View Full Version : I'm starting to believe

quercus alba
03-09-2020, 02:53 PM
that the Posthole postulate is true, it doesn't really matter which one of these asswipes we put in the whitehouse, the opposing party will neutralize any thing they try to accomplish so nothing much is going to change. That being the case, why should I work myself up into a lather about something that I have absolutely no control over and isn't going to really change anything?

In the big scheme of things, it really isn't very important. That being said, I need to address an issue of much more weightiness. I'm going to grab a snack then clean out my tackle box which involves staring at it for a few minutes then deciding it really doesn't need cleaning out that bad after all.

03-10-2020, 09:48 AM
lol... my bass tackle bag looks like something a homeless person would have in their shopping cart. I bought a new one.. three years ago, I think.. Got them both out a couple months ago.. looked hard and decided the old one had "character".. and "patina".. Maybe next year...

Oh, and on the "other" subject.. I've decided gridlock is a *good* thing..

03-10-2020, 10:07 AM
For yourTuesday morning chuckle and amusement....


quercus alba
03-10-2020, 11:24 AM
that was a great story, Pat McManus was hilarious

03-10-2020, 02:10 PM
For many years I kept a McManus book on my night stand. My wife said she always knew when I was reading it because of the laughter.


quercus alba
03-10-2020, 02:25 PM
I still think that “the night the bear ate Goombaw” was one of the best

Heck, they were all good

03-10-2020, 03:02 PM
The exploits of him and Crazy Eddie Muldoon were legendary.

“Deer on a Bicycle’ cracks me up every time I read it.