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View Full Version : My life is much simpler and happier

quercus alba
06-17-2020, 11:05 AM
since I quit watching the news, ESPN, discussing politics or any other thing I have no control over and cannot change. I'll cast my vote for the Donald in November and pray for the best. Until then I'm doing things worthy of my time such as family, yard work and wearing out the bream and white perch on a regular basis

06-17-2020, 12:01 PM

06-17-2020, 12:46 PM
I used to be a big news watcher but hardly turn it on anymore. Same shit, different day kinda stuff now. I still watch Tucker every night however.

06-17-2020, 02:10 PM
That’s a good life QA! I miss baseball but not really much else sports wise. And a baseball season of any length with the DH in both leagues is not gonna work for me. So I may miss baseball totally this year regardless what they do.

I watch a few news shows on CNN, but get most of my news online from The Hill and the local Tulsa paper. morning coffee, walk my 2 1/2 miles with my dogs, newspapers, and then ‘executive time’ and then whatever my family has planned for me to do. I manage to fish once a week, once ever two weeks. The rest is working in my little garden.

Pretty boring eh?


06-17-2020, 02:32 PM
I'm also an EX news junkie. I simply don't watch it anymore for the same reasons stated. They all seem to get on a subject and run it into the ground. Really, do we need elebenty-bazillion hours of never ending coverage on the SAME subject, with the same videos and rhetoric over and over and over until you want to throw a brick through the screen?

Ebay keeps me busy, so I have that to fall back on. Lynn and I are leaving tomorrow morning for a little weekend getaway (the first in AGES) and will be returning Sunday night. Other than that, we haven't done hardly anything. I'm taking Lynn and a Philippino girlfriend of hers fishing next Thursday. She's been dying to go fishing but her hubby (retired ex-Air Farce dude) does nothing but play video games on his computer 24/7. We take her out with us any chance we get and she's a lot of fun to have around. I promised to take them to try catching some pan fish from the doc, but we may end up just drowning bait. Heck, we should at LEAST be able to pull in a few bream.

quercus alba
06-17-2020, 05:35 PM
"Since there is six times as much water as there is land, any fool can plainly see that man is to fish six times as much as he works."

" Fishing is of infinitely more importance than time wasted on politics, sports, and the crusade of the moment

and lastly I quote Rancid Crabtree "whenever you're not fishing you're just frittering away your time.

06-17-2020, 06:00 PM


