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View Full Version : Wow! These things are the tits!

10-01-2019, 02:33 PM
I just returned from the VA where they set me up with my new hearing aids. Dang! I never realized how much I was missing. I can hear EVERYTHING now! The weird thing is, I can hear stuff you'd never think of hearing. Example, if I run my fingers through my hair (what little there is of it), it sounds like I'm raking leaves! I also never had a clue how noisy PAPER is ... wad up a piece of paper and it sounds like you're smashing a tin can. I hear my chair squeak when I move ... but never even realized it had a squeak before. I'm still learning and it'll take some getting used to. Just typing on this keyboard sounds like I'm smacking it with a hammer.

And the technology in these things? Wow! I can totally control everything about them with an app. on my iPhone. Volume, balance, pitch (treble, base and mid-range). I have filters. After the appointment, Lynn and I went to lunch and the place was extremely noisy. I picked up my phone, hit "restaurant setting" and all the peripheral noise was muted and it was just pleasant conversation with Lynn. There are enough settings and adjustments on these things, I could play with them for a year and not test everything. No batteries to fool with, they're rechargeable

Another cool thing is, they're on Bluetooth, so anything that comes through my iPhone, comes to my ears. Music, phone conversations, you name it ... it'll go directly through the hearing aids.

They're not the hearing aids of yesterday, you can't even tell I'm wearing them. There is a very small receiver behind each ear, but if I'm wearing glasses, they just look like part of the glasses. One problem I may have is forgetting I have them on as I can't even feel them. I'm kind'a sorry I waited so long to get them TBH. These suckers run $6000 frigging bucks (thank you VA) and are even covered if I break them or lose them (free replacement).

Lynn should be happy, we can turn down the tv now and I won't be constantly asking, "What did he say?" Another plus? I may have to purge the word "huh" from my vocabulary.

These things would be great in the deer woods. I’d hear those suckers coming in before they even crossed the county line! ;)

Happy so far ... even if it DOES mean I'm officially an old fart now. :(

10-02-2019, 09:21 AM
Glad they are working for you Thumper. I know for my dad they were a great improvement to his quality of life as he is now able to participate in conversations instead of just sitting in the corner nodding his head because he couldn't hear what was being said.

10-02-2019, 09:35 AM
Glad they are working for you Thumper. I know for my dad they were a great improvement to his quality of life as he is now able to participate in conversations instead of just sitting in the corner nodding his head because he couldn't hear what was being said.

I lost some of my hearing in the military. I didn't realize it until they compared the results of my entrance (medical) exam with my exit exam. Over the years, it just got progressively worse. It really didn't become a problem until relatively recently. I like to watch tv in bed, but since Lynn has to work, the higher volume I needed became a problem as it would make it harder for her to sleep. Then again, there was that question I'd repeat a hundred times as we'd watch tv together ... "What did he/she say?"

I really don't need them when I'm home alone (like today), but I'm sure they'll help when Lynn's here or in social situations. I think what really fascinates me more than the help they provide, is the technology involved. They SURE aren't my grandfather's hearing aids! I also have to give the VA a thumbs up. They told me I might benefit from hearing aids a few years back, but I put it off. Once I decided to look into it, I was pleasantly surprised as I expected older or cheaper models to be offered. I was given about 10 different choices and was able to adjust the model to my particular lifestyle. What surprised me is, ALL options offered were top of the line models from various manufacturers. I've said it before and will repeat it now, with all the complaints I've heard about the VA system, I've never (personally) witnessed ANY of it. I don't know if it's because my particular units (local VA clinic or Tampa VA hospital) are exceptional, or if many of the complaints are simply unfounded. I suppose it's like any other "business", although they offer the same "product", some are managed better than others. I really don't know.

10-02-2019, 10:22 AM

10-02-2019, 10:30 AM
Naaa, mine are quite a bit more technically advanced than those antiques. ;)


I considered these, but I was afraid portability would be a major issue.


10-02-2019, 01:54 PM
On the bright side, with the size of your head, any of those devices would look small on you. [emoji12]

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10-02-2019, 02:54 PM
Hey! I need a lot of room for brain storage!

10-02-2019, 03:15 PM
In all seriousness those photos are what they used in the old days before radar to try to detect approaching aircraft.


10-02-2019, 03:18 PM
Yessir. True story.