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View Full Version : Need Some Bird Identification...

02-08-2013, 12:07 PM
A FLOCK of these little jokers has set up camp in my back yard for this week. I THINK they are passing through, but I can't be 100% sure. Anyways, they sure seem to like the thistle seeds in my finch feeder.....BUT they are spilling more seeds on the ground than they are eating from the feeder, and then the rest of them (at LEAST 20) mill around under the feeder picking up the seeds.

I have seen this kind of bird in the woods before during deer season. I always just called them "those little green birds". And they sure do make a lot of noise in the leaves when you are trying to listen for a deer.

Anyway, I tried looking up these jokers in my Audubon Field Guide, but I cannot seem to find them in thar. I got some snaps of them and "worked" on them on the computer. Mostly shrinking the pic and cutting out just the birdies. Y'all see if you can figger out what kind of birdies these rascals are.

They've emptied my feeder once this week, and they've just about emptied it again. AND they are rude to the other birds, running them off of the feeders. Well the ones their size anyway. The cardinals don't take no crap from them.


02-08-2013, 12:09 PM
The one with the white bar on its wing is a goldfinch. Looks like he might be traveliing with some bad company with them field sparrows. He's the Jake Spoon of finches I guess.


02-08-2013, 12:14 PM
Pretty sure it's not a gold finch. I does look a bit like a female gold finch, but the beak is the wrong color. Or is that colour?
I am thinking the one that is "goldfinchish" is an adult whatererkindofbird, and the others are juveniles.

02-08-2013, 12:16 PM
could be. the mottling on the chest of the others threw me off but by golly I think that's a goldfinch too. wonder if its last year's brood following the mom around still?


02-08-2013, 12:35 PM
I'll keep my cam handy in case they come back around with some decent sunlight. If they are gold finches, I hope they hang around. I had a few of them coming to the feeder last summer. The males are really something else to see.

02-08-2013, 12:39 PM
I saw on another site that a bird called the Pine Siskin and the Gold Finches hang out together a lot.

02-08-2013, 12:44 PM
They are thistle eating sumbitches too. My wife has cone flowers and blackeyed susans in one bed and the finches wipe those seeds out in late summer.

quercus alba
02-08-2013, 02:23 PM
I believe you nailed it 9er. Pine siskin and a goldfinch. 100% on the GF and about 85% on PS. Don't have my bird identification book handy