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View Full Version : Music, brings back some of the best memories

11-02-2019, 08:57 PM
Tonight coming home all alone and in the dark, with snow falling, this old song comes on the radio.
Won't tell you which one, but very popular back in the late 50's.
I was a senior and every year our school had a talent show, most of the kids did real talent things like dance and play some instrument , but two buddies and myself decided we'd lip sync this song, no one in all the year of this talent show had ever done lip sync. We brought the house down, everyone was quick to pick up the vibes, and the girls would swoon and sigh and they all stood up and started to clap and dance, Damn teacher didn't know what to do, but they to got into it.
Coming home tonight brought me back to that day, still knew the words and the moves, I was back on stage as I was 56 years ago. Sad thing is my best buddy on stage with me that afternoon was killed in a car wreck about 10 years later, fun and sad memories at the same time on a dark snowy November night.

11-02-2019, 11:03 PM
Did you hack into P-hole’s WiFi system? ;)

11-02-2019, 11:09 PM
I love it when a particular song takes me back to a certain memory. There are songs that I hear and it will remind me of an exact spot and time, as well as what exactly I was doing and who I was with. For some reason, I don’t ever remember a song reminding me of a negative moment.

Umm, why are you keeping your song a secret?

11-03-2019, 09:14 AM
Because I don't have that may stools !!

11-03-2019, 09:48 AM
I think he means that he knows us all well, Jim!


11-03-2019, 11:14 AM
‘63 was prolly a Beach Boys song, but I ain’t so sure how popular surfing songs were in Michigan. Bein’ a car guy, it could’a been 409. :)