View Full Version : Another example of "brilliant minds". Sorry Canada.

05-01-2020, 12:42 PM
So this Wortman dude shoots up a bunch of people in Canada. Agreed, it's tragic and a terrible loss of innocent lives, but give me a frigging break! Here's a police statement on the weapons used:

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said on Tuesday that the Nova Scotia gunman, Gabriel Wortman, had been armed with two semi-automatic rifles and several semi-automatic pistols.

So what does Trudeau do? He immediately bans assault "style" weapons although only ONE of the many weapons used was considered "assault-style".

Another good one to ponder:

The new ban would probably not have stopped Wortman from obtaining his weapons: he did not have a license to possess or purchase firearms, and police have said they believe the guns were obtained illegally in Canada and the United States.

Well duh!

Next thing ya' know, they'll ban the Hummer! Just think how many people standing in line to buy concert tickets that you could mow down with one of those things. Sure, you could accomplish the same thing with a Ford F-150, but it's not "military-style"!

Chicken Dinner
05-01-2020, 01:23 PM
But, they politicians get to look like they’re doing something And people “feel” safer.

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05-01-2020, 02:23 PM
"I came to Ottawa with the firm belief that the only people in this country who should have guns are police officers and soldiers." Quote by Liberal Justice Minister (1993–1997). He did forget to mention criminals, of course.

The long term plan of the Liberal Party of Canada has been to systematically disarm the people of Canada and the disgrace that is happening now is another step in this plan.

My country is in deep trouble thanks to Truedope and his cabal. For the first time as a Canadian, I fear for my country.

05-01-2020, 03:42 PM
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I need more ammo....

for real though...gun sales Skyrocket every time a Democrat screams this/that^ bullshit!

OT but:....what's up with Joe Biden does he suffer from Alzheimer's or what?....he's going to be an embarrassment if that's their final choice.

05-01-2020, 03:51 PM
Ummmm ... Ok .... but I don't think the Canadians are too worried about Biden. :huh

05-01-2020, 04:14 PM
Look to Canada if you want to see what an out of control liberal (leftist) govt can do to destroy a country. I fear we will be the next Venezuela. Not kidding here, we are in serious trouble and far too many Canadians don't seem to notice. We have grown soft and complacent just like any potential totalitarian regime would want. We are ripe for a takeover.

05-01-2020, 04:58 PM
Johnboy, taking your guns was one of Trudeau's campaign promises ... he was just looking for an excuse and jumped all over this one the minute it happened. 1500 different weapons are on his banned list and any present owners of those guns have a 2-year amnesty period to "get rid of them"! Of course, it's now illegal to use them during that amnesty period. Who knows what the impetus will be for his next step, especially since Blair is in total lock-step with Trudeau? Don't you find it odd this didn't come up until AFTER your 2019 elections? Nice timing on the Liberal's part.

05-01-2020, 05:03 PM
The exchange rate is $1.41 Looneys/$1 US Samolean. Just keep it fucked up until after the Annual in early August will ya? With gas thischeap and the rate so good I may have to go in the fall too.


05-01-2020, 05:06 PM
Ummmm ... Ok .... but I don't think the Canadians are too worried about Biden. :huh

Thumper...>I said OT......slang Bro

@johnboy...if Trump loses to Biden...>we are immediately in the same shoes down here as you are.

05-01-2020, 05:15 PM
Exactly what I was saying ab. If you get a liberal, commie-pinko government, this is the shit they do. The really frightening thing about this firearm ban/confiscation scheme is that it was done 'in cabinet' which means without any parlimentary review or debate. Just done, so a big fuck you Canada from the Liberals. You all need to watch what goes on up here if you want a taste of leftist government. It ain't pretty unless your a commie.

05-01-2020, 05:16 PM
Sorry, I'm not up on my slang A/B. Occupational Therapist? ;)

05-01-2020, 05:20 PM
airbud. Geesh Jim, try to keep up. :biggrin

05-01-2020, 05:20 PM
Exactly what I was saying ab. If you get a liberal, commie-pinko government, this is the shit they do. The really frightening thing about this firearm ban/confiscation scheme is that it was done 'in cabinet' which means without any parlimentary review or debate. Just done, so a big fuck you Canada from the Liberals. You all need to watch what goes on up here if you want a taste of leftist government. It ain't pretty unless your a commie.

Yep, like an Executive Order here. But how the "F" did a Frog get elected in the first place? Does Quebec control the elections up there?

05-01-2020, 05:23 PM
airbud. Geesh Jim, try to keep up. :biggrin

Ha ha ha! You goofy Canuckian! YOU need to keep up. I was addressing Air Bud's use of OT ... how do YOU get Occupational Therapist out of A/B? You been hittin' the Labatt Blue today. :poke

But seriously, the speed at which Trudeau shoved this down your throats should be super alarming. I'll bet there will be a ton of backlash over this ... at least I hope so. Surely Canada hasn't become THAT complacent.

05-01-2020, 05:43 PM
Thumper...>OT can mean "Off Topic" or "On Topic" ....Off Topic you left the current topic and made a second opinion on something that might or might not be relevant to the current topic...

Kind of like.... >I'm just going to throw this in here....take it or leave it without even making an entirely new thread for the "different" thought I had.

usually very opinionated though.

05-01-2020, 06:22 PM
Sorry Jim. So pissed I'm not tracking well.

05-01-2020, 06:48 PM
Totally understandable John.

But one question, by “pissed”, do you mean American pissed, or Canuckian pissed? Two different things you know. ;)

Of course, after a few Labatts and thinking over what’s going on up there, you could be both! :)