View Full Version : Muddy

04-13-2019, 05:55 PM
You going to be at the lake house Thursday or Friday, I will be coming by lake village.

Big Muddy
04-13-2019, 06:25 PM
Trav, we gonna head over there tomorrow afternoon to check out the water level, and may need to move a few things to higher ground.....jt's rained about 5" over there, so far this weekend, and will kick the lake level, considerably.....I'm not sure about Thurs. or Fri., since my m-i-l is turning 90 y.o. this week, and there WILLbe a birthday party for sure, but just not sure which day it will be, presently.

If I miss ya, and you have to stop at the red light, when you go thru the hwy. 82 and hwy. 65 intersection, about 3 miles east of Lake Village, look directly across the lake, and you'll see the only bright blue boat house on the far shoreline.....that's our place.

04-14-2019, 09:30 AM
With the rain that's coming thru now we can all prolly just float over to Eddie's place.

Big Muddy
04-14-2019, 01:33 PM
You got that right, LJ !!!

On that same note, does anybody here need some hay???.....haven't been able to mow my yard in a month.....it's been fertilized and HEAVILY watered.....one cutting will prolly feed at least a hunnert head of cows. ;)

04-15-2019, 01:32 PM
Man the yahoo river was way over its banks when we went over it.

Big Muddy
04-15-2019, 06:31 PM
Ha, Trav, I assume you meant the "Yazoo" River.

i thought you were coming thru on Thur. or Fri. ??? Heck, we were at the lakehouse until 2 pm, today.

04-16-2019, 04:05 AM
I came through on Saturday but I am fishing at lake Washington on Friday.

Big Muddy
04-16-2019, 09:34 AM
Great place to crappie fish, but it's sorta crowded.....lots of yankees from Minn. and Mich. come down to fish there.....most are very nice folks, but some are azzholes, and will, literally, crowd you out and fish 2 feet from you, if they see you catch a fish.....to get away from the crowd, just ask one of the locals, where the Gator Hole is, and find you some 2 foot water back in there, and use a small solid black jig.

And, if you go by Roy's Store, say hi to my first cousin, Pam, she owns the big store and bait shop, and all of those rental cabins around the lake.....she was badly beaten and robbed in the store, a few years ago, but I heard she took self-defense classes, and now has a karate black belt.....word got out, that she's tough as nails, and hasn't had any further problems.

P.S. Lake is treacherous, when the wind is blowing.....and, the weather ho's are predicting up to 3 inches of rain and severe weather, both Thursday and Friday.....be careful out there !!!

Good luck with the fishing !!!

04-16-2019, 10:39 AM
Ha ha ha! Trav, ol' Muddy sounds like a typical fisherman who doesn't want you snooping around his crappie holes!

Lemme break this down here: (minus a few commas) ;)

1) "... crowded ... lots of yankees ... azzholes and will literally crowd you out and fish 2 feet from you"

2) (Go to Roy's store and see Pam) 'Course "she was badly beaten and robbed in the store a few years ago"

3) "... lake is treacherous when the wind is blowing and the weather ho's are predicting up to 3 inches of rain and severe weather both Thursday and Friday"

I "think" he's telling you to take your ass .... errr, azz on home and stay away from his dang crappie! :angry1


Big Muddy
04-16-2019, 11:05 AM
HA.....that's a good 'urn, right there, Thump.....truth is, I no longer fish there, since we got our Chicot place.....I guess my post does sound sorta negative, but all is true.....just giving ole Trav a heads-up on the lake, when one of those yankees "accidentally" rams into his boat, and pushes him off his fishing hole. ;)

Oh, I forgot to mention that the Gator Hole got it's name for obvious reasons.....but, they are pretty friendly gators, as long as you don't smell like bacon. ;)

04-16-2019, 11:14 AM
Ha! Had to mess with ya'! :stirthepot

Big Muddy
04-16-2019, 11:19 AM
Yeah, I know, I'm just an ole soft punching bag, these days ;)