View Full Version : Strange tornado damage.....

Big Muddy
04-14-2020, 01:34 PM
This is a tornado-destroyed home in Laurel, MS from last weekend's tornado outbreak.....notice the untouched dishes and the pound cake on the counter-top.....an EMT friend sent me this pic.


quercus alba
04-14-2020, 02:09 PM
They can do strange things. I worked with a guy that lived in a mobile home and when the alarm went off, he drug a mattress off the bed and got under it in the hallway. He ended up in the yard still under the mattress but they found his trailer over a mile away, mostly intact.

I'm sure if they would have had cool whip and strawberries beside the pound cake it would have all been gone, nothing or nobody can resist that

04-14-2020, 02:37 PM
That’s a lot of power to lift a roof off like that. I wonder what the total weight of a roof would be?

Impressive, but I’d just as soon not see any more close up in my life.


Big Muddy
04-14-2020, 03:04 PM
Me, either, Tpost.....3 is enough for me.....picked up dead people(entire family) from the second one.

04-15-2020, 08:10 AM
Maybe its a pound and a half cake? :p


04-15-2020, 08:23 AM
That’s a lot of power to lift a roof off like that. I wonder what the total weight of a roof would be? BKB

I doubt it has much to do with weight. Heck, I always wonder how a heavy-assed airliner full of fuel, people and cargo ever manages to get off the ground with those dinky-assed wings. Or how you can take off in a C5A loaded down with two friggin' Bradley tanks in the cargo hold. Air can do some crazy things!

04-15-2020, 10:34 AM
The strangest is when you see grass stems stuck in trees and telephone poles (there’s a throwback name) from the low pressure in a tornado causing the wood to open up its fibers.
That may be partly why the roof can become airborne too.


04-15-2020, 10:39 AM
Yessir, I'm sure air pressure plays a major roll. As you mentioned above, I saw a picture of a straw driven through a telephone pole by a tornado many years ago and that picture has been one of those things that I've never forgotten and think about many times during conversations like this one.

Here's one from Joplin, Mo. Figure THIS one out!

11524 11525

04-15-2020, 10:53 AM
Farm house. Can't get there, afraid to leave the house, and all roads are impassable now, full of power poles and wires and trees. The whole county is still out of power.

04-15-2020, 10:56 AM
Ouch! Not good Buckster, but it could'a been a LOT worse. Sorry about the damage ... been there, done that with hurricanes and it's never fun.

04-15-2020, 03:26 PM
That's apparently what this was. The line came through the state AFTER that big mass went East all over E. America. It parted right at Conway, and I thought "Wow, I'm living right". But it hit Arkansas County and the farm house and they estimate 100 mph. Still no power in the county. Still impassable roads. Power at house may be weeks away.

Adjuster just called and they allowing a semi-decent amount for roof repair, so I'm very much luckier than many in the county.

04-16-2020, 10:22 AM
Sorry to hear about the damage Bucky.