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View Full Version : How does that happen so fast?

06-05-2019, 01:44 PM
While much of the country is dealing with flooding issues, it's been the opposite here. Lately, it's been as dry as the proverbial popcorn fart. I don't water, fertilize or touch in any way, my grass ... I only have it mowed just before it gets deep enough for the neighbors to complain. ;)

Anyway, just Saturday, Lynn walked across the yard and made a comment the grass is actually "crunchy". I love it! I don't have to pay for mowing! Needless to say, the yard has been a shit brown color for quite some time lately.

Well, late last evening, we got a pretty good rain. Not a ton, but just enough for a good soaking. When I walked out the door early this morning, the frigging grass is lush and as pretty a green as you could ask for. Now, it had just been (literally) a few hours since it rained. How the "F" does grass perk up and change color so rapidly? Ok, I know the process, but it's practically instantaneous. It doesn't seem possible.

Crap! Now I'm gonna haf'ta call my yard guy. :(

06-05-2019, 01:51 PM
We got just over a half inch of rain early this morning, not that we needed any.

I saw on a local news station yesterday that the last four day stretch without any precipitation in my area was January 4-7.

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06-05-2019, 06:18 PM
My yard in Arizona is front rocks, and back turf. It has virtually no up keep other than spraying a weed here and there......Try That

06-05-2019, 07:28 PM
If I sprayed the weeds, I’d have no yard! ;)

Big Muddy
06-05-2019, 08:24 PM
Ha, this conversation is right up Thump's alley....."weed and grass". ;)