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quercus alba
06-07-2019, 10:32 AM
If The good Lord blesses me with life and health, July 24 will be my last day before retirement. Never thought much about it, I always figured I’d drop dead at 80 still having to work to keep the wolf away from the door. Looks like It’ll actually be more profitable for me to draw that mailbox money.

As it gets closer, I’m getting kinda excited about it. That’ll be 60 hours a week (counting driving time) that will belong to me. If I live another 20 years, I’ll be 82. That’s 15,600 hours that I can use for something other than working.

Any pointers from the blue hair crowd?

32 work days and counting :fishing:fishing

06-07-2019, 12:40 PM
I had absolutely no problem adapting to retirement. My wife claims she had some issues the first year, but as of right now she is sitting out by the pool getting some sun. It doesn’t seem to be bothering her a bit today.

I am busier than the proverbial one legged man. I honestly don’t know how I ever had time to work. Honest.

Today I ain’t doing shit though. Changed the battery in my wife’s 4Runner and I think I’ll be done for today.

My best advice? Enjoy it!


06-07-2019, 02:45 PM
Any pointers from the blue hair crowd?

Heck, I'd just be happy with HAIR period ... blue or not! :(

Believe it or not, I've planned all my life (well, since I was 12 anyway) to retire at the earliest time I could collect Social Security. My grandfather (dad's side) worked hard all his life and ... TBH ... I never remember him taking a true vacation. He had always planned on retiring at 65. He and my grandmother bought their dream retirement home in the mountains of North Carolina (their main residence was Florida). The house was up on a mountainside and the property ran down to the Tuckasegee River and the house overlooked the river. I spent every summer there with my grandmother while my grandfather worked (he was always on the road ... the proverbial traveling salesman). He was gearing up for retirement and looking forward to fishing that river anytime he felt like it, as well as tending the large garden he had planned. He was 64-1/2 when he had a massive heart attack and died. THAT is when I made up my mind I would retire as early as possible. That was in 1964.

Problem is, I wasn't prepared for medical problems to kick in, so I was forced into retirement at the age of 57 ... 5 years earlier than planned. Needless to say, I went into immediate panic mode as I was totally unprepared. But ... during the panic, I cut all unnecessary expenses and actually worked my way through panic mode rather quickly. I still didn't retire with what I'd planned on having (I'd planned on selling my business, which I lost), but somehow, we pulled through. I had no IRA, 401K, etc ... just Social Security only. Oh, and some service connected disability from the military. Lynn DOES have a 401K and I always figured if anything happened to her, I'd find a way to get by. BUT, I was concerned for her if anything ever happened to me, so I've contributed the max into an IRA for her for the past 30 years. Problem is, she's 6 years younger than me and plans to work until she's 67, so she'll probably have fun with it as I'll prolly croak as soon as she decides to cash in. Ebay has been good to me and the side benefit is it's also been fun ... still is. That's where our "play money" comes from.

BUT ... like P-hole, it seems I always heard people say ... after they'd retired ... that they have no idea how they ever got anything done when they were working. I feel the same and many times think seriously about it. I stay extremely busy at all times and HONESTLY don't have a clue how I had time to get anything done while I worked. Weird. That said, we have another cruise coming up in December. :thumbsup

Enjoy your retirement! Make the most of it!

Big Muddy
06-07-2019, 04:04 PM
I love retirement, even though I'm not really retired.....just knowing that I don't HAFTA work is really nice enough for me.....I love my "second" job because I come and go as I please, as long as I get my job assignment completed in a timely manner.
And, it's nice to still be needed in the job market.....heck, I've even had a couple of job offers this spring from some competitors.....but, I'll stay put for the present time because I really get along well with my boss, and the bling ain't bad, either. ;)

