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View Full Version : Bummer .... RIP "Ike"

01-21-2020, 11:29 AM
The oldest man in our town (Isaac “Ike” Newcomer) passed away Friday ... the day before my birthday. :(

The guy was incredible and actually danced into the room where they held his 109th birthday party at an assisted living facility here in town. He loved to dance! Supposedly he was one of the 10 oldest living individuals in the country when he passed.

Here's a quote made by his daughter.

“He was a happy person who wanted to be alive. He intended to be alive, not just sit in his chair and rock away, letting life pass him by.”

He lived that way 'til the end as the following photos were just taken on January 2nd of this year. The guy was incredible and will be missed by our little community here.

11165 11166

01-21-2020, 11:56 AM
Now that is a ripe old age!

RIP Ike!


01-22-2020, 10:57 AM
Amazing.. one of my fishing buddy's mom is 103. still lives alone - has her own teeth.. has refered to me for 60 years (and still does) as "that little heathen" ;) and will clean your clock playing pitch..

quercus alba
01-22-2020, 11:24 AM
And here I thought I was the last human on earth that knew how to play pitch

01-22-2020, 12:33 PM
Back in my AF days in the mid 70’s, the old brown shoe lifers played a lot of pitch and even worse, pinochle. Learning to play was a must in my career field, or you didn’t fit in.

I didn’t like it then and I haven’t played it since.


01-22-2020, 12:49 PM
That dude obviously had a very positive outlook on life which is great to see.

As for Pitch, I haven't a clue but definitely know how to play Pinochle.

01-22-2020, 06:36 PM
I only play pitch on trout fishing trips with that one group.. at the beginning of the night I just throw 5 bucks down and say, "there - now I can drink and talk about fishing while you guys split that up.".. I am *not* a card player..