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View Full Version : Hey, Postie, did ya hear?????.....

Big Muddy
12-19-2019, 05:56 PM
Your buddy, Bernie Ebbers, got pardoned, today.....he’s legally blind and has a heart disease.....he served all but 4 years of his sentence of 25 years.

12-19-2019, 06:03 PM
I worked at MCI back in the late 70’s to late 80’s, so I’m a member of a group of former MCI employees on Facebook. I can’t stand Bernie, never have liked that sonofabitch and was glad he got the sentence he did. Julie and I lost our ENTIRE life savings for retirement because of him and had to rebuild from almost scratch. It took a lot of hard work and scrimping to do it but we did it.
That said, I amazed by the hatred I am seeing on that FB group. I just messaged the admin yesterday and told him to remove me.

I will never let that old fool get to me again. But I was raised differently than other folks I guess. I ain’t got no room in this pea brain of mine to carry around hatred for some old sick con man.

I hope his family gets some peace with him around in his last days.


Big Muddy
12-19-2019, 06:45 PM
Yep, I have several buddies who lost all their retirement, too.....and, I almost bought some of the stock about 6 weeks prior to the bust.....afterwards, it nose-dived to about 30 cents.