View Full Version : Late freeze/snow

04-15-2020, 12:01 PM
I just took a turn around the old homestead and yep, that dreaded late freeze got us again this year.

It was kind of sad looking at all of the peach, pear, and cherry blossoms covered in snow and knowing that I'll have to wait until next season for them. Last year we didn't have any apples but were loaded on pears and cherries. Odd because the apples are later than they are. Go figure.

I started a new orchard when we first moved in and chose late blooming apples. But there ain't no such thing as a late blooming cherry or peach. I was planning on a couple new pear trees next year so I guess I'll need to go late blooming for them as well. But it is sad. Hopefully the remaining stuff does well and the garden produces this year.


04-15-2020, 12:03 PM
We barely escaped it here. Got to 35 the past few morning but was 38 this morning. My folks live 120 mi south of me and they got a killing frost.

Which reminds me, i gotta go uncover my maters.


04-15-2020, 12:13 PM
I have trouble even imagining it. We were in the mid-90's last weekend and have been in the high-80's all week here. Sorry about the loss Willie ... that sucks.

04-15-2020, 12:17 PM
30 degrees right now, ground was white when we woke up, sun's out so it's all melting.

04-15-2020, 12:25 PM
All of my maters are in little planting containers on the table in front of me. I can't imagine putting them out before the end of May. But they look healthy so far and the peppers are going bonkers. :)

It is funny, I never paid attention to late freezes except as far as it impacted mast production for deer hunting. And this ain't close to being late enough to get the acorns. I was watching this develop last week hoping that the weather folks were wrong. They weren't. At least I hadn't put out my potatoes yet. The ground may be warm enough in a week or so.


04-15-2020, 01:19 PM
Ihave peaches, pears, plums, apples, and cherry trees planted around my place. They’ve been bit the last two out of three years. They ought to put on a helluva crop if blackberry winter doesn’t get them here in a couple weeks. unless in this new clusterfonian world we live in this cold snap wasn’t our normal blackberry winter. I haven’t been out to seeif they’re blooming or not.


04-15-2020, 01:40 PM
It's been the coolest, driest spring I can remember from 15 years of living on the Island. Lots of morning frost which is very unusual. It should be wet, warm and stormy this time of year but so far, nada for rain. Could be a long, hot, forest fire season if this keeps up. Just what we need right now.

04-15-2020, 01:50 PM
Johnboy! No shit? Has it been 15 years already? Man, it's scary how fast time is flying by these days. :(

04-15-2020, 02:47 PM
Seems like just the other day we were watching TW and Bucky try to trailer the old Lund. Good times!

04-15-2020, 02:49 PM
I sure miss Tee Dub. I think of him every time I drive through Sioux Narrows on my way to Dogtooth.


04-15-2020, 02:52 PM
Seems like just the other day we were watching TW and Bucky try to trailer the old Lund. Good times!

Ha ha ha! The blind leading the blind! :lmao

Wasn't that the same trip where TW lost his butt-plug and 'bout sank his boat? Then buried his Jeep trying to pull his trailer out of the drink with the elebenty-bazillion pound (or was that kilos?) boat full of water loaded on it! Those were good times. I miss all of it and TW is sorely missed.

04-15-2020, 03:04 PM
And every since that day, I have about 8 boat "butt plugs" as you call them, lying in the splash well of the boat. Every time I see them, I think of that. I also make SURE that I turn the ears of the plug sideways so they don't stick out below the line of the boat bottom. All because of John's plug getting pulled out by seaweed of all things.

I know Dubber sure was proud to use that Jeep Cherokee to pull out a 4WD Chevy, which was trying to pull out a boat. Truth is, a SxS would have been enough to add that little bit of extra oomph to get him out.

Owning a 40 foot 5th wheel, I have learned to back about anything last few years. The ramp on Canal C54 in Indian River County, FL will test any man's abilities, too.

04-15-2020, 03:18 PM
Wow! Thanks for the clarification Bucky. I had it all bassackwards I guess. I thought it was TW who lost his buttplug and buried his Jeep ... then Johnboy pulled him out with the diesel monster! My memory is all fubar'd! I know I DO have pics though ... I should'a taken a look at them first ... IF I could even figure out where they are right now. This getting old crap is for the birds. :(

04-15-2020, 03:26 PM
Wow! Thanks for the clarification Bucky. I had it all bassackwards I guess. I thought it was TW who lost his buttplug and buried his Jeep ... then Johnboy pulled him out with the diesel monster! My memory is all fubar'd! I know I DO have pics though ... I should'a taken a look at them first ... IF I could even figure out where they are right now. This getting old crap is for the birds. :(

Tweet tweet.