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View Full Version : Vision quershun.......

Big Muddy
07-16-2020, 08:50 PM
I had my annual eye exam, yesterday, and my cataracts have advanced to the point that doc wants to remove them, and install new lens.....the standard operation and lens replacement are covered by Medicare, but he said if I no longer want to wear glasses, and to correct my astigmatism, then he recommends the premium Toric iol lens, which will be an additional $950 per eye out-of-pocket expense to me because it is not covered by Medicare.....I've talked to several folks, and nearly everyone recommends, ponying up for the premium Toric iol lens.
Any advice from any of you guys with first-hand knowledge about this surgery and/or the lens options???

quercus alba
07-16-2020, 10:18 PM
Eddie when I had my cataracts surgery, I went with a single power lens and carry a pair of cheap readers. This Toric iol lens is supposed to eliminate that and give you 20-20 again. If it works like they say it is well worth the extra money. I’d read every independent review I could find before pulling the trigger. Bifocal contacts were supposed to do the same thing but failed miserably. My optometrist said he sold over six hundred pair and only had six people order a second pair.

Be absolutely sure that’s what you want. There are online forums you can talk to people about it, online optometrists you can ask too. Do your research first. As far the surgery, East peasy japanesy. Just don’t eat beans the night before. When that pain killer kicks in you’ll fart like a plow mule and won’t care who hears it

Good stuff them painkillers

07-16-2020, 10:45 PM
Just a curiosity question but does it correct vision to 20/20 that wasn’t that good before cataracts?


quercus alba
07-16-2020, 11:08 PM
As I understand it, when you correct astigmatism, doesn't that return your vision to normal where corrective lens aren't needed? Maybe I should have said normal, not everyone has 20-20 vision. Cataracts causes blurred vison, I think astigmatism is usually associated with myopia

07-17-2020, 08:06 AM
I have no idea. I’m wandering into cataract territory age-wise and was hoping for some good news!


quercus alba
07-17-2020, 08:54 AM
I've worn corrective lens for 50 years, blind as a bat without them. When my cataracts got bad enough to need surgery (doc said they were ripe) I was given a choice of a long range lens that I'd need readers with or a short range lens which would need glasses or contacts. I went with the long range and from four feet and out I have great vision, any closer and I need my cheaters.

07-17-2020, 09:30 AM
Wife had her one eye done about 4 years ago, went with a $3000 upgrade using a lens that cured everything. BIG MISTAKE !!!
It did not work, and she still requires glasses.
Had her other eye done about two years later with just the single power lens, no out of the pocket extra, works great, she really feels cheated on her first choice.
Being an old fart, my yearly eye check-up shows no Cataract problems for me, but I sure could use some hearing transplants.

07-17-2020, 09:40 AM
Bubba, I’ll bet Thumper could find you one of those hearing horns at an estate sale.



07-17-2020, 10:05 AM
According to my wife, that would help.

07-17-2020, 10:10 AM
Funny thing is, I actually DO find hearing aids at 99% of the sales I go to. Think about it, how many old farts DON'T have hearing aids? It sounds kind'a gross, but maybe I should look into the resale value of those things. I know they can be cleaned and the ear pieces are regularly replaced anyway (disposable). Heck, I may have a new business idea here.

That said, I finally bit the bullet and got hearing aids from the VA. I lost some of my hearing in the military and it's only gotten worse over the years. These things are high tech and I was told they run about $6000.00 EACH! That's nuts, but they didn't cost me anything. These dang things are so tiny, nobody's ever been able to tell I'm wearing them. They have GPS so I can find them if I lose them (how do you lose a hearing aid?). They have blue tooth and I can completely control them from my iPhone. There are different settings I can change with my phone, like "restaurant" settings, "Movie theater" settings, etc. including volume adjustment, bass/treble, etc etc. I can check the battery levels and they are rechargeable via USB. Heck, TBH, I don't remember what all these things are capable of. They're really slick. I wish I'd had them in the deer woods, I could'a cranked 'em up and heard a deer sneaking through the woods from a mile away.

Also, with the blue tooth, any of my phone calls go directly through my hearing aids automatically. Or music, etc. Pretty cool. There was a bit of a learning curve though, I have to remember exactly where my phone is at all times. It's hard to get used to. When the phone rings with an incoming call, it goes directly into your ears. At first, I'd find myself looking all around for my phone because the ringing doesn't come from a "direction". Normally, your phone rings and you automatically look toward the sound. It's a weird feeling when you just stare and have no idea where the sound is coming from! :stupid:

07-17-2020, 11:17 AM
That must be how the gummint puts all those crazy ideas in your head. They talk to you at night through those things.


07-17-2020, 11:35 AM
Naaaaa, they only do that to Democrats. Republicans are smart enough to remove them at night. It's much quieter that way. ;)

07-17-2020, 11:54 AM
you better make sure your hearing aids aren’t made by George Soros!


07-17-2020, 11:54 AM
you better make sure your hearing aids aren’t made by George Soros!


07-21-2020, 02:44 PM