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01-07-2019, 10:12 AM
Dec 31 marked four years of retirement for me. Only two things I can say about it is a: I love it, and 2. where the heckdid those four years go?

I’m sure the other retired folks can relate to this, but I have noticed that there are a lot of people I know that I don’t ever will be happy being retired. My parents for starters. Both in their 80’s and still put in six days a week for work and their church. They’ve done it their whole life and have zero plans to ever stop. I hope they live to 150.

Retirement can be busy too and I like my chores list enough to chip away at it almost every day. And then there days like today. I have absolutely nothing demanding my attention today. There’s shit I could do, sure, but facing an entire day with nothing planned and (so far) nothing required is a real treat to me. For others, not so much.

Which side are you? Do look you at these kinds of days boring? A waste? Would you fill it up with something to be busy or would you be a bum? (like me)

It takes all kinds to make the world go round.


Chicken Dinner
01-07-2019, 10:44 AM
I could think of 100 things I’d rather do tomorrow (including nothing at all) than come to work. That being said, I’d go stir crazy doing nothing for two days in a row.

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01-07-2019, 10:56 AM
This June will be 17 years since I retired from my day job, and have loved every minute of it.
Since I retired, the part time job I've always had ( been doing it for 46 years) has been a blessing, in that it gives me a reason to get up in the morning, get out and meet people, and provides a nice second income. It's also something that I love doing.
I work at it about 4 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, but generally it's 4 or 5 days, mostly in the mornings, but many times split between mornings, afternoons and evenings.
There are times I just need to step away from it and will take a couple of days off, on those days the time is filled with honey-do stuff and long naps in the sun:fine
Retirement, for me, has become very enjoyable, much better than I imagined.
Can't say I'll do this forever, but at 74, I don't see and end to it.
Now, a BIG reason why this has worked for me is my wife. She's been retired for 15 years and has established her own routine.
For the first 15 years of our retirement we would break up the winter months with 3 weeks down South, but we both got tired of the trip, the traffic and the restaurant crowds, so now we just stay home and enjoy all the business 8 grand kids bring.
Retirement for us has, so far, been great, good health, both collect nice retirement checks plus SS, and my side income goes towards funding my hobby, gifts to family, church, and charities .
Life is good in the far white North.

01-07-2019, 11:11 AM
I'm with you P-hole, I can't believe it's been four years for you. I'd have guessed two! How time flies (which isn't necessarily a good thing at this age). :hair

Playing with eBay has been a big bonus to my retirement. One, I don't "need" to leave the house more than once/week to pick up inventory. Or, I can skip as many weeks as I want because I have a backlog of inventory built up anyway. The same with actually working, if I don't feel like messing with it, I can do whatever I want (although I do have to get any sales shipped by the next workday). If I want to take a break, I can put my store on "vacation mode" and open it up whenever I feel like it. Our income pays the mortgage, bills, etc. and eBay pays for the retirement fun (travel, entertainment, eating out, etc). I won't say I can't enjoy a day of lying around doing nothing, but I couldn't live off of daytime TV. I used to enjoy yard work, but about 15 years ago I got to the point I hated it. Someone else does it for me now. I've given up hunting and have sold off all my guns (except what I carry). What surprises me is, I don't really miss it. Besides, my life-long hunting partner passed away last year and it just wouldn't be the same hunting without him. TBH, I really enjoy hitting my estate sales and any thrift stores I come across. I don't get into yard sales as there are just so many every weekend, it's too much decision making and running around to be that enjoyable. Kinda like going to a restaurant with a bazillion items on the menu, you can't make up your mind what you want to order.

P-hole, your parents remind me of my Dad. I tried for years to get him to retire, but he wouldn't have it. His dad (my grandfather) worked 'til the day he died and my dad did the same. That's NEVER been anything I've ever considered and I always looked forward to not having to go to work every day. It's a great feeling waking up and realizing you don't HAVE to do ANYTHING you don't want to do ... including getting out of bed! ;)

quercus alba
01-07-2019, 12:13 PM
I'm not scared of work, I can lay on the couch and watch it all day long. How that will translate into retirement remains to be seen. I'm not real hard to occupy. When all else fails, there's nap time

01-08-2019, 10:21 AM
I will have ZERO problems being retired. Whether or not I can make it that long is another matter entirely :D