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08-07-2019, 07:06 AM

08-07-2019, 08:14 AM
Hey! I resemble that remark!


08-07-2019, 08:18 AM

Big Muddy
08-07-2019, 08:57 AM

Whatchu doing in New Mexico??? ;)

08-07-2019, 09:13 AM
Well, at least I now know a couple of you deplorables are still hangin' around, but ya' sure wouldn't know it by the threads being posted. I know our summers have always been slow, but this is ridiculous! :crybaby

08-07-2019, 09:54 AM
When talk turns to politics, I check out.


08-07-2019, 10:15 AM
I called you a deplorable. I guess that "could" be considered political. (but at least the term originated on YOUR side of the isle!) :poke

All kidding aside, I'm with you on the politics. Not so much here (NOTHING is being posted HERE lately), but in general. It's almost impossible to get away from it these days.

08-07-2019, 10:44 AM
Too much farm work to do much else this summer. Haven't been fishing all year!

But the Mrs and I did the first batch of tomatoes this morning. Harvest time is fun. School stars is a couple weeks and then I'll have time to loaf around more. :)


Big Muddy
08-07-2019, 12:46 PM
Well, here's some non-political and non-religious news from the deep south:
Grandson starts his senior year of h.s., this week, and wanted to come work a few days with me on the farm to make some bling for school clothes.....I worked his butt off weed-eating, mowing, bush-hogging, spraying, etc., and he did a great job, even in this 95 degree weather.....I was proud of him, and I paid him very generously, and he earned it fair and square.
He's already getting baseball offers from colleges, and I just hope his arm holds up.....he's pitching consistently at 88-90 mph, with a wicked curve ball, and a change-up pitch that looks like it's falling off a table top.....he was asked to play for a prep team in Atlanta, this past summer, and just returned home about two weeks ago.....of course, I had to pop for his room and board for the six weeks over there, but it was worth it because he learned a LOT, and got a ton of exposure to the college scouts.....he is tall and lanky like Randy Johnson(the Big Unit), so I got my fingers crossed for him!!!

08-07-2019, 01:35 PM
Hey! That’s what the wimmins called me in high school! “Big Unit” ;)

quercus alba
08-07-2019, 02:00 PM
Hey! That’s what the wimmins called me in high school! “Big Unit” ;)

I'm not surprised, women are known for their sarcasm

I'm busy reading about Cape Buffalo hunting with Peter Capstick. Figured I needed some pointers since there seems to be a small herd of them living in the thicket behind my house. I can't think of anything thing else that would keep the dogs stirred up all night.

I wonder if a 270 with a 140 gn Nosler Partition will bring one down

08-07-2019, 02:59 PM
Yummm, buffalo wings! Sneak out there early in the morning, before dawn, and catch ‘em coming off their roost.

08-07-2019, 03:28 PM
Well, here's some non-political and non-religious news from the deep south:
Grandson starts his senior year of h.s., this week, and wanted to come work a few days with me on the farm to make some bling for school clothes.....I worked his butt off weed-eating, mowing, bush-hogging, spraying, etc., and he did a great job, even in this 95 degree weather.....I was proud of him, and I paid him very generously, and he earned it fair and square.
He's already getting baseball offers from colleges, and I just hope his arm holds up.....he's pitching consistently at 88-90 mph, with a wicked curve ball, and a change-up pitch that looks like it's falling off a table top.....he was asked to play for a prep team in Atlanta, this past summer, and just returned home about two weeks ago.....of course, I had to pop for his room and board for the six weeks over there, but it was worth it because he learned a LOT, and got a ton of exposure to the college scouts.....he is tall and lanky like Randy Johnson(the Big Unit), so I got my fingers crossed for him!!!

Wow that's impressive on both his work ethic (BTW you didn't mention it was 95 with humidity that took it to 125) and the arm.

Big Muddy
08-07-2019, 04:35 PM
^^^^^You are SOOOO right, brother !!! ^^^^^......and, it's even worse, today......I had planned to re-model my dog kennel, but my handy man called, and said he couldn't help, today, because it was just too day'um hot.....ha, he's a smart guy !!! ;)

Big Muddy
08-07-2019, 04:44 PM
Hey! That’s what the wimmins called me in high school! “Big Unit” ;)

HA, since that was 50+ years ago, what do they call you now???.....and, if you try to fib to us, your balls will shrivel up, TOO. ;)

08-07-2019, 06:32 PM
It’s still a “big unit”, it’s just that nowadays, my nut sack is as long as my unit! 😳

(Now they BOTH drag the ground) 😩

08-08-2019, 02:25 PM
It’s still a “big unit”, it’s just that nowadays, my nut sack is as long as my unit! 😳

(Now they BOTH drag the ground) 😩

Big Floppy? Now its like trying to shoot pool with rope :D

08-08-2019, 02:41 PM
Sounds like the voice of experience. ;)

08-08-2019, 07:30 PM
NASCAR used to bring us together!.....now we got to wait for college football season.....Go Clemson Tigers...!