View Full Version : Saddest Trip report Ever

08-07-2020, 03:57 PM
I went to Larke's funeral. Drove down Tuesday night. I considered myself a representative of goodhunting and those of us who have met, talked to, joked with, or otherwise loved that hardworking man. HH, Barry, and Arty were all tied in knots that they couldn't make it for very good reasons. I was happy to be there for us all.

During the visitation it was my turn to greet Cheryl, David and the family. It was really awkward. I consider Cheryl a friend. She's a sweet woman, always been nice to me, and god knows she's a saint for putting up with Larke all these years! She and I froze in the most socially awkward way possible. We wanted to hug but you can't. I blathered some stupid shit about COVID sucks and she mumbled something about blah blah safe and then David out of nowhere came up and put a big old bear hug on me. That made things better. They were both barely hanging on, shocked, exhausted and dismayed I think would describe it.

The goodhunting spray was awesome. Better than the others and bigger! Larkes ashes were in a big ass fishing bobber urn! Perfect. Even had one of his fishing rods in the spread with hose godawful Spirex reels he loved so much :D

A few people came up to eulogize Larke, among them was David. He touched on how he was raised and that he didn't always understand what the hell his dad was doing. He then proceeded to tell the story of when Larke, David, Barry, Hank and I all went on a weekend cabin trip on the Shenandoah. I think it was like, 10 years ago. There was a stretch called Compton Rapids. Barry and I were behind the pack in my big ass wide canoe, us both being full figured gals. I kept yelling up the river that they were coming to the rapids and to stay to river left. Anyway, they entered the rapid on river right which basically fucks you from the start. they started turning sideways and Larke was yelling to David, "turn around backwards! We need to go down backwards!" Anyway, they hit a rock in the middle of the river and David was scrambling to grab poles and gear as the canoe slowly started to swamp... he collected everything he could, looks up on the bank and Larke is standing on the bank just fine. So remember, going forward isn't the only way to get thru something difficult!

The procession was awesome. Very moving. Lots of Sheriff and Police cars from both of Larkes previous departments were part of the escort and blocked off every intersection for the drive to the family burial plot. The Masons were there in full force and said those weird Mason things and laid an apron on his ash container. They had a 21 gun salute. The preacher, who was a friend of Larke's (shocker) said to the crowd to think of something positive to be happy about... "Be as happy as the animals in the woods today, knowing that Larke won't be in the woods with a gun again. Think of how happily the fish are swimming now that Larke is done fishing!" It was funny.

All in all, very glad I was able to go. I hope I represented us ok.

Big Muddy
08-07-2020, 04:18 PM
Len, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to attend, and represent the GH family.

08-07-2020, 04:40 PM
Len, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to attend, and represent the GH family.

No problem, my friend!

I read my report and it comes across as woe is me type crap. I sure didn't mean it like that. I was proud to be there and I know that most of us would be there if we could have been. I only sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes or so trying to work up the whateveryouneedforthosethings and go in :D

Big Muddy
08-07-2020, 04:58 PM
Len, I've had to do the exact same thing, out in the parking lot, a few times in my life.....once, I even had to crank up my truck, and leave the funeral of a dear Masonic friend.....I just could not bring myself to face the family.

08-07-2020, 06:07 PM
Thanks Len. P-hole and I both discussed at length the pros and cons of attending. It's only a 9-hr. drive for me (most likely more like 8-ish the way I normally drive), but with my age and health conditions as well as knowing there would most likely be a HUGE crowd, I thought it would be best to bail. I was just about to contact P-hole with my decision when he contacted me saying he was going to bail for the exact same reasons. He has a double-whammy to worry about when it comes to being exposed to large crowds in today's environment. I'm glad at least SOMEBODY was able to make it to represent us. That's great news about the spray ... I hope it was looked at as a symbol of the love and respect we had for the man.

08-07-2020, 06:37 PM
No problem, my friend!

I read my report and it comes across as woe is me type crap. I sure didn't mean it like that. I was proud to be there and I know that most of us would be there if we could have been. I only sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes or so trying to work up the whateveryouneedforthosethings and go in :D

Len, it’s ok to be “woe is me”. He was a good friend to you. Hiding the fact that you aren’t sad about his apey ass not sending you forty lebben tik tok videos a day doesn’t cast shade on those that are hurting more than you.

It’s ok to weep and wail. Just don’t gnash your teeth.
Not saying you did any of that, but he sure did love picking on your ass. And you loved him doing it.
A little wow is me might do the body good when you say it out loud.

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quercus alba
08-07-2020, 07:20 PM
Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't know but what caused Cap's death? Was it unexpected or something he kept hidden?

08-07-2020, 07:27 PM
Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't know but what caused Cap's death? Was it unexpected or something he kept hidden?

According to his sister in law (posted on the evil and risky Facebook)... he collapsed at home.
Attempts to revive by EMT unsuccessful. I’m saying that on here only because I’m pretty sure her post was shared a bazillion times and it’s no secret.

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08-07-2020, 08:24 PM
Thanks Len, glad you were there.

08-07-2020, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the report and representing us.

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08-08-2020, 06:37 AM
I could only just now sit down and read your trip report, Len. You done a deed, brother. Thank you.

This is still too fresh for me to talk about. Larke always talked about how he wanted to leave his tracks in the mud here or there. He sure left them across my heart, I can tell you that.


08-09-2020, 04:04 PM
Thank you Len.

Big Skyz
08-11-2020, 10:19 AM
I really appreciate you posting this Len. .

08-11-2020, 09:17 PM
He sure left them across my heart, I can tell you that.

That’s about as true as it gets, brother.

08-17-2020, 02:33 PM
Thank you kindly sir for being there and for posting this.