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View Full Version : Are people blowing their stimulus checks already?

04-02-2020, 06:06 PM
Ebay exploded on me today. Remember, I don't deal in high dollar items and just stick with little crap I can fit in my mailbox for the postal carrier to pick up. I've already had $365.00 in sales today ... and the day's not over until 3:00 am! (ebay operates on Pacific time)

I guess the check everyone's hoping to receive is already burning a hole in their pockets! Either that or they're bored and sitting at home on the computer and buying shit. Either way, I'm happy so far. If I could do this every day it would be an $11,000 month! Ha! ;)

04-02-2020, 06:12 PM
IRS watchdogs thank you for that information. The rest of us would appreciate a loan.

04-02-2020, 06:39 PM
They know where I live. ;)

If I could figure ebay out, I'd consider myself a genius. My buddy and I attend the same sales and pick up the same sort of stuff. We like to keep 100-125 listings posted at all times to get a decent flow. Similar stuff, similar prices. Right now he has 115 listings posted, I have 112. Pretty even. Sales were real spotty last month. He hasn't had a sale since 3/24 ... I've had 13. Go figure. Today was probably a fluke, so I don't want to get too excited.

04-02-2020, 08:26 PM
Good for you buddy!


04-02-2020, 09:27 PM
Well, the hits just keep coming. The West Coast orders are coming in now. I wonder if this is a fluke, or a harbinger for a good month? Time will tell, but I'm enjoying the ride today. ;)

04-03-2020, 06:58 AM
Sold 3 more items since the post above, as well as one inquiry to ask for a price cut. 6 People are watching the item, so I told him to pound sand for a month and if it hasn't sold by then, we can talk. ;)

Yesterday was NOT the norm. I'm not sure what happened, but I have to wonder if this virus thing and people being cooped up in their houses has anything to do with it. It could just be "boredom purchasing". Who knows?

04-03-2020, 10:08 AM
another thing I'm "noticing" about ebay, Jim.. I usually keep around 20 knives on my watch list.. There are a number of buyers (like me) who don't care to do the bidding war - so jump in at the last minute with max bids. best bids seem to come on Fri/Sat mid evening.. 2:00 a.m. on a week night - not so much.. I'm sure you have a better handle the I..

04-03-2020, 11:30 AM
I have to wonder if this virus thing and people being cooped up in their houses has anything to do with it. It could just be "boredom purchasing". Who knows?
That would be my guess

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04-03-2020, 06:58 PM
Like I said, I can never figure out the patterns at eBay ... I actually tried to keep track (on paper) years ago so that I could figure the best times to start/end my ads. As it turned out, there really is no pattern that I could discern.

Today? So far, nuttin' ... zip, nada ... nuttin' but crickets. Go figure. :huh

Edit: Friday eventually came through with ONE dang $30 sale last night. Oh well, it's $30 I didn't have this time yesterday.