an attorney, so I assume she was taught how to talk that way in law school.

01-30-2013, 11:22 AM
No, that's not her name. The main lady on ABC News. When they hired George Stephanopolous as an actual news person, I gagged. But this lady........Diane Sawyer....just came to me. She has that condescending 'lean into you' look and voice..........and most of her stuff is so biased as to be sickening. And Greta had BOTOX, dufus. So she'd look good! Did it work? Ha.

And yeah, I have seen Nancy Grace.........and barf!

Come to think of it, I don't trust any of 'em anymore. Where is Chet and David and Walter?

01-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Good night, Chet. Good night, David. ;)

Ooops, almost forgot Walter, "the most trusted man in America" ... "And that's the way it is ..."

01-30-2013, 11:55 AM
Here's the most recent thing i could find on US gas exports. But yes, we are a net exporter of finished petroleum products, mainly gas.



01-30-2013, 12:21 PM
I watch every news channel, including Al Jazeera and BBC, every night and between all the BS I think I get the odd nugget of truth. I dislike a lot (most?) of the talking heads but as long as you concentrate on the content and don't get distracted by the presenter, you might actually learn something. Balance it all out and you might actually get something approximating reality.

01-30-2013, 12:40 PM
Reality is overrated, Johnboy! :)

01-30-2013, 12:51 PM
I'm with you on Al Jazeera and BBC Johnboy ... those are my two favorites.