06-07-2019, 04:21 PM
You'll love it, but it may take time to adjust, just go with the flow.
I've been retarded now for 17 years (retired at 58, , wife for 15. (also at 58) We're the old generation that worked under a pension plan. Mines through the state and has a cost of living built in, along with health, vision and dental, pension has grown about 50% so for, wife's is fixed. She started to collect SS at 62, I waited till 64, Both have 401K's, but we've decided that's for the kids
Been working my side job now for 48 years, still put in about 15 hours a week, easy money, never leave the house, no set schedule.
We have lots of friends that are snowbirds and move in with Kribbs for 6 months a year, we tried it, but just didn't like it, so for the past 4 years we just stay home in the snow.
I don't miss work at all, put in my 31 years and am damn glad I don't ever have to go back, same with the wife. After 17 years I can't even remember what it was like, except I do know I really didn't enjoy it, learned that after I left.
I think you'll love it, thank the Lord every morning you wake up and see the sun in your face, you worked hard, now enjoy it.

06-07-2019, 04:36 PM
Speaking of "retired" ... but still kinda-sorta still working ... is Cappy too good to speak to us nowadays? Where is that simi-retired old fart anydamnway? Did his 'puter short circuit? Did his smart phone fall out'ta his pocket and into the drink? Nice guy ... can't even drop in and say hello these days.

06-07-2019, 04:39 PM
The transition to retirement wasn't too tough for me. Now, you guys don't really know me well enough to understand the gravity of that statement.. It carries a lot of weight in some circles..

06-07-2019, 04:42 PM
My LEGS carry a lot of weight in ALL circles these days. :crybaby

06-07-2019, 06:04 PM
This is my 9th year is retirement and I swear to God, I need to go back to work to rest.
But I love it. There is not near as much time to hunt and fish as I thought there would be but a lot of that is my fault.
I keep telling myself I’ll slow down some, but I don’t.
I took a part time job that requires me to travel a couple of days a week. It was just too good and too much to turn down. The rest of the time I spent working the farm and cows. Which is a full time job in itself.
If I live long enough for my wife to retire, I am going to quit everything and start enjoying life.
Congrats on the retirement! Hope you get to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

quercus alba
06-07-2019, 10:05 PM
I can see that some of you are missing the concept of retirement. My wife and I sat down and discussed what we wanted to do in retirement. We came up with this list:

1) Grandkids
2) fish
3) grandkids
4) fish
5) honey do's
6) grandkids
7) fish
8) grandkids
9) Hunt in november
10) fish

No outside jobs. A little healthier eating, occasional exercise, some charity work and daily bible devotional.

Oh, did I mention fishing?

06-08-2019, 08:23 AM
Congratulations QA! Enjoy it and have fun I say. See how many fishing rods, hiking boots, and shotguns you can wear out. :)

I'm nowhere near retiring unless something really had happens. Not sure many of us Gen Xers will ever retire. But I'm trying lol.

I will say that between winter firewood, gardening, getting the orchard started, plus the normal auto and home maintenance that summer vacation goes really quickly.


06-08-2019, 10:28 AM
Something to consider in case you old farts decide to get a side job. ;)


Big Muddy
06-08-2019, 11:20 AM
^^^^^ EXACTLY RIGHT !!! ^^^^^ ;)

06-09-2019, 08:08 AM
lol... As I always say.. besides the physical aspects, there's a reason they drafted 18 year olds and not 60 year olds.. You tell a 60 year old to "take that hill" for the third time.. he's going to say, "Stick it in your ass.. take it yourself."

Chicken Dinner
06-10-2019, 08:02 AM
Congrats, QA! That looks like a pretty good list to me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-10-2019, 08:44 AM
You’re gonna love it, QA and you’ll do well at it. At the end of your first year though, I wanna review that list again.

Let the countdown begin!


06-10-2019, 11:20 AM
You’re gonna love it, QA and you’ll do well at it. At the end of your first year though, I wanna review that list again.

Let the countdown begin! BKB

Ha ha! Yep, that'll be interesting to see P-hole. I wonder how many of those "fish" goals will end up being eliminated? ;)

quercus alba
06-10-2019, 01:34 PM
Maybe not as many as you’d think, mama put most of them in